Did i forget any?

Did i forget any?

You need to understand film and cinema to make these lists, imdb movie buff

spring breakers was shit

>mediocre shit that faggots pretend is deep
Korinefag pls

All these films are rated low on IMDB you fucking rertard

Witch is liked by a lot of plebs and normalfags alike.



>Korinefag pls

>your boogeyman
>pta and aronofsky

/filtered/ hard.



Literally more than half of the movies in this pic are pleb shitfests, fuck off to Reddit already.

What's the common theme between these movies? "the only arthouse films I've seen"?

fucking summertime

They make Sup Forums insecure

Do you really think average normalfags enjoy these movies? Jesus christ Sup Forums autists are really out of touch with reality

...No one is made insecure by entry level art house and Brad Pitt

so many plebs exposing themselves itt holy shit


>it's this faggot buzzword spewing shitposter again
Please commit suicide

>le Reddit is trying to le fit in

Just fuck off already, nobody likes you.

dude I'm not the one proud of myself for watching Oscar-nominated flicks

You mean essential poser core

See what I mean?
Insecure plebs with no taste whatsoever. I guarantee you one of these two is

Reddit is officially triggered, lads.

The Master is PTA's attempt at outing poseurs by making something utterly disjointed that vaguely resembles a narrative feature just enough that it confuses them into praising it out of fear for being labelled a pleb.

An intentionally terrible movie carefully emulating a masterpiece. A true work of genius. Why do you think the plot of the film involves a cult leader who feigns insight and brilliance but is secretly full of shit? It's a metaphor for the film itself.

tl;dr if you think The Master is actually good you're a "pleb"

fuck your pasta


>I don't know what insecurity means
Stop embarrassing yourself retard

>hating base Shane

Though, I agree, Korine is a hack

The witch was good, but not anything special or as a "pleb filter".

Cosmopolis is easily the worst movie of Cronenberg's filmography, and one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

>its a "i've been here since 2010 foreigner getting upset about patrician funposting whilst promoting garbage like times u acted like joker man and /ck/ threads" episode