Doctor Strange Official Trailer 2

Kublai fucking khan day one watch

>eh, looks alright. bit silly but whatever
>hm, no quips yet.
>what, marvel does a trailer without quips? how can that be? i already like this movie
>wow there were no quips, never se-
fuck you marvel

Why is it that Marvel never fails at making everything so dull and uninspired?

Can't wait to see generic marvel movie #541.

Isn't this getting some hate for no Asian characters?

compared to DC offerings this was a breath of fresh air

but you know what this is going to be another fucking origin story where hero beats the big bad ive seen it a hundred times from marvel

did you not see the massive asian guy in the trailer?

looks shitty and boring

This looks way different from what we are used to see in Marvel, im excited

>Visuals boringly ripped off from Inception

Way to fuck up Marvel. They won't re-create even 10% of the crazy shit from the Ditko comics because they're fucking faggots. Worst thing is people will swallow this lazy Inception + Matrix aesthetic and call it "surreal" and "mindbending" and shit because they're fucking idiots without taste.

>Mad's is in it.

Okay, you've got me hyped.

>Inception meets magic meets capeshit

It looks decent. Far more interested in this than another Avengers. I always like the standalone films more than the mash-ups.

Saves them time and money.

Batman v Superman had a fucking quip in the trailer

>more shitty capeshit movies

when will it end?

Oh god, that joke at the end was rough.
>It's the wifi password. Get it? It's 2016, this is a thing people do. Get it?

Adobe After Effects """"""magick"""""" sure looks impessive

>implying inception's visuals were original

How pleb are you?

since when strange has wife?

>writing any passwords somewhere
Don't they know about niggers who steal everything they can or what?

The character Tilda Swinton is playing was originally Tibetan. The changed it so it can make money in China.

I'm really glad Benedict Wong is in this. He's fantastic.

Nice to see Errol about.