You do get it's a joke right?

You do get it's a joke right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Did you see the end of the episode? The song was portrayed in a positive light and abortion was lauded as heroic and wonderful.

edgy? someone has to abort your comment
brrap brrap pew pew



I need to start watching this show

This is my new JAM



Full studio album when?

Abortion should be available 24/7 everywhere at state expense.

If a woman is so desperate to avoid responsibility for her actions that she'd go so far as to kill an unborn child, she'll never be able to raise it to become a productive member of society. Society is much better off without it.



It's a joke

Did YOU see the end of the episode? Sextina actually got pregnant and made plans to keep it, meaning she didnt actually didn't believe in abortion at all.

Bitches in my crawl space
Have abortions sometimes?
No, I'ma have abortions always

Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus
Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus
Brrap brrap, pew pew
Brrap brrap, pew pew

The original dolphin chick was voiced by Aisha Tyler, but in this episode it's not her.

I wonder whether it's due to a scheduling contract or her objecting to the content of the episode (because normally she's a good sport about offensive humour).


>objecting to killing fetuses

Go Home John

>if your mother doesn't want you, you don't deserve to live

edgy stuff

Little friendly reminder of the irony that pro-lifers are knuckle-dragging white trash.

Cool story. Did your mom freak when you told her that little joke?


Cry more faggot!

do you guys even know what a gun sounds like?

>kill all your unborn children
>societies that don't kill their unborn children take over the world
>you try to preach your edgelord atheist bullshit when Europe turns Muslim
>get beheaded

Stop listening to Jewish propaganda telling you to not reproduce.

You need to have sex to have an abortion champ. And even then, you'd not have the right to do it.

>Killing Fetus = Edgy

Hi red.dit

>implying I didn't just abort your dad

Try harder faggot

u wot m8

I'm not objecting, I'm saying "I wonder why that chick what plays Lana Kane on Archer didn't reprise her role as that dolphin bitch?".

>killing humans ≠ edgy

ok tumblr


Sup Forums--->
Don't trip over the aborted fetuses on the way out loser.

>Wanting junkies and scum to reproduce

Quality, not quantity, friend.

The episode was pretty predictable
>Mr. Peanut butter and Asian Daria BOTH wanted an abortion, so no conflict there
>Anybody who is Pro-Life is portrayed as an idiot
>Abortion is a taboo topic, we need to talk about it
I'm glad Mr.Peanutbutter's brother didn't end up being some sort of "I'm Pro-Life and I'm super pissed you got an Abortion so I'm going to try to make you feel guilty" guy, that's how I thought it was going to go when Diane ask Mr.PB about him mentioning her abortion to his brother - also, is Captain PeanutButter voice by Weird Al? it sounds like Weird Al.

>killing a fetus = edgy


Honestly if ur pro life you should have been aborted :/

Would you recommend the show? I watched the first season only. I thought it was okay. Now that I know about the fetus killing, I might watch the other seasons.



>m-my dad's gun make big boom.boom sound!
Go ahead and point it in your mouth you manchild

Are you so interested in this topic because as a severely autistic person, you wish that you had been aborted? There's still time to kill yourself.

Do morons like this actually exist?

>Lil Pro-lifer getting Triggered

It's never to late to abort yourself kiddo

Dude you nailed him !!

Who is this wank plank?

Nah, I just love killing fetuses!

Is anyone else arguing for both sides in this thread just to make everyone angry?

Overall, yes.
I didn't like the Abortion episode, mostly because it was predictable. Had Mr.PB and Diane disagreed about what they wanted, than that would've made it a bit more interesting.
Other than that's I think it's good.

Only one way to celebrate bro. Abortions on the house! Free abortions for everyone!


You must have missed the part where Diana says "yeah, everyone loves babies" followed by an awkward silence

>Had Mr.PB and Diane disagreed about what they wanted, than that would've made it a bit more interesting.

