There's no way he can be THAT powerful and be worth all sacrifices made in order to find him in TFA...

There's no way he can be THAT powerful and be worth all sacrifices made in order to find him in TFA. How can one man change the direction of this new war?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's the only Jedi left. Without him the Jedi die off and no one is left to train future Jedi.

We dont know if he is the last Jedi.

Yeah but that would take years. The rebellion is on a crisis right now.

he had like 2 weeks of training, i think they can figure that out.

>fucking Star Wars

That was a stupid.

>lives alone on some planet
>ruins of what?
>standing there for years waiting to be picked up

What is he? Yoda?

>having Luke be the last Jedi decades later with some handwavy excuse that all his pupils died
God that shit's stupid


>change the direction of this new war

You mean the war where everyone on one side blew up in a mega uber deathstar?

He was playing Pokemon Go.

>I now have 245,321 Squirtles
>I'll trade you 1000 Squirtles for a Pikachu

I guess it's not much of a war,then. Do we have any hint of what Snoke's power level is? Higher than Sheev? Or around Vader's level?

Luke becomes God, but turns evil and is killed by his daughter, who is not Rey.

Battle meditation.
learn your lore bitch


Lukes training on Dagobah was among the best parts of the entire series, and its only just now occurring to me that they probably spent weeks filming him running around alone with a puppet on his back to create such an iconic scene. Sort of takes the magic away.

>Battle meditation.
EU bullshit

Except the movie explicitly said he was devastated by what had happened to his school and he self-exiled out of guilt.

Why is the rebellion still around anyways?

You're all talk, Hamill! You never even finished jedi school!

Apparently Rei can just learn all the Jedi shit on her own so why the fuck does she need a trainer?

Most people went to live peaceful days on the 5 planets of the Republic; however, with the empire remnants still around a diminished force of what was the rebellion in IV-VI took upon itself to end those guys once and for all. It's called "rebellion" out of convenience, even if the First Order are now the rebels.

Its not really the rebellion. The movie did a poor job at explaining what was going on, but I'll do my best to greentext it

>After Jedi, the rebellion wins
>Reforms the Republic, takes over galactic space
>Empire is still around to a degree, especially the fanatics
>They form the "First Order", and are recognized as such
>The Republic and First Order have a truce
>Still have minor skirmishes taking place here and there
>The Republic won't declare all out war on them, because the galaxy has seen enough war
>Secretly funds an underground "Resistance" to oppose the First Order
>First Order aren't idiots, they know its The Republic
>Blows up Republic planets as a giant fuck you

You can tell they did it like this as an excuse to have another underfunded rag tag underdog fighting a giant looming empire, to mirror the original trilogy. Too much poetry, which is sad because it would have been interesting to see The First Order as the underdogs or something. We only have ourselves to blame for bitching about the prequels too much.

>no luke skywalker son to continue the skywalker legacy
there is only one place that this sequel trilogy belongs - right in the fucking garbage

They felt like underdogs to me

How about you wait until VIII and IX are released? You may be surprised...

Ooh but there episode 9, Luke wil have a son named Anakin Skywalker JR/Obi Wan Skywalker/ Luciano Skywalker and he (son) will start a new saga: episode 10,11 and finally 12!

The End

Doesn't really matter since Rey is now the REAL Chosen One

I guess they were to a degree, but they managed to get new uniforms, new weapons, new ships, a new giant superweapon. It didn't seem like they had lost 20 or 30 years prior. I haven't read the new books or anything so maybe it goes more into detail about what happened to them after Jedi, but it looks like its just business for them as usual.

What happens if Hamill dies before they get a chance to shoot the next movie?

He's only 64, and is in pretty good shape again, so at least hes healthy. I can't imagine anything happening to him in the next 3 years. I don't expect Luke to live long enough to see Episode X, though.

What I got was that they took that long to regroup because they were underdogs, they had a handful of planets in the edges of the Galaxy enough to slowly build up And the giant weapon was their way of evening the playing field

Ghosts trained him just fine, no?

Pay another 40 bucks for future movie tickets and MAYBE they'll answer your questions!

yeah, rei suddenly learned how to control people with her mind in a brief second. theres no reason this old fuck has anything decent to contribute to the fight, more just a shameless plug of nostalgia to try and sell a few more tickets

>How can one man change the direction of this new war?

Did you watch the original trilogy? He basically won the last war by himself.

$40 bucks is nothing these days, dude.

>I guess they were to a degree, but they managed to get new uniforms, new weapons, new ships
>It didn't seem like they had lost 20 or 30 years prior.

