
Hey guy, explain to me how Smith downloaded himself into Cypher. Because that sounds pretty impossible to me; it also breaks the story because if the human mind can be altered so easily why not turn them all into programs?

The only explanation is one I heard in a youtube video (originally the Wachiowski's wanted the humans to be a cloud computing network, but the production company thought battery was easier for the stupid moviegoers to understand) which is that human minds are being harvested for their creativity potential and obviously an A.I. just performs its function so this would be unfeasible.

Other urls found in this thread:


Agent smith used the plug cypher had in the back of his head, dummy

No. What I am saying is that the human brain isn't something you can rewrite. It is physical and isn't like a Harddrive or at least if it was like that in this fictional universe it would destroy the plot because then you can harvest the humans without needing to fool their brains to keep them alive by just replacing them with A.I.; also you can keep people comatose without needing a matrix so the movie premise is pretty fucked.

When did Smirh get downloaded into Cypher? I know he does that with Bane but isn't Cyphet dead by the time Smith gets the power to copy himself?

>Cypher hates being unimportant
>Bane blinds Neo, causing him distress
A-grade character naming right there

Are you just Bane posting? Pretty sure there si no one named Bane in the Matrix.

Agent Smith takes over guy in OP pic's body.

>trying to make sense of a universe based on an imperfect metaphor for conformity to a socioeconomic system that is ultimately inimical to the wellbeing of the individuals who conform to it

Was that a pretentious way of saying consumerism is degenerate and people should live like the Amish?

Metaphors are for fags.

Everything in the entire movie takes place in the Matrix, they never actually leave it. There are no actual humans.

That was my thought except for the 'no actual humans' bit. There is no great reason to assume that they are all A.I.

You mean other than the fact that they've all done this countless times all with the same exact people?

The same exact Keanu who could easily be a program; I'm pretty sure trinity and morpheus are never said to be from the previous matrixes.

If there aren't humans in the matrix, then the object would be to make programs that believe they are human which would be a success, but one without any plot points.

The oracle, architect, and agents would not have that bit to make them believe they are humans.

They said they'd taken Zion numerous times before and were very proficient at taking it. Meaning they rebuild everything every single time.

The think the entire point of the experiment is actually to create new programs that can't simply be written in whatever normal fashion they use. They ended up with 2 new programs in the end. Neo and Smith.

Did you watch the TV show "Person of Interest"? There's a scene where they pit the two AIs against each other in a Faraday cage on a couple laptops. I imagine the entire Matrix is just like that, trying to get a usable outcome.

Zion doesn't necessarily have to be an identical city with identical people.

I saw person of interest, but only like two seasons.

I got a different interpretation where there are humans in a virtual reality, but probably no robot invasion. The interesting (theory) bits are the unreliable information from the architect, oracle, smith, and neo. In my interpretation, Neo is the only program who believes he is a human and was (my theory) the dangerous game that the Architect says the Oracle is playing. I also don't believe the there is no spoon thing, but instead people are just given permissions from the server to cheat.

You theory could easily fit in to this with the purpose being about which is the superior program, one with compassion (Neo) or one without (Smith).

Eh, we will never know in the end. Even then an explanation from the horse's mouth will seem contrived.

So me reading your autistic posts isn't 'rewriting' my brain?

What do you mean by rewriting then?

>It is physical and isn't like a Harddrive

Input/Output vs Read/Write

There is no way for me to turn your physical brain into another person's physical brain; they are different shapes; your brains shape and synaptic pathway is you (pathways are built up over time aka Learning).

By this I mean that brains aren't written on in the exact same way that hard-drives are. Harddrives are over-written magnetically. The most similar way to do this to a brain is to bash it up and hope the parts you want to damage get damaged. Or cut off the blood to certain areas with bloodclot/stroke. You 'write' to a brain using the senses and can't really download skills. But you could make a human believe they had those skills by giving them the sensations that they are doing those things (so manipulating the matrix would be as fake as the steak).

Do I really come off as autistic?

>Do I really come off as autistic?

I finally got around to watching the trilogy recently and wow are 2 and 3 complete shit

The first film is fantastic. Too much god shite in the second two

2 and 3 would've been much better if they'd stuck with the processor plan instead of batteries.

