Ghostbusters weekend estimate blatantly false

>comes in fifth on Fri
>but it totally tied for third over the weekend!
>we all got 21,600,000! Equality! Yay!

The damage control is amazing

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Ice Age fucking bombed.

>Hillary's America
is this actually a movie in a cinema?

how many fucking ice age flicks have they made

Poor Ice Age...

They're milking the shit out of it...

At least the first one was kino...

idk if I'd go so far as to call it kino, but it was nice. Original came out 14 fucking years ago.

>I don't understand box office estimates work

it's so close they won't know who actually won until actuals come out monday

lights out and ice age also included thursday previews ya dumb fucking shit

ghostbusters made 1 million more than lights out and ice age on saturday

They already posted the box office numbers for today, which they can't possibly know yet.

its not going to reach $100m at this rate.

Yes. When he made his last movie about Obama it was in my local theater for a month, even when down to just one screening.

Although that might be down to the people who run the theater. They show all those Pure Flix films but never showed Spotlight when it came out.

Has it really been 14 years? Fuck I remember seeing that shit when I was a wee lad.
The days really do go by.

Yes, made by convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza as an idiotic attempt at propaganda.

I watched some video of him pimping his last movie bragging about how he went to jail. He was actually telling people that the film itself, not the election fraud, was why he was incarcerated. It was pretty slimy.

Yeah, he said that Obama was getting back at him for "telling the truth."
The sad thing is, people actually believe him.
And he's championed by the people who want to stop election fraud and yet give him a fee pass because he's defrauding the electorate for them.

>Ice Age bombing
finally, BlueSky will stop milking this shit

>This film is going to struggle to get north of 200 million dollary doos worldwide.

I know it's very hard for people like you to ever step out of your comfort zone and try to listen to sources other than John Oliver and Steven Colbert, but you really should try to at least listen to the other side of the story before making your opinion on something.

Can't wait to make a collage off all the ''babby men'' reviews and internet articles about muhsoggykneee next to the final box office total.

This movie is going to haunt alot of peoples careers for the rest of their lives.

Patton Oswalt, Paul Feig, SJW's, Femnazis, Movie Rewiewers ya'll getting put on blast.

>believing D'souza's lies
The nigger committed election fraud and went to jail for it.

I hope it kills Amy Pascals career.

the problem isn't whether or not you believe him, the problem is that people like you refuse to even just listen to his side of the story. You were told what to believe and you are perfectly happy to believe it without applying any form of critical thinking because it fits into your world view. This is very typical for liberals when they are to judge a conservative person for their crimes.

>faggot gets caught stealing money and rigging an election
>says he's being persecuted
>niggers like you think there's "more" to the story than nigger getting caught red handed
So cute.

>I know it's very hard for people like you to ever step out of your comfort zone and try to listen to sources other than Sup Forums, but you really should try to at least listen to the other side of the story before making your opinion on something.

I don't give a fuck about this movie, but you circlejerking Sup Forumstards are annoying as fuck. Go back to your containment board where you belong.

He plead guilty. If he genuinely had a strong case, he would've taken it to trial.

open your eyes, he only plead guilty because he knew the system is rigged for shillary



Wait star trek the movie is out? Shit man after not having cable for two months I stop losing concept of what movies are out.

I share your sentiments, but try not to make such a faggot fedora post around here next time.

>made by convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza
I guess he felt some kinda kinship with crooked Hillary. (Not that I like Trump and what he says, but she is a fucking crook.)


He went to jail for donating too much. Something many people do but don't get shit for. It was used to punish him like how they used to convict gangsters who Jay walked.

>defending Dinesh
He's the right-wing Michael Moore.

it's supposed to be propaganda against Hillary. The guy is a religious right-wing nut job

Except Michael Moore is actually a good filmmaker, despite the propaganda

>watch camrip
>main antagonist is the definition of a woman hating virgin

Jesus christ. Who thought this was a good idea? Who thought it was a good idea for the main cast to kill the ghostbusters logo?

He is in my opinion a good example of a immigrant who assimilates the culture. He loves this country, understands the history and wants to defend our right. He even married a mild white bitch. I am a developer I work with many Indians all they want is to bring more of them here and change our laws to more like India and suppress what made us great. So yes he is like a right wing Michael Moore but I still consider him a good American and what more immigrants should strive to be.