You could say the same thing about Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in 1940 tbf


IV - He destroyed the DS with the help from the whole squad. He couldn't have done it without them.
V- I don't remember him doing anything outstanding other than getting his hand chopped off.
VI - Vader was the one that killed Palpatine. Luke was about to get roasted.

Can't surpass Sheev


I'd quite like if in Episode VIII Kylo finally finds Luke and comes to murder him and when he pulls out his lightsaber and charges, Luke simply flattens him with the Force, crushes his lightsaber, and then scolds him, not even bothering to engage him in a lightsaber fight because Luke has moved far beyond lightsabers.

Eh, she only learned mind control because Ren used it on her. She willed force pull to work because she was desperate to save Finn. She'll need Luke to teach her the finer points of the Force, how to stay in control, etc

>The Republic and First Order have a truce
Why? Why don't they go out and quash them?
Leaving the first order alone will just allow them to fester and grow. It's better to fight a war now than delay a war and lose it later. If they had put their full force forwards they wouldn't have gotten star killered.
Is J.J trying to tell me something?

Is that how you learn force shit? People just use it on you? If someone did a force push on her she'd know that too?

Didn't Luke have to start with the most basic things with the can't-see-shit-helmet and whatever?

>because Luke has moved far beyond lightsabers.

But Lightsabers are the ultimate proof of mastery of the force you pleb. Did you not see Yoda do all those sick flips and loopy loops after Dooku and he agreed that making stuff fly around zzZZZzzz was super boring?

I think the other user explained it wrong.
The remnants of the Empire signed a peace treaty and gave up their military shit. Their politicians integrated into the Republic.
The fanatics (First Order) fucked off into deep space, probably with Snoke, and built up their fleet and army. The Republic funded the Resistance because they underestimated the Order. That WAS their attempt to wipe them out, without political bullshit. They fucked up and got blown up.

The Resistance will probably take over the Republic's military in the absence of the senate.

Jesus fucking christ, the film went out of it's way to point out that she was dumped on Jakku after surviving Kylo Ren's slaughter of the new Jedi. She has had training, and she's most likely Luke's daughter or Obi Wan's descendant so she has an advantage anyway. The kids in the prequels were already levitating shit around and fighting with lightsabers, so would she. These are not complicated films, but the amount of people who didn't understand the exposition forced down your throat by the vision half way through is staggering.

Because she's some kinda Chosen One.

>take empires millitary shit
>immediately turn on them to wipe out the remnants
The republic isn't ruthless enough. They should have learnt from old Palpy.

>How can one man change the direction of this new war?

He has ten levels in Jedi Sentinel and seven cross-classed in Bendu master, and a +7 Erelam crystal in his lightsaber.

Rei vs these big guys who win?

>she was dumped on Jakku after surviving Kylo Ren's slaughter of the new Jedi.
Except that Rey was already abandoned in Jakku way before that. Kylo turned to the dark side at the age of 23 (6 years before TFA) and was trying/traveling with Luke. This right here kills the Rey Skywalker theory.

where was the sjw outrage at the pic of hamill on top of ridley

New canon has the New Republic act in every way to AVOID being like Palpatine. Mon Mothma and the Senate change the ruler's title to just "Chancellor" instead of adding "Supreme" to it again. Mothma and the Senate hesitate to greenlight the building of new capital ships and battleships, because she fears it would be like Palpatine upgrading Venators to ISDs all over again.

Hell, Mothma even goes as far as starting a 90% military deescalation within a year after Endor happens, once the Empire is finally stamped out for good. (Only it wasn't because the Imperial leaders that couldn't take the defeat fucked off to the Unknown Regions to start building the First Order).

But Rey is another Force creation like Anakin.

That's why she's immediately Godlike with the Force.

Luke will be Sheev and Rey will be Maul, and they'll make the New Republic Great Again

The force being dormant and the Jedi all being dead is meant to be meta commentary on how the prequels ruined Star Wars.

When von Sydow, the old fan who kept the legacy of the OT alive for future generations, passes on the map to Poe as the movie starts he begins "to make things right"

>Palpatine found out about Jakku about thirty years before his death
>He had many excavations done on the planet to look for something "incredibly important to the whole galaxy" buried underneath the planet's surface
>Jakku was a lush, green planet full of life millennia ago
>A young boy from Jakku is tasked to be the protection of the excavation site against other locals
>Said boy may turn out to be Snoke, though his name is currently just Gallius Rax
>Rax is in control of the Empire after Endor and he is the reason why the entire Imperial fleet is destroyed on Jakku by the New Republic
Rey is dropped off on Jakku of all places, probably something to do with the possible super dark side thing underneath the planet
Where were you when Jakku became the most important planet in the galaxy, instead of just being another random desert shithole?