But wouldn't it have been even more predictable then? Usually there's a disagreement. I liked that there was no disagreement because otherwise the story would've dragged on for episodes.

There is only one side....the one that kills babies.

Religious people don't get abortions. They raise religious children. Why would forcing a bunch of godless hedonists to rear godless hedonist children somehow save the West? If anything it'll just prolong the problem instead of allowing it to die out, like forcing homos to have kids.

>Religious people don't get abortions

WUT? Religious people get the most abortions. Go to the American south.

>Muslims don't get abortions

Christians get the most abortions of any group. They down with dat baby killing.

Hollywoo is a highly liberal area, Diane is defiantly pro-choice and Mr.PB is a famous actor - and most actors are known to be liberal.
When abortion is involved on television it more likely than not goes along with abortion. Although, you are right in thinking that It would've carried on forever if they did disagree.

Trying watching the news sometime m8. Anytime theres a debate on immigration at least one person will say "XYZ country isnt having enough children, we NEED to bring in more immigrants to keep our economy going"

Cities are highly liberal areas. Unless the show takes place in the middle of bumfuck Missouri, no on is gonna be pro-life. Plus, yeah, it would have made the episode shit.

>at least one person will say "XYZ country isnt having enough children, we NEED to bring in more immigrants to keep our economy going"

Is this a European thing?

>kill a pregnant woman
>double homicide
>pregnant woman decides to kill baby
>so progressive

reddit cuckolds will defend this

You're confused. Cuckolds would be the edgelords like yourself insisting that the woman MUST have the child because you'll raise the baby.

>think you're opening a bojack thread
>it's actually a Sup Forums thread where everyone pretends to be right wing christians and troll each other by pretending like there's something wrong with abortion

Captain Peanut Butter was voiced by Weird Al

Best character gets the season's best joke.

I'm an atheist and I am pro-life. Everyone deserves a shot at life. Just because your mother and/or father, but mostly mother since she has the final say, wants to get an abortion, doesn't mean you deserve to die before even being born.

I'm an atheist and I believe life begins at conception.

She was on the Craig Ferguson show as the CBS inspector or producer or something like that.

Pretty much the universal leftist argument for immigration. I see it all the time concerning the US

cuckolds worship women and let them literally and figuratively walk all over them
ie deciding if your child should live or die. Or whether you have to pay child support for 18 years. You want this, you're a cuck, embrace it.

First season it was still kind of in its awkward phase. Season 2 is great and season 3 overall is a little weaker but still solid and has some amazing episodes.

would recommend

What I dislike about Bojack is that it's essentially an ode to the Narcissistic Materialist.

The cartoon world of Bojack presupposes a material existence (an irony lost on the creators), and the show conspicuously avoids anything spiritual/metaphysical opting instead to simply ignore that dimension of humanity. For the creators of BH only the material world, material worries, and material mindset are worth exploring. Nobody in the show challenges these nihilistic presuppositions, in fact, everyone in the entire show seems to accept them totally & without dissent. Now don't mistake this paragraph as an argument for or against materialism, my point was that the BH is made BY and FOR the materialist and entertains no other notions, you as a viewer are meant to accept it as unquestioned fact.

This leads me into my point about the sheer narcissism of BH. Just how the creators contrive the world to fit Bojack's philosophical assumptions the rest of the world is contrived by their hands to revolve entirely around Bojack in an artificial and limiting way. The spider's explanation of the tragedy of the puppet was meant to describe Bojack. He is only a vessel for writers & actors to fit into a story that has already been written. In this way, the existence of everything in the show BH is meant only to tell the story of the character BH. The writers play fast and loose with the verisimilitude of his world to tell that story. Todd can build an amusement park because of a typo, kids in an overcoat can pass for an adult, someone can wake from a coma and become a network exec. Fanciful expressions like these are permitted in the world of BH because they are only accessories to HIS story. The world of Bojack revolves around the CHARACTER Bojack to such a degree that it warps everything around him into instruments. Unlike real life the creators did not take the world and add a character. They made a character and let HIM create the world. It is stunningly narcissistic.

