What was the first R-rated movie you saw and how old were you?

What was the first R-rated movie you saw and how old were you?

Total recall, 10

Jaws, 12

Starship Troopers, 7

My parents took me to see Gladiator in theaters at age 8

Terminator 2, 7 or so

A friend of mine had the evil dead which was banned here at the time. I was 9 and didn't sleep well for a while.

I don't remember the first one I saw, but the first R-rated movie I saw in theaters was 300

The Godfather. I was six or seven. I saw it on cable in a hotel when I was on vacation. I also saw The Shining a year or two later in a similar situation.

Underworld, 11

that one where robert deniro is a cop and he has to find 2 criminals one of which is retarded and films everything
idk what it was called
i remember the sex scene, my mom was worried about me watching it with them
I was 8 or so

First R-rated movie I was allowed to see was Predator when I was 8. First R-rated movie I saw without my parents knowledge was Scarface when I was 11

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Terrified me.

"15 Minutes"

Troy, 12, I believe. It was kind of crap.


I was 2.

Thanks dad.

Pulp Fiction, 6.

A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984), I was 8 at the time

I remember showing my horrified grandparents the kill scenes when they came over the next day, I don't quite think they respected mum & dad as much after that one



In the country I grew up in we didn't have a ratings system. You could be 6 and go watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Today Bad Boys 2 was on TV and the suggested age (in the top left corner of the screen) was 12.

Kill bill

As if you even remember being 2.

Deadpool, 13

American Beauty. About 16 years old.

I remember when you were conceived

Gangs of New York, 14.

First time all the way through was either The Wall (not worth) or Halloween III when I was ~14 I think.


Either The Running Man or The Terminator when I was 6. They were a bit disappointing compared to Jingle All the Way desu.

The Matrix, 8 IIRC.

Death Wish, I was 6

Scary Movie 2, 6

The Bodyguard

I was five years old.

Lionheart & T2

Was at friend's for sleep over. Hostess mom called my mom to make sure it was okay. She said there would be no sex or nudity. My mom said okay.

Team American: World Police. 13. Though I actually didn't see it, as me and my friends were kicked out of the theater.

I was 17 or 18
Movie sucks balls

Scary Movie 2. Can't recall how old I was and I'm too lazy to look it up, but it was whenever it was still new on DVD.

Pic Related, I was six almost seven. It scared the shit outta me

In general, probably Forrest Gump or Shawshank redemption because those are my dads favorite movies.
In theatres though it wasnt until i was 12 years old and my mom drunkenly dragged me out of the house while fighting with my dad to see Breach when i was 12.
Great movie.

American Werewolf in Paris.

I was probably 9 years old and it scared the shit out of me.

>that fucking graveyard church mass werewolf slaughter orgy

RoboCop, I was 7

I had the toys and really wanted to watch it and my parents just said "if you get scared by the radiation guy you're not allowed to sleep in our room"

9 year old me could not have handled that.
9 year old me couldnt even handle jaws.

Is that even worth being rated R?

Silence of the Lambs
bout 8

Alien when I was 8.

>I had the toys
Why were all the best toys characters from R rated movies?

aliens, it was 1993 i was in 2nd grade.

pretty much set the course for the rest of my life

You're telling me, I was at a sleepover and I spent the entire night shaking in my sleeping bag while staring at the bathroom door that was slightly ajar. All of the lights were on too but my friend was passed the fuck out. It was a god damn relief realizing when I woke up that it was morning.

Starship Troopers at 6
Still remember my aunt covering my eyes on the shower scene and me moving away from her hand.

Jaws 3-D, 6

Basket Case I think

I watched all of that 80s horror with my aunt

Did your aunts molest you?

On VHS not sure but the first R rated movie my friends and I snuck into was Species when were 13


Die Hard
Can't remember.

Well she should've

Snatch, 4. surprised myself I was able to comprehend the basic plot

Terminator. I was 3. It remains my favorite movie to this day.