>is another star forge episode

Negotiate an uneasy cease fire with an imperialistic force who's demonstrated both an ability to create and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction on unarmed populaces

Immediately begin demilitarizing your new government.


>Where were you
A long time into the future, in a galaxy far far away

>Doesn't really matter since Rey is now the REAL Chosen One
>ships with 10% more choseness

That whole movie was just so stupid and pointless. J.J. Abrams is such terrible director, and an even worse writer. Of course I was stoked when it first came out, and even said that I liked it, but that was just because it was the new Star Wars movie and I wanted like hell to like it. The movie is poor. I preferred the prequels. At least they were entertaining. They didn't attempt to me like the original trilogy, and were entertaining in their own right. This tries like hell to be like the original trilogy, and of course you can't force magic, so it just completely falls flat. And another thing, the dialog is really bad. I actually think George Lucas was better when it came to dialog with the prequels. I am in such amazement that people like this movie. I guess it's just because they don't want the illusion broken. Whatever, maybe the next one will be good. Empire is my favorite of the Star Wars films anyway, I could go for a remake of that even if it's not as good.

This was my first post here, by the way.

He will die underwelmingly at the hands of his former apprentice. Because we haven't ripped off the original as hard as we should.

I can tell, you type and construct ideas like a middle schooler.

>Luke training new Jedi and them betraying him and dying off was literally part of the EU for years. Disney is just rehashing all the same stories

>Superiority on the third worst board here

Oh that's rich.

Oh go fuck yourself, not everyone is triggered out and making this an anti or 0ro sjw thing you pot stirring faggot

Where can I read all of this? Is this from that newish Disney official book on the rebellion thats out?

Nowhere does it say that she is a chosen one. The only chosen one that has ever been confirmed in all 7 films was Anakin

We are in post prophecy mate, not everything has to fit in that mold

Hes Luke Skywalker dumbass. He's the main hero of the whole franchise.

Lots of martial arts masters back in the day would do that. Especially Samurai, they would go live in the mountains and just train with no distractions.

All that came from Aftermath: Life Debt. The Chancellor bit wasn't said in the book but it's obviously implied since they repeatedly call Mothma "Chancellor" in it; the TFA visual dictionary was what mentioned the dropping of Supreme from the title.

It's the second book in a trilogy, and you'll probably have to read the first one (simply titled Star Wars: Aftermath) The writing style is very different (present tense, short sentences, lots of hyphens) so you may not find it easy to read.

Are you calling me stupid with assuming I can't read short sentences? The fuck, user? I legit had a question about the new lore and you had to be a dickbag about my reading ability? Thanks fuckface.

because that's the way god planned it desu!

No, they need to learn from someone that would've wiped out the First Order on day 1, purely to secure his next election.

I see you haven't seen literally any criticism of those books, yet. That's #1 problem everyone pisses and moans about. Short sentences are fine until they fill a 300+ page book on every single page.

No I have no knowledge about this book series or its complaints...that's why your comment sounded like you being a prick.

They refer to him several times as the last jedi in the movie.

Only a big guy deals in absolutes

I'm not a giant Star Wars geek, but if I remember correctly from the other media considered cannon, Luke is like top 10 jedi of all time. Even arguably the most powerful in some cases. The whole Skywalker lineage is GOAT.


>a 90% military deescalation within a year after Endor happen
and when the Sith Empire comes back to reclaim the galaxy? Who will protect the Republic then?

The Sith are dead, user.

That's what the Old Republic said, then look what happened.

This time we know that they died. Vader and Palpatine were the last of the Sith.

>the end

No user.... I mean the REAL Sith.

Not canon, so it doesn't matter :^)

Guess what user? pic related

It's shitty writing. It's a shitty movie, and maRey Sue's all powerful for no reason at all. What the hell can Luke teach ms mary sue anyway. if anything she can teach him how to wish upon a star, wear a tiara of feminie feminity, and believe that the force is nothing more than sprinkles and star dust not needing any form of training or practicing, at all.

This has been massively debunked. Ben Solo and Luke were still together and nothing had gone wrong years after Rey was on Jakku. The massacre didn't happen until just 6 years before TFA.

She was on Jakku long before the massacre and her being Luke's daughter is pretty much a dead theory.

This movie should have never been made. I hate them all.

Honestly? Good. Rey being Luke's daughter is just about the most boring and predictable plot they could go with. I don't know why so many people want that to happen.

Because people are fucking stupid, especially poeople who praises this piece of shit film. Fuck.

Well... Kylo can stop blaster bolts with his mind and he's not even finished with his training so imagine how juiced Luke must be. It's pretty clear that there is some kind of fluctuation in the Force that is causing users to have enhanced abilities hence the title of the film.
