Does Sup Forums like Star Trek: Enterprise?

Does Sup Forums like Star Trek: Enterprise?

because no one EVER talks about it.

so ITT: DS9 thread


Yes. Even though it's absolute shit, yes, I do like it. I find its numerous flaws and failures endearing, like the underdog who you can't help but root for.

I do, but mostly season three and four minus the god awful series finale

>it's an archer violates every starfleet protocol and continues to unnecessarily put earth at greater risk episode

Enterprise is better than Voyager.

Speaking of which,
Voyager should be banned from /trek/ threads.

It had the best bridge design.

>look kids, some punk that confuses Starfleet protocols with Federation mandates
>the Federation didn't exist until the end of Enterprise's run
>can't violate some god damned bullshit that doesn't even exist yet
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

I like the theme song.

Since they started dealing with the Expanse in later seasons it was pretty rad

Much better than Voy overall

making Trip die was fucking stupid

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

So, what, your line of thinking is that Starfleet didn't have any protocols at that point in time?

How is it that we can come up with protocols for meeting hypothetical aliens TODAY, but all that is forgotten by the 22nd century?

You, Berman and Braga excuse Archer's behavior by painting a picture of a Starfleet so incompetent that it truly strains one's suspension of disbelief.


Yes. It was huge missed opportunity ruined by fuckwits with names beginning with B. Main plot... god awful temporal cold war sucked ass and turned very idea of prequel around as tons of things were manipulated from future. What it should have been about was first contacs and first dealings with Klingons, Romulans, Andorians and others we already know from other shows. Xindi arc... season three was decent. IMHO season 4 is best season of Trek (excluding finale), mini story arcs was good compromise between independent self contained episodes and modern continuing story.

I'm a /VOY/agerm.




Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.


yes actually, it was a more grounded and grittier than the utopian wet dream the other series were. had its faults (that fucking opening theme) and some obvious fan service (archer met the borg first lol) but still shits on voyager overall.

There was that whole nigger baby episode on Terok Nor

Shit, I meant Empok Nor

Implying that GIFTING a fucking Cardassian LEGEND to your wife is doing something wrong.

GTFOOHMF I'd be cool with Dukat cucking me and knocking my wife up but only Dukat.

There were some pretty awesome references to Enterprise in the new movie

>new movie

>Enterprise is better than Voyager.

Voyager is the best though. Babylon 9 is the worst in the series desu


voyager is a meeandering mess desu and the affirmative action shit rammed down your throat every episode makes it unbearable

Voyager is as show shitty as it's inconsistentent as hell in writing and they literally decide to skip the entire premise of show. You know, we are really fucking faraway and fucked in every way possible... yet it returns to same status quo after every episode as other Treks.

IMHO it still has more really good episodes than DS9 despite being worse show overall.

It has the hottest woman in Trek.

And it's better than Voyager.


oops, forgot pic

DS9 = TOS > TNG post season 2 > Voyager post season 4 >>>>>>>>>>Everything else >>> Enterprise

smart t'polposter

it wasn't good, but far from the worst

I liked Enterprise, particularly the third and fourth seasons. It's a shame it was cancelled right as it hit its stride.

[Vague Star Trek Beyond spoilers:]I really liked how many Enterprise references there were in Star Trek Beyond. There were some pretty deep cuts (they even referenced the MACOs!). I never would have expected that.

>Two Vulcans stroll into a bar, hustle a few games of pool and walk out with an armload of TV dinners. Sounds like an old episode of The Twilight Zone!


Does anyone have a viewer's guide for Enterprise? Or a list of the good episodes?

>Or a list of the good episodes?
Seasons 3 and 4.

I want T'pol to sit on my face and calmly explain to me that my turbulent cumming is illogical



I've yet to completely watch the other series if I'm being completely honest here.

Entire 3rd and 4th season.

Broken Bow
Terra Nova
The Andorian Incident
Sleeping Dogs
Shadows of P'Jem
Shuttlepod One
Shockwave, Part II
Carbon Creek
Cease Fire
Future Tense
First Flight
The Expanse

Lot of shit episodes in there.

This is why we need guides that don't conflate "important" with "good".

>wearing frumpy quaker clothes
>still cute as fuck

how does she do it bros?

>It's a T'Pol is cute episode

>Lot of shit episodes in there.

