What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Can't wait for #STD!

They really should've considered the initials before they pick the name.

they knew EXACTLY what they were doing.


>getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from my parents was the best learning experience of my life

For once I agree with the guy, but I wouldn't call The Expanse realistic. It's just sci-fi.

This Brianna Wu individual seems like an intelligent, level headed woman.

>He's not wrong
A stopped watch... however it goes.


Does anyone have that no one watches science fiction movies for science tweet.

This is going to be memeist memeshow to ever mem.


who is the smemy deedle


I call them by whatever pronoun they want. It doesn't effect me either way. I'm not going near that genitalia though.

>playing pretend with a mental illness

I always pretend to hear the voices with the scizos too

He seems correct. I literally agree with him. It's a weird feeling.

>40 year old tranny
>still no job or even college degree
>internet laughing stock
>even his kickstarter backers are calling this tranny out on his scam and demanding refunds

i tend to take the path of least resistance with these things. If pretending I hear voices gets me from some bullshit confrontation, I hear voices too.

>being this much of a beta

> thinking being angry about a dude calling himself a girl makes you alpha

back to your containment board Sup Forumsermin

>i tend to take the path of least resistance with these things.

on a fucking anonymous image board

>Can't wait for #STDs!!!
What did she mean by this?

Well she's not wrong, she's just being kinda pretentious


>limited resources after we colonize space.

She does know its near infinite with new places to constantly find with more resources.


Just like the Vampire Diaries.

What the fuck does a women know about science fiction?

Is she a true gamer girl, Sup Forums? Are you jealous of her figure collection?

Why does she look like she's in her 20s and 60s simultaneously?

>that disgusting dust

It figures

what does some (failed) tranny (failed) video game developer have to do with television or film?

y'all niggas jus jelly you'll never land a hawt babe like this

>That dust

39 year old John Walker Flynt

Disowned by multi-millionaire PhD holding parents for becoming a Tranny

Now says he was adopted

"software engineer"

Hired people to create ""her"" game, most of them quit but she claims to have fired them

Literally unplayable PRESS X TO CONTINUE middle-school drama tier narrative/plot/characters

Claims to be a minority rights activist but every single character in ""her"" game is a thin white woman

because ""she"" transitioned in her early 30's and is also 6'5

That face seriously looks horrific. Like, I don't think it's attractive but it's actually scary. Like something you'd see in a creepypasta youtube video.

>Mentally ill
>Collects statueshit
>On dusty shelves that have never been maintained, haphazardly displayed

Makes perfect sense.


I'd give her an #STD.
If you know what I mean ;)

He's right about the Star Trek films being action films set in space.

You forgot
>Bought a motorcycle with Kickstarter/Patreon money but can't drive

>>Can't wait for #STD!
Alright usually I get mad when you retards repost and give attention to this maniac but this made me chuckle.

I don't even see these people on Sup Forums anymore, just here


this person is like a next-level CWC because it has a meager twitter following where it exercises its meager sociopolitical clout regularly

The fallout once the charade ends will be fantastic

>Posts incredibly common opinion about SW and ST
>Talks about The Expanse like it wasn't a completely shit show complete with a hard boiled detective wearing a fedora
>Posts an even more tired and common opinion about the most recent Trek movies

I don't think she posted such trite things because she's a woman, but because she's just a lazy and uncreative person like most people and thinks her opinions are unique and chooses to shout them into the void.

She's also the right age to idolize pleb-tier '90s sci-fi like Babylon 5.

Charge your phone nigga

dumb iPhone using Sup Forumsedditor

>not calling him a she means you're angry

I cannot wait until this freak kills itself


no i think we can

>she kills herself
>ultimate cry for attention
>muh internet boogyman killed muh strong and intelligent game designing tranny
>nobody will shut up about it until 2025

or she could just fade into obscurity and eventually be found dead from a hormone drug overdose or something