Maybe I am just smarter than you, though.

I didn't dislike 2 and 3 that much. The first matrix is comparable to the first star wars so 2 and 3 should be comparable in quality to the rest of star wars trilogy. (Can't really compare sequels to originals.)

So did they really get out and win or was it all just a second Matrix?


>Maybe I am just smarter than you, though.
You've gone overboard with your rationalizations for the movie and your posts are just needlessly long. It genuinely looks like the shit autists would post. This movie has been discussed to death anyway. Nobody is really interested. Also Cypher was never Smith'd.

IIRC SMith doesn't download himself into Cypher. Cypher makes a deal with Smith that he'll get a sweet life in the matrix if he betrays the humans, then murders a few of the crew members in the real world before he gets shot with a laser gun thing. Not really fucked by Smith, just good old fashioned greed.

In the second or third movie Smith downloads himself into a different guy who tries to kill Neo in the real world. But as we have established 2nd and 3rd movies make no sense since Neo is shooting lightning at robots in the real world by that point.

>But as we have established 2nd and 3rd movies make no sense since Neo is shooting lightning at robots in the real world by that point.

Its not the real world though

Its a second Matrix

You think trinity and morpheus and cypher, etc... are simulations of human desire?

Sup Forumss opinion seems to be a second matrix, but then that would mean that the destruction of Zion bit could just be made up b/c why wouldn't that restart with the rest of the matrix.

If you are so uninterested then why are you here? I also haven't gone overboard, I just like to assert me theories. A coherent theory is a fun theory ( for me).

I haven't seen the movies in a while so I probably fucked up saying he downloaded into Cypher. I was just saying that the machine world is probably virtual because a brain cannot be changed in that way. By the way I think when Neo was fucking up the machines he was supposedly like DDosing them from their connection to the matrix.

>What I am saying is that the human brain isn't something you can rewrite.

Thats exactly what you can m8. The only reason why they havent done this yet is because they've only been able to create some million neurons and the brains has billions (trillions?). Its not unfeasiable to assume sometime in the future we will be able to replicate a human brain in a computer and then eventually dowload your self into a computer and live forever (this is all purely hypothetical because global warming will kill us before we reach that stage).

I am going to sperg a bit (considering I am an autist I guess).

It sems like we are taling about two different things:
1. A perfect as possible simulation of a person (You)
2. A piece of hardware that can monitor the brain aka its output and deliver inputs through it to its evolved routes (aka the senses)

I can also see the seed of a thought in your post about the possibility of inputting to the brain bypassing the evolved route (the senses), but the science which you describe to get this effect seems half-baked to me.

Also, If you simulated yourself in machine code you would not live forever. Consider that to copy a file from one location to another you need to delete the old file in the old location aka kill yourself.

I can also see the seed of a thought in your post about the possibility of inputting to the brain bypassing the evolved route (the senses), but the science which you describe to get this effect seems half-baked to me.

Also, If you simulated yourself in machine code you would not live forever. Consider that to copy a file from one location to another you need to delete the old file in the old location aka kill yourself.

This is interesting to me (I might be slightly autistic myself) so I dont mind discussing it. For your first point I quoted, yeah the science right now is half-baked but remember in one generation we went from splitting the atom to sending shit to space for shits n giggles, it might not be fishy in 20 years (I would say 50 but in 50 years humans will be extinct most likely).

For the second point: Yeah but every 7 years 100% of your cells has reproduced and died so you could say every 7 years you are not you anymore, but in your conciousness you are still you. Maybe we could achieve the same thing but in a computer?

you guys are fucking mongs


>For the second point: Yeah but every 7 years 100% of your cells has reproduced and died so you could say every 7 years you are not you anymore, but in your conciousness you are still you. Maybe we could achieve the same thing but in a computer?

I've thought that thought before. You wouldn't need to simulate yourself, though. You could recreate yourself physically like the microwaves from Star trek to recreate your brain exactly as it is.

