Can you tell me why this shit is better than Walking Dead?

can you tell me why this shit is better than Walking Dead?

What separates it from TWD is that it has genuinely likeable characters (10k, Doc, Murphy) who have a purpose/mission.

1. Actual love for the genre. Z Nation plays up a lot of the ridiculous stuff you'd see in early zombie films and doesn't act as though they're doing it to be striking or dramatic; they play it perfectly straight and that makes the stakes of things like Zombies in a Refinery and Zombies in a Tornado interesting.

2. Likeable characters who do get development. Murphy's transition is interesting because he starts as a very closed-off cowardly asshole and becomes this manipulative charismatic bastard. 10k's backstory is really very sad which allows for him warming up to be refreshing while also making his very kill-happy stance understandable. Roberta is a reliable leader who just needs a couple days to get her shit together after losing her only friend for a few years, and she doesn't make speeches every episode she goes for results.

Addy and Mack were a cute couple and they were good with tactics. Cassandra's cannibal cult background wasn't lingered on and her ghouled out stuff was given enough focus to work for a time. Garnett and Vasquez both pulled off the "tough man in the apocalypse" well while still being people who've lived in it.

3. It doesn't take itself too seriously, because the people of the world had zombie media and since civilization is gone and most everyone is dead they've opted to embrace the madness rather than get sulky.

4. They also really find ways to make the zombies a threat you cannot just manage. They're fast zombies and only get slow after a long while. They form superstorms. And drugs/radiation/disease can turn them into pretty creepy special infected types. Which doesn't even factor in the Murphy stuff.

5. It has a purpose and mission and as such each episode is about going forward, rather than meandering around. Much of the above is opinion, but this is certainly a truth. The goal is to get to the base, then get to California, to get away from Mexico, and now to probably escape the...what was it, Chinese?

Also, I am surprised people complain about the drama in TWD. If you read the comics before, there are fucking drama since the beginning. It was always the walking drama, the TV series just amplified something that was already there.

I dropped the comics and the series, it wasn't a zombie story anymore (it never was though)

mostly this, I just began watching it, hooked from episode one. It IS a zombie story.

I like how Asylum had this hit or miss success like with Sharknado. Is it true that they never lose money with their productions?

Because its entertaining and not full of plot holes.

It doesn't take itself seriously and it's funny, awesome, and have likeable characters. Basically what the Zombieland series should have been, but campier.

Honestly making me want to watch this, even if it's a fucking SyFy original. I mean I'm just going to pirate it so it won't cost me anything but it sounds better than TWD which I found to be a snorefest after enjoying the comic and Telltale game.

Man, I was in the same position as you are right now, and I loved the show. The pilot, as all pilots do, is a little weird because it was filmed before, but each episode of this show is a surprise. They are always at different places each episode, fighting different kinds of zombies, not just walkers.

>if it's not a 90 minute chase sequence, it isn't a zombie story
Holy shit what an absolute retard.

Is it an ironic meme to claim you like this show? Did I miss the memo on that one?

It's not irony. It's a very entertaining show.

It's that kind of show that at first you think it's just cheesy bullshit but then you actually give it a chance and love it. I was just tired of TWD, so I gave it a try and enjoyed it.

>that cgi

OUTTA MY WAY, best character coming through

10k is pretty based desu

Who said it was better? This shit is terrible

shut up, you realize that Walking Dead is not about zombies, right? it's a drama series wrapped in a zombie apocalypse. The author never wanted to make a zombie comic.

it's really good. I don't lurk Sup Forums too much, so I don't know what kind of memes you enjoy masturbate to


t. user who didn't watch the show

TWD = Zack Snyder's DC movies
Z Nation = Marvel movies

it's not walking dead

It's a meme, they're both equally shit