>Says one rival distribution chief, “They allegedly made this film because there’s an enormous love for the franchise. If this is in fact the case, why would you go and alienate that core group?”

based rival distribution chief

No he is not. His documentaries are full of half truths hyperbole and strawmans. He went on the Letterman show once and quized an American in the audience on Canadian history and politics and a Canadian on American politics. The Canadian got everything right the American got everything wrong. He smugly used that example to show Americans are stupid. That's a false test because everything America does is thrust into the spotlight and nobody gives a fuck about Canada. So by pure Osmosis everyone picks up American history and politics. A better test would be to test an American and Canadian on politics in Denmark or some other neutral country but that would be too honest.

for comparison
Production Budget: $155 million
Worldwide: $440,603,537 (basically flop, Bloomberg Business estimated that the film would have needed to earn at least $450 million during its theatrical run to break even, In January 2016, Paramount announced that the sequel was removed from their release schedule)

The Martian
Production Budget: $108 million
Worldwide: $630,161,890

Furious 7
Production Budget: $190 million
Worldwide: $1,516,045,911

Independence Day: Resurgence
Production Budget: $165 million
Worldwide: $343,667,914 ("Falling well-below expectations, it was considered "a box office disappointment"")

Central Intelligence
Production Budget: $50 million
Worldwide: $184,185,694

The Secret Life of Pets
Production Budget: $75 million
Worldwide: $290,940,909

The Jungle Book (2016)
Production Budget: $175 million
Worldwide: $938,142,897

Production Budget: $58 million
Worldwide: $782,370,866

>Ghostjusters cost only 30 million less than The Jungle Book
>Disney movie with a cast that has some of the biggest actors in Hollywood, a director of Iron Man and basically photo-realistic CGI the whole film
>Movie with sNL cast members, a hack director, shit production value

Where did the whole budget go? Did the production crew get paid twice as much as any other movie because muh wage gap?


I'd imagine they wasted a lot on advertisement.

That's only production budget (which they reportedly went over)
Merchandising and advertisement budget isn't disclosed

>Where did the whole budget go? Did the production crew get paid twice as much as any other movie because muh wage gap?
The suspicion is that Feig was inexperienced in handling anything more than 50million, and he ended up ordering special effects that was expensive but was under or never used.

For example, they built a robot slimer. But then cheap CGI was used to replace it instead. Makes you wonder why they even bothered.

>14 years ago
Oh my god....


The only reason they make ice age is because Russians love the series.


>No he is not. His documentaries are full of half truths hyperbole and strawmans.

He said filmmaker, not truth-teller

It killed it with Foreign markets though.

American children are patrician compared to foreignplebs.

Why are people defending this movie bring up Batman begins as proof that this movie will be successful? i dont get it

> $105 million budget
> $21,000,000 domestic haul
> $178,995,170 in foreign markets

Yeah, they'll be fine. It might not do as well as past Ice Age films - which hopefully means they'll finally stop cranking out these lazy garbage cash grabs - but they'll make a profit.

The kid audience who grew up with it are too old now. I remember taking my neice to the first one. She said she was too old to see this one so we went to lights out instead.

They're in denial. Anyone who thinks this movie has a chance in hell needs a reminder that it's banned in China, one of their biggest markets. It's dead, Jim.

but Batman begins cost 150 (plus marketing) and then it made 300 world wide

It was good enough to make dark knight. so, was it because of DVD sales

>The suspicion is that Feig was inexperienced in handling anything more than 50million, and he ended up ordering special effects that was expensive but was under or never used.

No surprise it looks like a fucking Scooby-doo movie. Way to show your artists work if you put neon light on everything.

i hoped for that with the sony leaks but if the leaks didn't do it, nothing will. She's untouchable for some reason.... I dont understand why but, she is

You're just making stuff up now.

I don't think Ghostbusters has the cinematic weight of the superhero universe. They had mountains of comics and previous reboots to draw from with Batman. They also had an attractive male actor and a lot of passionate people working on it. Also, Morgan Freeman. I mean, shit, he just needs to exist in a movie and it'll sell.

It's mainly cause she stepped down after the e-mail leaks. She's not exactly working at Sony but running a production company now.

Ghostbusters has the films, the cartoons and the comics to take ideas from, which has stuff that someone with competence could've used and made a better film, even while doing a reboot. You could even still use the same cast as a different team in another area.

CTR they don't pay you to troll Sup Forums, get back to Sup Forums

is this fucking real? i thought from the thumbnail this was going to be a joke

what I mean is that I thought she would be fully ruined and have no career after the leaks

He's right.

From production shots, the ghosts were literally people wearing neon lights. It's incredible.

>facts are propaganda

I never understood why they use blue and not neon green, at least green would go with the theme of the other movies and with Slimer. it makes no sense he chose blue

A lot of the ghosts were originally green and got changed to blue. You can actually see it in early and later trailers. Pretty weird.