I don't think the matrix involves this technology though as that would invalidate the whole 'rejecting the matrix' concept as the rejector humans could be replaced with A.I. or other non rejecting human brains. (Which creates a problem for the Smith entering the machine world being the real world theory.)

those are both me

im gonna read this

His entity is 'Big Guy', but I'll believe you guys. Haven't seen the matrix in years.
>You wouldn't need to simulate yourself, though. You could recreate yourself physically like the microwaves from Star trek to recreate your brain exactly as it is.
By this I just mean that if you had the tech to reconstruct physical brains, why interface with VR at all; you are the master of physical biological reality. It seems like you would be more likely to do something like Avatar (James Cameron)/the Poul Anderson story he ripped off.

>>Neo is shooting lightning at robots in the real world
>>it's a second matrix

He doesn't shoot lightning at the sentinels. A portion of Neo's mind remains in the matrix, connected to the source, his mind is effectively networked with all the AIs, he uses this part of his mind to shut down the machines. This is why he is effectively unwired but still has a presence in the trainman world. The lightning you see all comes from the robots sic.

There is no second matrix, nothing in the movie indicates this at all. No one bends the laws of physics in the real world, there is no indication of any character having knowledge of a super reality, there is no force presented who would benefit from it. I have no idea why people persist in believing this.

Morpheus says 'Is this even real?' in the machine world so... that is a character indicating his doubt he isn't in a second matrix.

Also, if the area of the machine world with the baby actually hosted the matrix then it would be kind of stupid to allow the humans access to it and the ability to tamper with it. And how did the humans build those hover-ships anyway isn't the matrix a desolate place (eternal smog)?

>implying global warming is real

>Morpheus says 'Is this even real?' in the machine world so... that is a character indicating his doubt he isn't in a second matrix.
I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen

Anyway the main problem of the Matrix/Meta-Matrix theory isn't that there is a dearth of on screen evidence for it, rather it is that it doesn't gel thematically. The Matrix is about a small subset of people privy to "Truth" and their Messiah who dies to set the rest of them free. If his "Truth" was not real, then his sacrifice is in vain and the series has no purpose. That would make sense in a movie/series about futility of pursuing spiritual/objective truth, but the matrix isn't telling that message, it is about the importance of doing very that. It is about Platos cave, not about the potential of infinitely nested simulations.

To be honest, it's is a movie after all set in a fictional future that is controlled by hyper advanced machines.

The question how Smith downloaded himself into a human being isn't even that important. He managed to do it, with advanced machine technology.

It's much more interesting how Neo used his powers in the outside world and why he could feel the presense of the sentinals, which was already explained.

It's ok if some parts of science fiction stay science fiction. Star Trek is also full of things that probably wouldn't work in the real word, but it's cool to assume they are working in a fictinal future.

@11:13 'Is this real.'- Morpheus.

The themes you cover are very appealing to humans which gels well with the desire to believe in rebellion in the machine world. i athink you are also saying that the film shouldn't have a 'bad' ending because that would jip the audience (what's the point if the fictional hero doesn't triumph). For me the unreliability of the senses/reality is a better theme so I delve deeper.

I am saying that such advanced machine tech creates a plot hole unless the machines needed to create roge programs (Smith and possibly Neo) in order to achieve a purpose like Smith rearranging the matrix and getting into the machine world were posssibly milestones of creativity that the machines could not accomplish themsleves. But, that all seems unnecesary considering simulating the matrix seems pretty creative and a giant baby face hive mind is pretty creative as well.

I think the movie is more interesting to asume that the oracle and machines had logical goals instead of just looking at them as 2D opstacles without depth.

You need the fancy setup with phone lines if you're illegally entering the Matrix. If you have the machine's permission to enter then there's a simple route and no need for an operator.

I honestly can't remember the movie well enough to talk about how the matrix lines work, if I remember correctly, they can't move the ship because it is plugged in to like an ethernet port in the machine world. I guess because there are pods (clients) all over the planet, but the matrix server is hosted in one spot.

its a universe where uploading entire knowledge bases directly into the brain is a common, risk free practice.

So smith being able to upload himself into a human being who has a large data spike in his spine is just a progression/exploit of that.