Godfather II and Forrest Gump, 11.

Still personal favorites of mine.

The cabin scenes were filmed about 20 minutes from where I live. I actually visited it after I watched the movie for the first time many years back.

Shit nigga that stuff is still uncomfortable for me today. You a hardcore mothafucka

Forrest Gump isn't R though.

snuck into Beerfest with a buddy


My bad.

How many years ago

Walking Tall.
I was 3, and my dad was really irresponsible taking me to see it.

Joe Don Baker busting up everything with his stick scared the crap out of me.

It was back in '06 or early '07. I was a sophomore in high school. My grandparents had no clue what they were doing, so they just went along with my instructions. There really isn't much, as it's more or a talking point really.

Kill Bill, I was 8.

Lethal Weapon 2

Can't remember exact when it was but was probably in the late 90's

Fuck if I know, concussions have wiped out most details of my childhood from my memory.

The ring when I was 9 in a sleepover with friends.
Couldn't sleep for weeks and was terrified of the phone.

>tfw parents bought you saving private ryan for christmas when you were 10
>tfw watching the beach scene for the first time

He got game in theaters when I was 6. My Dad didn't really keep rated R-movies away from my brothers and I when we were small but he admits this was a total mistake thinking it was a basketball movie with some blood.

Grew up watching the God Father, Goodfellas, Casino and Scarface just caused he loved watching them when he got back home.



Carrie, 12 I guess?
It was in 2005

The Thing(1982) or the original Hellraiser.

I watched them with my friend and his father when I was 7 years old. Pretty terrifying at the time.

Candyman, 11

fucked me up pretty good

I checked on IMDB and it said +16

The Thing (1982) when it broadcasted on HBO back in '83. Based first R rated experience. Watched it with grandma. She freaked when the head grew spider legs. I felt sad when they killed the dogs. I thought they shot them irl. I was 7 or 8.

I dont remember. I watched rated R movies with my family all the time so I guess I was pretty privileged. Only downside I didnt have anyone to discuss them with including Rated M games which I was allowed to play starting at 8yo.

Yeah for real, fucking great horror movie though.

It is never mentioned though these days.

One of my firsts also
Shit kept me up for nights and nights. Haven't seen it in so long though I wonder if it holds up

I saw it at seven too. Even had the micro machine knockoff ships and arachnid toys with magnets on me. Loved it.

The satire was lost on second-grade me.

Blade Runner

I think it might have been Con Air, I know it was the first one I saw where they said Fuck. I was about 9 or so.

yeah, I watched it again a few years ago, and still holds up because of the atmosphere

I'm now 35 and you couldn't pay me $100 to say candyman in the mirror 5 times.

Jesus christ

Saw that when I was 9. I couldn't think of anything else for what seemed like forever afterward. The Omaha Beach sequence bothered me quite a bit.
Today, it's my favorite movie.

Goddamn nigga, I wouldn't have been able to sleep for days after the dog kennel scene if I saw that when I was that young.

Terminator 2

the year was 1994
age 5

baby sitter did not give a fuck and put in the VHS

best day ever.


Same, I'm sure I saw another R movie before it but the first one I can actually remember is The Godfather part 1 on TV when I was six. Especially the horse head scene, that made me laugh hard.

Deadpool, 102

Sleepy Hollow, 7

my parents showed it to me

Me, myself, and Irene
I was in 1st grade

I wasn't supposed to watch it but my mom passed out from her anti depressants

I was 8 when i saw the south park movie in theatres. My parents thought they were taking me to see a cartoon movie. Left halfway through the intro song

Exorcist, 11

I wa eight when I saw Robocop. I already watched every action movie with my father, but when they blow out Murphy's hand it sared the shit out of me.

My dad said "if you can't deal with this, go to bed". I got my shit together and watch the whole thing.

That's how you educate a kid.

First one I vividly remember was 300, so I was 11. I remember bits and pieces of Starship Troopers when I was around 3 but that movie scared me too much to watch as a 3 year old.