Did YOU see the end of the episode? Sextina is an idiot and anything she does is an example of the WRONG thing to do. Meanwhile, our protagonist played but cutie Alison Brie DOES have an abortion and is treated like a hero because of it. Not only that, but she talks to a poor minority teenager who's also having an abortion, who was inspired by Sextina's heroic feminist song and it's portrayed positively.

It's a neoliberal argument. Rich people need the population to keep growing so that demand can keep growing so that their investments can keep growing based off of the projected growth in demand. Unfortunately, they don't want to pay their workers enough to make having children financially viable, so importing future workers is seen as the proper solution.

>poor minority teenager
She was white and had no visible signs of either wealth or poverty.

>teach the controversy

>conspicuously avoids anything spiritual/metaphysical opting instead to simply ignore that dimension of humanity.
I disagree, though not spiritual/metaphysical in a sense, the jogging monkey in S2 and writer Hamster (I forgot his name) find could be seen as an example of finding a spiritual path - though it's not said outright.

>she was white

Whatever you say Schlomo.

I agree only because niggers get the most abortions, I would rather pay once to kill their niglet than continuously pay welfare for it to be raised into a thug that we then pay to incarcerate.

>kids in an overcoat can pass for an adult
When did this happen?

Jesus fuck Mr Peanutbutters voice is so silky when he says that thing about the egg. Best husbando.

Season 1

This was a really funny ending.

>a poor minority teenager

>brown hair
>black eyes


that isn't white

god you are so fucking stupid. you have effectively lowered the iq of the entire board.
Kill yourself.

t. Hillary Clinton surrogate

And massive amounts of immigration just serves the needs of big business by driving down wages and standards of living. They namecall and use social pressure to get you to accept it. If you want to live a better life they accuse you of "racism."

>think you're entering Sup Forums
>it's actually /cuckporn/
>people post it just to bait the Sup Forumsacks

>>Anybody who is Pro-Life is portrayed as an idiot
They generally are.

>Bojack in season one
He's actually a pretty decent guy who's just lost control of his life

>Bojack in season two
Okay he's kind of a dick but still there is some good in him. He just needs to stop making horrible decisions

>Bojack in season three
Holy fuck he truly is a horrible person. Fuck that asshole. He deserves every single bad thing that happens to him

Will season 4 redeem Bojack or will he spiral downward even more?

We can't all be intellectuals like you.

When? I don't remember a character like that?

I really hope he tries to redeem himself, but at the end it all comes back to him and finally commits suicide in episode 11 and episode 12 is an epilogue to the whole show. You can't go anywhere else from here.


>Coathangar spaceships

Ironically for the teens you really have to teach abstinence to it never really sticks, and for the ones you don't have to (me and most of this board I'l assuming) it was never going to be a problem in the first place because we didn't really have a say in it

Well, human nature is difficult to overcome. It's Bojack does better, but then relapses. Except season 1 where you think he's going to do better but then things come up and he can't handle it, because this shit just came up and he doesn't have experience with it or really an idea about how to move past it, so he fucks it up and runs away.

I'm only posting in this thread to congratulate you on not being a walking, typing stereotype.

Which scene from Bojack Horseman hits you the hardest?

Don't worry. You simply forgot the series single worst running gag.

I just want him to know peace. He has a good heart deep down, and even his most despicable actions have their roots in something kind. Like this past season when he went to Oberlin to spy on Penny, he did that because he wanted to make sure she was doing alright. When he almost had sex with her a year before the reason he went down to New Mexico in the first place was in an attempt to visit with her mom to try and reconnect with her and recapture the spirit of the time in his life he views as being young and innocent.

Ultimately he DOES have a good heart, although he fucks things up royally at just about every opportunity- I just want him to finally know peace.

He probably missed it because he was at the office.