Guys it's Rob DJ here again

Guys it's Rob DJ here again.

Ask me anything.

Why are you such a insecure manlet?

Hissing Eye-Urn-Man.

>using the modern IMDb layout rather than the classic look

Can you pass me the paprika? It's on the top shelf in the pantry.

Excuse me? What did you just say to me?

I'm not:
a) insecure
b) a manlet

Period. You're the one who has problems here.


hey RDJ, big fan here but when will you do real movies again?

Iron Man is actually Rob DJ in the movie?!

When are you going to get based Mel into a movie? Surely, you can break the blacklisting against him. You did good standing up for him. Also; proofs that you are who you say.


My throat hurts so bad. It feels like swallowing razor blades and barbed wire

Hissing Iron Man is now a meme.

Did you just go full retard?
(Never go full retard.)

when's the next sherlock coming out pal?

Have you upgraded your ride since the last time we saw you?

That is NOT COOL!!!!!!!!!!

what is your favourite drugs and why?

I don't do drugs.


of course not. no drugs for you robert!

Do you think anything good will ever come out of you dishing all the dirt on the scumbags of Hollywood? Have there ever been any repercussions?

Just grow up...