Am I the only one who didn't like her character at all?

am I the only one who didn't like her character at all?

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Take Ace Ventura and remove reason and accountability. That's her character.

Judging by the box office, lots of people didn't like any of the characters at all.

She's was supposed to be the pretty one. She was not.

I haven't even seen the movie yet and already I don't like her.

>am I the only one?

When will this meme end?

>She's was supposed to be the pretty one.

I thought that was Kristen Wiig which is even MORE laughable, literally GOOP tier

I suspected since everyone who reviewed the movie said she was great I would hate her and turns out I was right.

yes you are literally the only one
no one else shares your opinion
you forged a new path by being the first and only person not to like this particular character

She was the worst one, and she has crazy eyes.

I don't think the RLM guys liked her either. They compared her (unfavorably) to Fire Marshall Bill - mugging + wacky.

>When will this meme end?

when you're the only one

I have zero interest in watching this, but I like that she's modeled after cartoon Egon. Seems like the only bit of respect they showed the original franchise.

That is kinda cool.

Are you insane? There isn't supposed to be a pretty one, that's so not feminist

Get with the facts nig

autism, the character

Anyone got the gif of her "flirting" with Wiig


Why do I find her so hot?

The character isn't even so bad, the acting is.

I'm almost certain she didn't have lines in the script had some hand written Fieg scribbles saying *Kate says and does something zany*.

95% of the movie she's just detached from whatever is happening on screen and is filling the void with as much bullshit mugging as she can.

She actually reminds me of this lesbian girl I knew in high school. She was always dressing weird and acting kooky. It got old real fast.

her character was all over the place
all over
like feig said, in this scene be like this, okay, now in this scene be a badass, in this scene pretend you have zero social skills in doing the toast, in this scene pretend you're doc brown (don't worry i've just been named the director of the the back to the future reboot) mixed with stephen hawkins mixed with the one arm drummer from that rock band, also in the next scene where u meet the ghost pretend your brad pitt from oceans 11 eating ummm, yes pringles (it was my comfort food when i was bullied), and in the next scene at the concert just put on a silly wig (get it wig!) and make a face cause you know it's suppose to be scary, but we want it funny.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand action

Does anyone remember if she has any jokes? I can't recall a one

From the few reviews i read Chris Hemsworth's character was the only one people really liked. They say his character stole the movie.

Why did they need to have different kinds of proton guns like the proton grenades, proton shredders and proton fists?


his character become tiresome when they shoved his stupidity throughout the film, same as McKinnon

> stole the movie
Typical cis white hetero male behavior.

This here, spot on.

Shes Jim carrey without talent. An obnoxious mugging cunt.

Yes, you're the only person on this board, which has bitched about this forgettable fucking movie for nearly a year now, who dislikes the quirky female comic relief character who looks and acts like a self-righteous dyke.

You're all alone in holding that sentiment.

What "talent" does Jim Carrey have? MURDERING his groupie ex-gf and getting away with it?

Pls explain more

Shouldn't need to ask. God I'm so glad this piece of shit soulless corporate ploy flopped

hes the only one that can actually act, might be it.

>who looks and acts like a self-righteous dyke.

She's not acting, user