Is he the next Will Smith?

Is he the next Will Smith?

>not a rapper

a once big star turned has been with a fucked up family?

Is he a scientologist? Is he gonna have weird kids? Is he gonna get all uppity about his roles?

is that black rocky

I'll never forgive him for ditching Dukie like he did.

You're getting him mixed up with guy who played Michael. This guy played Wallace.


No, because Will Smith with all his faults is way more charismatic.

Next Denzel if he can keep the good roles coming in

That was really sad when his foster mother got burned up.

no, he's not as charismatic, he has a boring personality. his face isn't as interesting either.

No, This Man Is The Next Will Smith.

Thats not John Boyega

He has no chin.

I thought Wallace was dead?

Is that Blacky or Brocky?

36kycky is what is.

Are you blind?

so did he ended up cutting his dick off or not?

Jordan maybe, I could see him possibly being big enough to carry movies in the future.
Boyega, kek fuck no.