ITT: Characters who deserve every shitty thing that happened to them

ITT: Characters who deserve every shitty thing that happened to them

>betrays adoptive family that loves and respects him for his blood family that treats him like shit and spits in his face

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>loves and respects him

everyone except for rob treated him like dirt

Isn't he still a teenager in the books? Hes now gotta spend the rest of his life dickless. Missing out on years of free prime peasant pussy. I think his punishment is fair.

Starks are shits and deserve everything that happened to them.

Book Theon was better but TV Theon isn't as bad; he just always lived in the shadow of the Starks and when went home, he was more or less shunned by his own family and people.

Mah nigga!

>Holier than thou mentality.
>Worshiped when their ancestors clearly made deals with the Others/White Walkers before the wall went up.
>Not fucking logical at all.
>Death by pride.

>Starks are shits
Except Ned. Ned was the one truly good hearted and selfless person in Game of Thrones - besides Sam, but he's a useless fat fuck. He was too good for Westeros.

>loves and respects him
Yeah minus the whole being taken away from your family and basically held hostage. Fuck off.

Pride is a sin, senpai.

Stupidity shouldn't be rewarded.

Renly offered his assistance but he shunned him.

Every trusting Littlefinger; unless you have something he wants.

Book Theon gives me so many feels. Dude was taken from his family by force and held hostage for half his life. The Starks never liked him (besides Robb), he was simply a means to an end. Ned had him raised as a highborn, but other than that, no one gave a fuck about him. Because of this, he never felt at home in Winterfell, and he never felt like he was part of the Stark family.

Cut to him returning home, and his fucking retarded faggot father pulls off a fucking Olympic-level set of mental gymnastics, and blames Theon for not acting like an ironborn after a decade in captivity in Winterfell, then denies Theon's plan to smash the Lannisters in a pincer move in the west (which was a great plan).

After that, Theon stopped acting with sense and started trying to desperately impress his family, the only family he has, who want just as little to do with him as the Starks. It was a downward spiral from there.

Poor Theon.

Barry Lyndon.

You saw how Robb trusted and respected him as a brother right?

But Ned was stupid. The entire war and the near extinction of his line can be traced back to his overly rigorous moral code.

>Theon stopped acting with sense and started trying to desperately impress his family, the only family he has
He has Robb. He should have gone back to the one man who actually loved him.

That was to ensure his retard father didn't rebel again.

They're the tool GRRM uses to deconstruct the fantasy genre. They're the closest to being unambiguously good and they keep getting fucked for it.

Fucking every single person in Always Sunny

except the tranny of course

>fantasy show with a wide variety of powerful characters
>every single competent male is either dead, mutilated, or Jon Snow

We SJW now.

>The Hound

They trivialized his character so fucking badly this latest scene

>gets over mind and body completely being broken by his sister forcing him to drink alcohol and telling him to man up

imagine the sexes being reversed

Not doing much of anything anymore
Cucked, probably out of the show
Fat, beta, useless
Cucked hard
>The Hound
Okay, I'll give you that one
Going to die very soon


its amazing how the show gets you rooting for them when their entire situation came about from them being egotistical dickheads and they deserve everything they get plus more

>adoptive family
i think you mean kidnappers
>loves and respects
i think you mean 'holds hostage and regularly reminds him how lucky he is that he's not being harmed'
>treats him like shit
i think you mean 'treats him like an ironborn, meaning he has to prove himself to gain respect'

ma nigga
nice guy

cum at me fags

Theon did nothing wrong in that scene.

because he is a lovely guy and is only the victim of circumstances. in this scene he did the right thing and got shit for it. he 'doesnt have the right' because he's not a stark. and yet people claim they treated Theon so well. no m8

This is unironically one of my favourite scenes in GoT, laughed so hard the first time I saw it

Robb let him into his tent during the war, he consulted with him and let Theon play a part. Not to mention he still got to live in Winterfell, learn history, warfare, and other things from great experts; yes it wasn't ideal, but it's better than what 99.99% of Westeros grows up with. His father is a disgusting sack of shit, if Theon should be angry with anyone it should be his garbage father. He should have just been Robb's brother and friend, at his side as Robb ruled, fucking pretty girls, drinking good wine, and eating good food. That's a damn good position to be in.

>Robb let him into his tent during the war, he consulted with him and let Theon play a part
that's Robb's fault m8. if you're an israeli and you let a captured palestinian join your war counsel, is it the palestinians fault, or yours for being an idiot and trusting him?

>he still got to live in Winterfell, learn history, warfare, and other things from great experts; yes it wasn't ideal, but it's better than what 99.99% of Westeros grows up with

>if Theon should be angry with anyone it should be his garbage father
Balon is ironborn. Theon is ironborn. You don't demand respect, you earn it. You pay the iron price. This is the way of the ironmen.

>He should have just been Robb's brother and friend, at his side as Robb ruled, fucking pretty girls, drinking good wine, and eating good food. That's a damn good position to be in.
Meanwhile never getting full respect from anyone, still a captive. Nah m8 he'd be better off with Balon, earning his name and becoming the Lord of the Iron Islands. His only mistake was Winterfell.

>gets his nipple cut off
>deserved it
no one deserves to lose a nipple