The zion war had to progress the way the humans expected otherwise there was risk of them simply "waking up" again. Which would lead them into a recursive loop of fighting to wake up in every layer, if there were more than two, or becoming an actual, uncontrolled threat to the real world, whatever shape it was in.

Morpheus talks about how they broadcast their pirate signal to hack into the matrix, implying the jumps in are wireless. So the idea is the hardlines were simply based upon "physical" matrix construction, thus couldn't be changed without sending up huge red flags for the crew/operator. The fact this concept kinda falls apart the more you think about it is another reason the multiple layer theory is so tempting. As the idea the differences between the city layer and the zion layer are arbitrary and meaningless, and the entire hacking process isn't completely understood by the rebellion because not only do they not have the time to study it, it actually doesn't really work upon any sort of physical or logical laws, and is a hard coded trick to allow rebellious humans the illusion of freedom in the form of being able to jump from layer to layer, see the differences between them, and thus reinforce the idea they truly are in the real world. Not only because of how much more it sucks than the city (humans define their reality by suffering, according to smith), but because they can do things in "matrixes" they can't do in the "real" world.

blah blah blah.

I agree that that is in the movie logic (uploading skills) so they could have Kung Fu in the movie; I was just adding in the real world logic of that being impossible and using the 'meta-matrix theory' to get around that.

I figure it is either this or the theory that 'wakeing up' is not actually real either because everything is simulated with no actual humans in the matrix or, what I prefer, that there are humans in the matrix and that the Oracle is in charge or permissions and likes to fuck around (and is designed that way). It meshes well with how the personifications of Cause and Effect lived in the matrix, the Architect being a personification of physics other sensory data and everything else would make the Oracle like the psychologist of the matrix.

Just because it is wifi instead of an ethernet port doesn't completely shit-the-bed for the machine world being real theory, but it is very odd how the humans were able to get a hold of ships and Skill Upload programs (unless the brain jack system is fairly intuitive for humans to program, like it was already set up for this purpose)

I guess I am kind of done with Matrix theory crafting because I have gotten to the point where the decisions for the world were made because Kung Fu > Plot Consistency.

Matrix could have been perfect "We are inside a simulation' logic if they had bothered to do a few more things, though.

saying its impossible to learn fast is on the same level as saying its impossible to learn slow.

and, I mean, if you're autistic, I can understand why you would think that.

The bed shitty part is the idea that they broadcast wirelessly to a "hard" access area of the matrix (represented by a "hard" (software) wired connection) and need said area to remain in a certain state in order to get back to their real bodies.

But we's got a war ta fite can't be thinkin bout how this shit makes no sense.

Dude, lets consider learning to throw a ball. You toss that bitch. It doesn't hit the mark. You don't get the dopamine response, but your brain stored some data anyway about body positioning and where you wanted the ball to go; you try again adjusting your aim, you hit it and get the dopamine and your brain stores it (muscle memory).

Okay now get this; everyones brain is physically different depending on their genes and also the way they have used it previously

For example, Newton's brain has an unusually large spatial reasoning which he used to imagine how physics would work in space.

It might be possible to 'download' learn by speeding up the simulation of doing an activity (like a hyperbolic time chamber from DBZ) or you could automate it by ripping the muscle memory data from a kung fu master, but how would you propose you put that muscle memory info in the physical synapses of a person? I'm saying that is impossible IRL.

>everyones brain is physically different depending on their genes

We don't know enough about genetics to make this claim.

MRIs showing human brain structure is mostly uniform with variations that can be linked to hormonal/behavioral/cultural influences indicates the brain is extremely plastic and functions along a predictable set of rules, even if we don't know those rules. and if those rules can be manipulated, then rearranging the brain with tightly controlled stimulus ain't no thang, yo.

>We don't know enough about genetics to make this claim.