Its a lot more complex than just if theater run = budget x2. They don't lose money on these things. They own it forever and you don't hear about the money from selling distribution rights, dvd sales, embedding advertising, tv rights etc etc.

They used Feig only because hes available, he could get an actor, and he could get insurance because he hadn't flopped yet.

>the file name

Yeah but every Hollywood remake does that though. Even game remakes do it.

>Have longrunning franchise
>reboot/remake/new entry in franchise coming up
>instead of taking anything from the EU/cartoons, simply rehash the exact plot of the first movie.

In the case of the video game Devil May Cry remake, it meant erasing everything from the franchise but Mundus, Vergil, and Dante. In the case of Ghostbusters it meant no Extreme Ghostbusters team, no Samhain, no Grundle or Boogieman. Just slimer, Stay Puft, and Goze- sorry, Zuul.

99% of Hollywood writers and executives know nothing about the franchises thug adapt, and they don't care. The writers look at Wikipedia or watch the first one and ignore everything else because it's easier than actually researching what people actually like.

In the case of Hollywood remakes there's also a lot of Hollywood masturbation since they assume that movies are always the most important part of any franchise. Most filmmakers and film writers are film nerds, not comic or cartoon ones, so they only care about film.

Basically everything is terrible and remakes are never good.

so they are lying about how much the other movies made?

This isn't going to be a film with a long tail of sales.

Very unlikely those sales will come close to matching the advertising budget.

That reminds me. Seeing Slimer's initial appearance the CG looks pretty good, I mean if they were going to do a actual GB3 they would have used CG, not sure if they'd go the JJ Abrams route using puppets too. Anyway by the time we see Slimer again with girl Slimer the CG looks like complete ass, it's as if it someone else's work, or they just rushed it and didn't bother to finish the scene.

That was the 15M they scraped after the one from fox went into sony.

Well what do you expect from an industry filled with nepotism and greed?? Of course you're going to get a bunch of jackoffs with no vision who manage to weasel their way to the top. Then we all have to wait for some massive email leak to show us how truly incompetent the heads of these studios really are.

im so happy this is failing

It's been more than a week. No one is showing it here apart from one theater for children once in a day.
I just discovered in a local theater that translated second trailer was remade and is amusingly good. I didn't saw it before. You can even think that it is a self aware ironic comedy. Screening time of black actress reduced to 5 seconds and she doesn't shout at all. She doesn't mention "race thing or woman thing" too.

His documentary making technique tends to be very ham-fisted and blatant. No attempt to let the viewer decide how they feel, or to make their minds up on the subject.

I'm fairly socialist so I'm sympathetic to the messages of his films, I just think the way he makes them is kinda dishonest. Then again the landscape in the US is such that subtlety is lost in the shouting match.

It's The Thing (2011) all over again...

What studio is bv

Greenscreen. They could either make the glow green and have to build full sets, or make the glow blue and halfass everything with CGI.

I hope the death of this movie means we don't get women in movies anymore.

So, is Star Trek bombing too?

it really is... holy shit

me too bro, let's celebrate

post yfw this shit dropped so hard

Buena Vista

wtf is wrong with you?

I on the other hand, hope they bring back '80s style casual female nudity.

Titties = equality ladies... free them titties

You see what they're standing in front of, right?

>Not wanting late 50's era smut.

Russ Meyer pushed women's rights further than most self-proclaimed feminists today.

Wait until monday morning

They'll have exacts instead of estimates

It's not doing as well as one would hope. Then again, the last movie was a turd and the first trailer turned off a lot of people, so getting a good return out of it was going to be a challenge. That being said, it's only going to come in about $3 million under Into Darkness, opening weekend to opening weekend, so it could have done a lot worse.

I kind of hope the industry realizes that it's not that there were four women leading a comedy as the reason it failed. It failed because it was a shitty movie and a shitty reboot of a beloved franchise.

I would have loved to see a good Ghostbusters movie with female leads if it wasn't so "IF YOU DON'T SEE THIS YOU ARE A MISOGYNIST"

>14 years
Damn, it is older than my girlfriend's husband's wife's son.

Did anyone actually see Lights Out? Was it any good with it only being an hour and twenty mins?

Couldn't they use a blue screen instead of a green screen?

>I kind of hope the industry realizes that it's not that there were four women leading a comedy as the reason it failed....

No, it failed exactly because they tried to change the men out with women in an established and respected film.

If they would have made a Ghostbusters with Jew Rogen, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, and the Rock, or some shit, and it would have made money.