'Ice Age 5' Bombs With $21M

>Ice Age: Collision Course, which fell off a cliff in its domestic debut with $21 million from 3,392 theaters — 55 percent behind the 2012 launch of Ice Age: Continental Drift ($46.6 million) and the worst showing for an animated studio tentpole in a decade

>Ice Age: Collision Course was skewered by critics (it sports a dismal 13 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes).

Is this franchise finally fucking dead?

They should have stopped after 2. I didn't think 3 was that bad, but they were clearly pushing it by that point.

I feel like people missed the point of going to see a Thurmeier film.

None of his other releases were judged so harshly on their mainstream appeal, instead being celebrated for what they were. That is, amazing visuals, intangible atmospheric scenery and a largely irrelevant plot line. The narrative is more there as a vehicle for the emotional trip his shots inspire and is not central to his intentions.


What the fuck

Euros and Chinks have killed Hollywood

Overseas loves Ice Age. . . like really, really loves it

They're already making an Ice Age 6

They should have stopped after Dawn of the Dinosaurs; the first one was fine, the second was meh, but Dawn of the Dinosaurs is bretty gud, everything else is pure shit

Was not even aware there was a 3 & 4


>5 fucking Ice Ages
Fucking finally kill it already.

>he didn't know about foreign plebs

>implying Ice Age gives a shit about domestic

An euro here working in a theater, can confirm, people here eat this shit up

Jesus christ, I didn't even know they were still making these. How did these get so popular overseas?

Can you tell us what theater you work at so we can all go and throw trash everywhere?

Doubt you live close (slav country), also feel free to throw trash, it doesn't bother me, I don't deal with that.

>ice age 1:
budget: $59,000,000
box office:$383,300,000
>ice age 2:
box office:$660,900,,000
>ice age 3:
box office:$886,700,000
>ice age 4:
box office:$877,200,000

budget: $324,000,000
box office: $2,808,100,000

ice age franchise has has already made over 2 billion dollars in PROFIT even if you remove 400 million for advertising. The new movie has already made 155 million dollars, 50 million over budget in its firs weekend.

how is it a bomb again?

eurofag here

constantly see this shit advertised on TV. In my country they dub children's cartoons (not live action films) so people go watch the movies with their kids.

1 or 2 kid's tickets + 1 or 2 for a parent/guardian. So 2-4 tickets per child viewer easily.

I agree with you that it isn't a flop, but your math is wrong, by your logic the theaters show movies for free, and all ticket money goes to studios.

still made hella money even if you double or triple the budget to make up for those costs

Are the dubs better than the originals or something? Any yurofag wanna confirm

It better fucking be.

I can still remember being a child like 15 something years ago and watching the first Ice Age. I was really confused seeing advertisements for this, I really doubt kids these days have watched the first 1 or 2 movies. I don't even get how much you can milk out of this franchise, nut and squirrel jokes get old after a while.

huh, Europe really loves the Ice Age franchise. Didn't know that

The first was really good and the second was alright, but to each their own, I guess

why is the media going nuts and saying this movie bombed, but won't even mention how Ghostbusters is ranking at all?

Doesn't fit their narrative, they think children should be watching Ghostbusters to see how awesome women are instead of innocuous talking animals that don't fill their heads with propaganda.