Yes, we do. Why is a gorilla's brain different from a humans? Genes. We are realted to every living this on the world and are different physiologically from them and each other based on our genes. People are as different on the inside as they are on the outside. Obviously everyone has the same brain regions (unless seriously fucking retarded), but they are of different sizes and with different folds and shit. If you had a malnourished twin even its brain would be different based on that environmental factor. That is an incredible degree of dissimilarity. Does a dyslexic person learn to read in the same way as a normie? Does a lefty the same? Does an autistic person the same? I suspect that downloading from one person's brain to another would be quite inneficient due to this as well as body differences. Then there is the matter of the technology which replaces the unmodified brain with the modified brain. If I shout zeroes and ones in your ear you will obviously not gain skills. Therefore the machine code interfaces with the human brain through the chemical/electric nerve shit in the brain that perceives reality (senses). Unless you propose another method.

nigga if we knew enough about genetics to say brain structure is genetic then we'd be able to program entire brains in utero.

so, no, all wes gots is a shitload of correlations that may or may not be causation.

The 'real world' level of the Matrix has to be SERIOUS BUSINESS, or else the One would figure it out every time.

Heck, maybe Neo is the only One /not/ to figure it out, since he's so focused on Trinity.

Pro-tip: it's not batteries, it's not computing substrate, it's the zeroeth law. They are all real human beings. In a simulation.

Im loling so hard.

>Brain structure not genetic.

So basically, you think that there is a single perfect brain structure with perameters of deviation? Where is the data to create this stored perfect brain? In the genes, perhaps? How do you go from a perfect ape brain to a perfect human brain? Random mutation of the genes (not by your theory, that would make everyone different and competing to leave their specific brain structure differences on the world with the others being lost due to not passing down their genes). Oh wait, what I have just described is evolution.

Brains are plastic.

And DNA is a recipe, not a blueprint.

You'll never be a smarty and attract top tier qts like a female Richard Dawkins (Emma Watson with better personality) if you don't exercise that thing. It's plastic, dude. Stop shitposting.


Perfect end to my thread, good chatting with you, man.

Aw man am i late for the show.

You can post up theories if you want like the Agent Smith is the One theory or what the Oracle was trying to attain, but I've beat the theories to hell enough and am tired.

Nah I'm good. Just finished Stranger Things and going to bed.

>cloud computing network
I believe the technical, non-meme terms are computer network, computer cluster, or distributed computing.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cloud is great advertising term, very recognizable.

Stranger Things was mediocre. Makes me suspect all the netflix shows of being overhyped trash. (Haven't seen any of the others.)

I feel like both theories are of equal value; the face-value interpretation AND your interesting theory. In fact, in the animatrix, was there not one short where a group of people jack a sentinel into their little mini-matrix to bring it to the good side?

>no problem with a human mind leaving the body and fucking about in a computer
>big issue with a computer program leaving the computer and fucking around in a brain
>not realizing your brain is just fleshy hardware
Have you heard of this idea (and the name of the anime the movie is based on) called "ghost in the shell"?

And Bane is not Cypher but I'm sure the thread has told you repeatedly already.

Oh, it's one of THOSE threads. I should have known because it's about a second layer of Matrix. It's basically the go to meme movie theory outside of "all the pixar movies are in one universe."

>By this I mean that brains aren't written on in the exact same way that hard-drives are.
>Harddrives are over-written magnetically. The most similar way to do this to a brain is to bash it up and hope the parts you want to damage get damaged.
>Do I really come off as autistic?
My mind is blown right now. It's autistic as fuck to be so obsessed with something like the "how it does what it does" of these two systems that you ignore any relatedness in their "what it does."

And really, the argument is based on some idea that brains or human brains specifically must be beyond technology or what is possible through technology i.e. human effort. That's a very supernatural based, religious world view.

I think that user is talking about developmental plasticity, like how fingerprints are not genetic even if the coding for you skin, numbers of digits, bones in there, etc. is all genetic.

And while IQ is hard to measure, it is inheritable but not 100% so there is an element of environment.

>IQ is inheritable
borderline unfalsifiable claim.

>cloud is a great advertising term

Its a meaningless amalgamation designed to shroud simple technologies in mystique. Fuck you and the entire apple generation for turning computers into literal shitboxes.

I only remeber part of the animatrix, I remember only liking the part about the war.

Okay, I will explain client-server relations to you in Matrix form.
You shove the jack in your head, and the Operator sends a message to the server of where in the Matrix to spawn your avatar. Your avatar sends data from the Matrix server to your head, and your brain deals with that sensory data as if it was from your actual sensory organs. The jack reads the pattern of the entire brain to determine the actions your conscious self would want your avatar to do in order for you to function inside the Virtual world. Your consciousness is as 'inside' the matrix as your WoW client is inside WoW's server.

