Eternal /got/ general

Tarly family dinner edition

azor robin!

What was implied with this gesture?

Reposting from previous thread

What is the name of the planet that Westeros is on?

What is the creation myth(s) for the creation of their planet/universe?

How many races are on this planet?

How big is it?

Azor Ahaisaac

Plz respond

How many of you would literally shit yourselves if she looked at you like this?

It doesn't have a name, although they've said the word earth dozens of times.

unofficially Planetos


humans, giants, cotf, idk

probably earth size

>What is the name of the planet that Westeros is on?
>What is the creation myth(s) for the creation of their planet/universe?
post nuclear winter Indonesia
>How many races are on this planet?
>How big is it?
543,000 sqft

>What is the name of the planet that Westeros is on?
The Known World
(but let's call it Planetos)
>What is the creation myth(s) for the creation of their planet/universe?
Uh, I know the Dothraki have one. Can't remember it though.
>How many races are on this planet?
Five or six, I think.

-Children of the Forest
-The Others
-The Deep Ones
-Beast-men of Sothoryos

>How big is it?
Westeros is as big as South America, and Westeros isn't even the biggest continent. So quite large. Bigger than Earth, which might explain the weird seasons.

>unofficially Planetos

Fan made name with no book/show/other source material to back it up?

patrician 1st tbqh


Who here is /Meera/?

No she's just a typical fag hag

With the Freys weak, and House Stark back in Winterfell, Sansa is right now the most eligible bachelorette in the Seven Kingdoms.

Cousin to the Lord of the Vale, only behind two people for the Riverlands, only behind one person for the North.

She's a good linchpin. One marriage gets you three kingdoms on your side and your kids in line for two of them

Jon's gonna need to get on that.

Azor Makethebadmanfly

who gives a fuck you goddamned autist

No. Gonna stop you right there.

There will be no SHIPPING in this thread.

what was the name of his sword? I know the first part is "hearts" but I couldn't quite make out the second syllable. can someone tell me the name of the sword? hearts-? just the last part

Robin sucks

i just want to see her naked


Azor Arya

You forgot the ibbenese or wtf they're called


good luck



Cute friends being cute

Why must you spoil everything Sup Forums reeeeeeee


those are humans

>who gives a fuck you goddamned autist



>-The Others

They are simply humans with ice powers. They aren't a race you autist.






Jon and Sansa would have anime kids.

Auburn hair with a silver streak, purple eyes and high cheekbones

Silver hair with a black streak with blue eyes and a long face

Dark hair with an auburn streak with one blue one purple eye

There's a shitload of combinations you can make with red/dark/silver/silver-gold hair, purple/blue/grey eyes and different kinds of face structure and skin tone, especially with valyrian blood letting you have streaks of a different hair color and heterochromia.

Why does Trystane have a rapier?

>They are simply humans with ice powers

You must be new here. This is a general were we spend all day wondering about the most autistic things ever.

*clacking sound*?

>not hot

gr8 b8


who /conan/ here?

once she gets a nude scene they'll all know

>being a attracted to a 4/10 at best jewess

>people fighting endlessly over westeros

>when its the UK of europe



Something I never got is why no leaders of Westeros wanted to EXPAND into Essos?

*throws up in mouth*

what time is this on

11 est

why doesn't anyone try to take over braavos


No they are more like neanderthals.
The child of a man and an Ibbenese is always sterile to like the child of a horse and a donkey

It's protected by ancient jew magic

So 100 years from now when the dust has settled, who will be in the viewed as the hero during the War of the Five Kings?

"It takes more than a pretty cloak to charge a shield wall. I was leading Mace Tyrell’s van when you were still sucking on your mother’s teat, Guyard."

Fucking based Tarly.

1 man. objective FACT

Well, whoever writes the history books.

If it's Dany, then they'll all be regarded as usurpers.

>show ending in 13 episodes
>battle for the dawn should be the primary northern storyline



She looks a lot better looking in person than she does in the show

>If it's Dany, then they'll all be regarded as usurpers.

>1000 years from now
>everyone has access to internets in Westeros
>learn the actual history of the War of the Five Kings
>Stannis is now the hero and their culture has a huge autistic following of him, creating movies and tv shows and everything about him.

Why is he so perfect?

The fuck are you talking about? GoT has always been more about politics than warfare.

Nord genes

robb will have the least-tarnished legacy since the only mistakes he made were out of love

everyone else is irredeemable.

incest bastard and a cruel king
a would-be usurper. we was even planning/had desire for the throne whilst robert was still sitting on the throne
literally burned his child alive

Cersei and Joff are already regarded as the heroes at least in Braavos

Why do people post the fake shopped pic with the manlet?

>literally burned his child alive

How many people outside of Melly, Jon, and Davos know this?

>mfw she played anne frank

>jealous bitch sansa who proclaimed jon snow as king in the north a moment ago is now conspiring with littlefinger who she suddenly trusts again to retake her house seat because she doesn't trust her bastard brother

>incest bastard
There is no proof of it and he was the rightful king according to the line of succession, the proper progression and the lawful ascension

>I will shield your back and give my life for yours, if it comes to that. I swear it by the Old Gods and the new. I vow that you shall always have a place in my home and at my table and that I shall ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the new.

>Cersei and Joff are already regarded as the heroes at least in Braavos

In Westeros however.............

The sellswords that fled his camp the day before battle.

>he thinks most of politics isn't guided by base matters and petty jealousy

whatever happened to them? and stannis's fleet?


lol like the show cares about the actual plot

No idea. Maybe fled to Dragonstone thinking Stannis would die?

who /samefag/ here?

Hey thats my poll! I'm flattered, user.

>stannis's fleet?
Jon borrowed it to get the wildlings off Hardhomme, I guess the Night's Watch will get to keep most of it.


Ramsey needed 20 good men to wrek Stannis' host.

He had a metric ton of hardened Dreadfort men and lost to wildlings.

And the cavalry of the Vale, of course.

But he got cocky and didn't just starve them out while using arrow volleys from Winterfell to wrek it.

Even the knights of the Vale didn't have the logistics set up for a siege.

What a fuckface.

> “It's a natural thing, two boys having a go at each other beneath the sheets.”

what did she mean by this ?

>missing the point that sansa backed jon as king in the north and cucked littlefinger, but all of the sudden is reversing her attitude

So Sansa isn't seriously planning to overthrow Jon is she? After that whole "I should've been happy with what I had" thing in the finale? I know the writers are bad, but that can't be that retarded can they?

liberal agenda


That some men are beautiful and you want to do more than stare.

That gayness is more socially acceptable than incest.

Sansa will partner with Littlefinger and turn on Jon, only to turn on Littlefinger and expose him as a traitor to the Northern Crown, simultaneous proving herself to the North, to Jon, and outsmarting the master.

D&D have been pushing this Sansa vs Jon thing, but also pushed that it's because of a hold Littlefinger has on her.

Her not telling Jon about the Vale, riverrun and the meeting with Littlefinger and not being a pure Stark according to D&D, is because Littlefinger has a hold on her.

And he still has a hold on her now when he again gets her to start doubting Jon and considering him to be less worthy and in her way. Those same doubts that led to her not telling anything to Jon then apologizing for not telling him.

The good way of progressing the character this late in the game is to get her to get out from under Littlefinger's hold.

the truth

It's okay to be gay.