Your first cinematic crush

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sadly it was Natalie Portman in Garden State

Rachel Weisz in the mummy was the first girl i remember being attracted to


I just saw Garden State like 4 days ago. Not sad, bro. She's a total qt.

I`m afraid I would find her cloying in her manic pixie dream girl-ness these days. When I saw that movie in a theater at 13 years old I pretty much fell in love with her. Left a deep imprint on me. I`m sure I felt attracted to actresses before but that was a huge crush I had.

She's still younger than Amy Schumer yet her career is deader than dead.

This. I thought she was the cutest girl I had ever seen when I was 10.

>tfw he hasn't aged in 20 years

Life is cruel


>Not Natalie portman in "Leon:The proffesional"
You dissapoint

its called being rich and having access to all the expensive healthy foods, personal care, and premium gym memberships.

me too. but in casper

>she's supposed to be ugly


b-but she has paint covered overalls and glasses

he very obviously has

Why Am I diamonds right now?

still gives me a chub

>im 17 years old

>SD came out 14 years ago

Pffff hahah. No. Just don't treat your body like a fucking moron and you're good. Most people fuck up by smoking, drinking, not exercising (correctly) and eating shit.

Hollywood let her slip through her fingers.


that would mean he was like 1 when that movie came out

That movie came out like 10 years ago jesus christ this board is like 16 years old

Zach Galifianakis in Visioneers.

Fuck he's so cute I just wanna hug him.

simultaniously went through my first hard core crush and my first heart break when I realized she'll never know I exist let alone want to know me

I wish I lived in this surreal universe where hot pussy goes unnoticed.

Now a have a fetish with pale dark haired girls.


That's not heartbreak, kid.

came here to post this
I actually had a dream about her coming to my house to hang out with me. (I was like, 10)
crushed on her hard.

>Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled
>Fucking hnmmmmmmmm

its still closer to love then you'll ever get :^)

Some shitty straight to VHS movie we used to rent from the local grocery store when I was probably like 7 or 8 years old. I would make my mom renew our rental over and over again because I was in love with the girl.

Now 18 years later I'm so fixated on white girls with dark hair and bangs that I'm hardly even attracted to any other archetype anymore. It's actually become kind of a problem in my dating life as I'm so extremely picky about who I'm attracted to that I never really want to date anyone anymore.

Years later I remembered about the movie and managed to find it online again by asking around here. I looked up the actress and found her on Facebook. She's a completely normie now in her late 20s. I dropped her a message telling her that I loved her movie as a kid and had tons of good memories from it. She responded nicely and we exchanged a few more messages. She's married with a kid now ;_;

Fucking Kitana. I didn't even knew how to masturbate unfortunately.

Alyson Stoner bb.

ultra-qt as fuark to me

Here you go mang.

I also looked up the boy from the movie. He's a neckbeard freak now who probably posts with us here. I sent him a kind of condescending message and he never responded.

As a straight guy, I feel comfortable enough in my sexuality to say Casper Van Diem is damn handsome.
Aged like a fine wine.

>everyone naming mid 2000s shit

Jesus cheist

Why is that degenerate jew touching her?


I know, right?
We're old user
One day you're making jokes about being old, the next you're explaining to a co-worker why, "stuck in the middle with you" makes you want to cut someone's ear off because he was too young to know.

Did he go on to act more? I don't think I have seen him since.


And a ponytail

Sometimes you get good genes bro.

Other times you exercise regularly and eat clean.

Not hard to avoid the ravages of age if you're careful.

She's literally the least hottest woman in the movie.

>but in casper
Thank you. She was cute as fuck.




Looks like Trevor from The Whitest Kid You Know while wearing a wig

She still looks hot to me in this movie since I was only 7. At first I thought they were real twins.

Tied with Britney Spears on the cover art of Baby One More Time.

>still being on Sup Forums after your 20s


Mah nigga

I want her to dance naked then shake her ass on my face

Kind of embarrassing in retrospect

Which one, modern Alyson, or loli Alyson?

Why not both desu

Hey man, I don't mind both, but Loli all day long man.

Mah nigga

you will never get to press you cheeks against Alyson Stoners adorable little loli ass as she dances naked for you

Why Live

I miss 2002


growing up, my sister (older by 8 years) always watched the Charmed marathons on TV so i was forced to watch it if i wanted to watch anything.

>being underage on Sup Forums
>posting an image from facebook
Double cancer


sure thing gramps

I remember I told my mom I got hard watching Power Rangers

Step up niggas

Did she give you a tuggy?

Not even memeing.

Yes I'm a loser you don't need to bring it up

lmao me too


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