No fucking idea what you are getting at right here. My theory was that if the machines could actually rewrite brain matter than how could they ever have a problem with frree will and radical humans, just erase that bit. Destroys the plot. Therefore, the ability to transfer skills to people and for Smith to invade 'Bane's' (sorry) mind is really just 'Delete object Bane', 'Create object Smith with Bane body'. Meta-matrix.
I have no idea if fingerprints are genetic, will have to look up if identical twins have identical or similar fingerprints.
And yeah, if you get less breast milk as a baby or it doesn't have enough good fats or you injest some toxins you will get fucked up.
You won't like this, but I have viewed all the identical twins I have met as having identical personalities and aptitudes.

>I have viewed all the identical twins I have met as having identical personalities and aptitudes.

You won't like this, but the default functionality of the human intellect is steeped heavily in confirmation bias. Which is just one of the many reasons why anecdotes aren't considered meaningful data.

Yeah, but give me your anecdote about the identical twins that you have met? Were they very different as people?

nigga there's actual studies that twins aren't the same fucking person.

>the human intellect is steeped heavily in confirmation bias.

That doesn't reflect what I've already seen, so I think you're overstating your case.

Sounds like an interesting study. But seriously though, do I need to post some olsen twins videos or some FullHouse, they said 'you got it, dude with the exact same chops. It's undeniable.

... so they're both junkies too, even though only one is?

memory is not a record, it is an interpretation. New ideas can (and will) change that interpretation.

Pretty sure they're both coke heads. They used to give coke to The third Olsen for a laugh. But, Drug addiction isn't personality because one could see the other's life becoming shit before having done drugs herself and then learn from that.

>addictive behavior tendency isn't personality

You're just digging your hole deeper.

Not him but where I work there are these two cute teens twins with huge tits and a chubby ass and one is a whore with a fucking piercing IN THE MIDDLE of her tits, while the other is pretty normal and one gets mad as fuck when you joke on them being identical to each others while the other ones can take the piss.

People do drugs because peer pressure more than addictive tendency. Do you know any people that didn't have friends that did drugs that got heavily into them? I just wouldn't use this is a behavior identifier.

The one who isn't a whore could have gotten a better first boyfriend that put her on a good track while the other got pumped and dumped and put on a bad path that made her a more negative person. I knew twins where one was a single teen mother and the other was dating a short skinny nerd (child-likeand cute guy), both thought the other was dumb, but to me it just looked like the Ashton Kutcher movie the butterfly effect, they were far, far similar than to anyone else around even if they made different decisions.

>Your consciousness is as 'inside' the matrix as your WoW client is inside WoW's server.
Okay, I will explain the Matrix. You can upload skills into peoples heads. Smith was copying his personality onto people and programs. He was changing their software, just like adding kung-fu to someone's brain. Thanks for your explanation of clients and servers, I knew how those worked already.

Thanks for the metaphorical and possibly literal analysis of how computers in the Matrix work. My point is that your mind is software just as much as a computer program in the movie universe of the Matrix. Is this how it really works? I don't think we have enough information on the specific mechanisms of memory and consciousness to say.

Also I your WoW/games example shows what I mean exactly. Ever download an update for a game?

>Delete object Bane
The programs Smith copied over came back after the main one was defeated. Also at the end the original Smith seems to be in control. So Smith doesn't delete anything. Seems to mean that he's adding a copy that overrides but does not destroy preexisting information.

>if the machines could actually rewrite brain matter than how could they ever have a problem with free will and radical humans, just erase that bit
Don't you remember how the entire trilogy ends? Smith tries to copy over Neo and it fucks the entire system up for him. They can't just overwrite everyone's brain, that's why they do the entire Matrix The One cycle song and dance. They do it to control the percent of people whose brains fuck up the machines' control over humans.

I'm telling you, they aren't genetic. Why didn't you just Google that before posting? Twins have different finger prints.

>twins are the same people
>user explains why anecdotes are not meaningful data
>ask for anecdote

Holy shit.

