Millennials Think About Work Too Much

what movie/tv show is this?


Do they also think about television and film?

No cause they're too busy working

Im not clicking your click bait
Fuck Off

I blame the baby boomers

>Millennials do not tend to mention close relationships with family and friends as a goal or as something they appreciate. This too is supported by previous research, showing that the goals of young individuals are shifting away from community, affiliation, and civic orientation and toward individual success.

They're loser autists that expect to make 60k starting.
They put stress on themselves and don't have fun. Or their 'fun' is vidya and sleeping which leads to depression.

t. Millenicuck

I have never met a millennials that expects to make 60k. Most i know just wanna fucking job and to be able to keep it

This whole time I thought millennials just thought about The Beatles and Theodor Roosevelt.

I was wrong this entire time.

>hating on sleep
This is a new low, sleep is absolutely essential for a healthy life.

The article basically says that millenicucks
>lost religion
>don't care about family
>are selfish community wise
>don't partake in socializing in a healthy way
>spend their leisure time napping and watching Netflix

Obviously work is the most important part of their lives since they disregarded all the more important things.

Go to church niggas, whether you believe or not.

Sleeping from 3am to noon on your weekends doesn't make a fulfilling and productive life.
I know, I still do it often.

just go see how many people start spouting

>I went to college, and went into engineering/business and already have a 60k/yr job opening!

In every single college thread or thread about money. It's like these kids coming fresh out of HS think they are going to land what their counselors are telling them lol

I went to high school and dropped out of college and I have a $100k job starting.



you son of a bitch.

Actually, religion lost know when priests were fucking children and evangelicals were demanding 20% of your paycheck, so they could buy a Mercedes while you struggle to pay your rent and feed your kids.

Church can come to me, un-rape my children and give me a pile of money. If that happens, God exists.

Pro-Tip: It will never happen.

t. Millenicuck that spends his fun time playing video games in a dark room

All millennials are depressed as fuck

>its a hick millennials talk about other millennials rerun episode
oh boy

You're a millennial too

I've been going to Sunday Assembly for the past few months, and it's church for atheists. They sing songs, have guest lecturers about everything, and it's an interesting way to meet people.
I'd say only 1/4 of the people there are actually atheists, and even less than that bear any resemblance to edgy faggot teenagers who are just there because they have a grudge against religion.
They've never once bashed religion while I was there, although some of the conversations that the people attending have do lean that way. It's a decent substitution for real church, since it fulfills the same communal function, and all are welcome.

With stock options, 401(k), health insurance, dental, vision, and life insurance.

But as they say, there's a cost for everything.


Our boomer parents want us to succeed and take care of them when they are elderly, kinda like in China or Korea I guess. I blame that on the constant work mentality, and using weekends to either get drunk, browse the internet, or sleep.

Life is pretty fucking stressful desu

My parents are very nice, it's me that's a piece of shit.

Classic millenicuck attitude. Deflect the blame