Please point out shitty ones. Those are very much subjective.

>This is why we need guides that don't conflate "important" with "good".

At some point we probably shoud run polls on eliminating unessential episodes, taking into account both importance and quality.

I'll start eliminating... whats left and very brief why it was left.

Broken bow // pilot.. that is enough explanation.
The Andorian Incident // vulcans and andorians.
Shuttlepod One // Tucker and reed, character driven episode.
Acquisition // Fanservice, ferengis. Not important in any way, but one of best comedy episodes in all shows.
Carbon Creek // Another comedy episode that totally subverts entire history.
Regeneration // Yet another fanservice episode, Borgs, canonizes First Contact even deeper.
First Flight // Another better than just good individual episode. History of warp flight, Archer as character.

The Forge+Awakening+Kir'Shara // Vulcan mess feat. Andorians.
Borderland+Cold Station 12+The Augments // Sort of combination of Khaaaaan, dr Soong and primes why certain species temporarily lost their unique foreheads. Things that aren't talked with outsiders. Pretty much biggest retconning in Trek habbening.
In a Mirror, Darkly I+II // Best mirror universe episode. Period.

>how does she do it bros?

Also it's from only episode where all other Vulcans have same clothes. Tight leather looks good on some people... other not that much.

i'm so jealous of whoever got to fuck her

Demons+Terra Prime // Section 31, paranoia, race...species mixing and Robocop.

Is it Admiral Robocop or a different character?

that JUST hairline on robocop
should have kept his helmet on

if you follow the novels he becomes a section 31 operative

Does Sup Forums like the original series?

Like, after he dies? Before? Was it a faked death?

lmao fuck no that shit's awful

Who the fuck doesn't?

Definitely enjoyable, but a little too dated from a production standpoint.
Some of the secondary acting is pretty bad at time.

>disgusting fake tits and wig

Just no. Hoshi is the only acceptable answer.

She can turn gay men straight.

Yes, the books retcon it to have been a fake death.

>fake tits


Yes. There is quite a few years between ENT and TOS.

In practice characters are almost identical and have very similar motivations.

Not sure about helmet, but he is good in any slightly paranoid sci-fi role.


Do you have eyes?

they're real to me, damnit

This. Real enough.

time and plastic surgery probably won't do any good on her face on long run

Bakula to the future bread.

>Jolene Blalock
Howard: "Hey Jolene, can I ask one last question?"
Jolene: "Yeah....."
Howard: "A bunch of guys called in. They want to know, do you have real breasts or fake?"
Jolene: "Fake."
Howard: "They're fake!?!"
Jolene: "Yeah."
Robin: "Well, they look real!"
Howard: "Damn, we said they were real... They're real good. Don't feel bad about that. You look perfect."
Jolene: "Oh no, I don't. I did it about ten years ago..."
Bababooey: "You did it when you were seventeen!?"
Jolene: "Yeah."
Robin: "Wha?"
Bababooey: "Why did you do it when you were seventeen? Just for yourself?"
Jolene: "Yeah, I did it completely for myself. I didn't tell anybody."
Howard: "You're wild!"

Even if those are plastic, those are fantastic.


Is this true? VOY was so bad I had to watch TNG again to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

Unironically, yes.

Star Trek Enterprise was the very best Star Trek series ever produced to date.

Trektards hate it because it isn't gay enough.

Nope. It's because it's not TOS or TNG. General public just never noticed it.

why is it flying backwards?

It's not. It's jumping to warp.

>Nope. It's because it's not TOS or TNG

What did I just say?

>tfw we'll never legit have r-rated Star Trek based on female drug addicted Vulcanian cutie sex-adventures and Universe exploration

isn't absolutely hating it a meme of yesteryear?

I used to watch it when I got home from high school every day. It was comfy.

>tfw no 9/10 vulcan repressed junkie gf

But DS9 is the gayest of all Treks.

lesbians are not gay, m9

Symbiotes have had different bodies in past, there probably has been pretty much every combination of genitals between those two.

And NigTrek9 tards are some of the gayest trektards ever.

I just started marathoning the first season recently. There have been a few bad episodes, Archer isn't always consistent, but overall it's been pretty good Trek.

Someone doesn't like Opera

>small town
>steal clothes off clothes line
>nobody recognizes the dress

The fake tits would be a bigger red flag.