>susceptibility to peer pressure isn't personality

once you start arguing that experiences can cause differentiation between identical twins, you defeat your own argument about how identical twins are identical personality wise.

You're literally double-thinking at this point.

No, we just define personality differently.

Susceptibility to peer pressure is a great example, I am not at all susceptible, my best friend is very susceptible. No matter what we do these will always be constant. Occasionally I will have a dream where I care about my interactions with people and make decisions based on it and feel extremely anxious. I assume this is the repressed information/feelings that my friend deals with while conscious. I am saying that if I had a twin I believe he would also not be peer pressured.

I need time for this mammoth.

negro, you're autistic, you have no business talking about how people work.

First, it appears that fingerprint patterns are heritable, but only partially. Here is an answer I found on google, "Just like with other genes, though, the environment can change how we turn out. While you were growing inside of your mother, you touched the amniotic sac. When you touched it during weeks 6-13, the patterns of your fingerprints were changed. This is why identical twins have different fingerprints.."

Second, I like anecdotes so fuck you.

Third, the real theory bit, you can take everything on face value, but that makes the movie boring for me. I just choose to believe that none of it is real and take the redpill, but am not a cynic who makes fart sounds with their mouth and says it's just a movie (nihilism). It is the superior way to enjoy the matrix.

But our conceptions of how the VR hardware of the matrix work are completely different.

I think I have expressed how people function more adequately than you have.

everything you've said is demolished by even a cursory familiarity with actual psychology.

Its not just that you're pulling shit out of your ass, its that you're so far up your own ass (and autistic) that you can't tell your shit from actual proven information.

>everything you've said is demolished by even a cursory familiarity with actual pseudoscience.

I actually lol'd. Thank you.

I think you believe the average thought because you like to feel normal or, a more autistic theory, that there are more people of your personality type so your thoughts are more common. I expected all of your non-Matrix biases that have cropped up in the thread. They are the collective answers to these questions (doesn't make them right).

you mean Simulacron-3 the book who start it all

I was going to watch World On a Wire, but didn't feel like bothering reading subtitles, it seems that it is an adaptation of this book.

>When you touched it during weeks 6-13, the patterns of your fingerprints were changed. This is why identical twins have different fingerprints.."
Which is what makes it just like the brain, based on genetics (obviously) with a certain amount of plasticity that decides the final details while you develop. I brought it up explaining a post saying the brain wasn't based on genetics [alone].

>Second, I like anecdotes so fuck you.
This is so disappointing. It's like you're admitting it's not a good way to form conclusions about things but you like them so fuck thinking.

>I just choose to believe that none of it is real and take the redpill, but am not a cynic who makes fart sounds with their mouth and says it's just a movie (nihilism). It is the superior way to enjoy the matrix.
>I just choose to make up implausible or unsubstantiated, overly complicated alternate theories and takes on things because it makes me a special butterfly, unlike you grumpy rational people

I bet you're into conspiracy theories. It's the same kind of willingly putting aside reason for that little endorphin rush from figuring something out as this "choose to believe what isn't in the movie because lel muh secret truth and knowledge" thing. No wonder you like The Matrix.

So you spent time posting in a thread about a movie you don't like... you're an odd bird.

What is your mbti? It's pseudoscience so you should know.

What gave you the impression that I don't like The Matrix? I even like Reloaded and Revolutions.

I read 'No wonder you like the matrix' in a condescending tone.

Lol. Neo had to pull a 12inch feeding tube out of his throat. I wonder how deep the pooping tube was.
Considering these brothers' degenerate have said that the matrix was about them coming out as transgender. It's safe to say they've projected BBC training way before their time.
BRAVO Wichcowskis

Do you think my Tranny waifus have been blacked, because I would drop them immediately if it were true.

I read recently that they ripped most of the themes and shit from a Grant Morrison comic, can't remember the name. The comic was about physical interdimensional travel rather than Virtual Reality. The jumping off a building scene and a few others were in the comic.

Because it's all about the red pill fantasy of having special knowledge. It's great as a movie concept, a bit sad when you know certain things aren't accurate but you make things more than they are to excite yourself.