Attacking her is the definition of low-hanging fruit...

Attacking her is the definition of low-hanging fruit. She's a 48 year old black woman who is ugly and isn't passed off as being attractive or as a 'rising star'. She's generally used for comic relief and will probably be as such for the rest of her career.

If you have to attack anyone, attack Paul Feig. He's the one who deserves it the most. Or Melissa McCarthy who's grotesque and still somehow considered to be A-list. But Leslie doesn't deserve it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody will ever know who Paul Fag is after this disaster. Better it stays that way.




Agreed desu.

With Grape drank and watermelon
Oh lawdy

People that look like her shouldn't accept roles as protagonists in films. That's why she's being attacked. She's complicit in the Left's use of her to offend/brainwash the American public.

She's not the protagonist, she's a side character who's there to play the sassy black woman.

I will just link this and let you draw your own conclusions.

This whole thing was a false flag to drum up publicity for the shitty movie.

I don't know if it was
a race thing or a lady thing
i am as mad as hell

>implying anyone attacked her

It was a false flag to get more support for Ghostbusters

>says she's quitting twitter because of racist remarks months ago when trailer hit
>says she's quitting twitter because of racist remarks when movie relases
She's a human buzzfeed article that was hired to generate noise about the movie.

People attack her because she gets assblasted about it. It's that simple.

I have never had the combo of fried chicken and waffles, or fried chicken and watermelon, and it depresses the fuck out of me

the internet hate machine doesn't care
she crossed its line of vision and it had hate to impart

She doesn't like white people, not that i'm even white but I hate niggers more so I know who's side i'm on for this. And she does deserve it, she wanted it she's getting it.

She's just so Fucking ugly man...

I agree with you, but responding to the attacks was unproffesional, nothing would have happened if she kept to herself because people enjoyed her retweeting tweets from trolls.

Shes getting a lot of roles now
