
haha dude lamo what a lib cucks

Other urls found in this thread:


what a cuck

Reddit is so toxic. Makes me sick!


OP is a faggot

>tfw reddit managed to get a reaction out of him but Sup Forums didn't


Wow ebaumsworld is so insensitive

Sup Forums's userbase is minuscule compare to reddit's. Max Landis feeds off of attention, so when a popular thread on the 7th most popular site on the internet talks about something horrible his father was apart of, he can't help himself but get involved.

Just like when RedLetterMedia shit talked his movie and received 400k + views for it, he can't help but get involved.

He's a parasite that needs to be looked at to feel good about himself.


dont put meme arrows in front of a link you faggot

oh man, these reddit assholes are brutal when they want fake internet points. We make fun of max because it's funny, but I genuinely think they're trying to hurt him.

What's an "helicopter parents"

And that redditor is clearly autistic.
The fuck does he wants from a 35 yo accident? He wants Landis to go to prison?

What else he wants OJ to admit and Cruse to get out of the closet?

Annoying little shit.

Wow, I'd never seen the actual accident footage before. Neato.

Sup Forums preaches peace

You're being weird. If Landis got his neck snapped everyone here would laugh their butts off.

>"How Do I" Landis

>people should get away with murder because it happened years ago

Yes, you nazi hunter jew piece of shit

>What's an "helicopter parents"
Overprotective parents who "hover" around everything their children do. And in this case a nifty double entendre.

Max "Children Chopper" Landis
Max "Free chopper rides" Landis
Max "Helicopter Haircut" Landis
Max "my dad is a helicopter parent" Landis.
Max "kill the gook with a CH-47 Chinook" Landis
Max "get to the choppa" Landis.
Max ''slaughter them all'' Landis
Max "Heads will Roll" Landis
Max "Dad wanted me to get a head" Landis
Max "Nebrotism" Landis
Max "Fly Lower" Landis
Max "when the chopper goes wild, we kill another child" Landis.
Max "kid clipper Jr." Landis
Max "son of the flying guillotine" Landis
Max "fly low, sweet chariot. daddy's gonna cut off your head" Landis.
John "full body bris" Landis
Max "Slicer and Dicer, with a side of rice-er" Landis
Max "uptomyknees in the blood of two kids and a guy" Landis
Max "If there's an epicanthic fold, put them in the ground cold" Landis
Max "China Syndrome" Landis
Max "Stunt double? Just hire twins" Landis
Max "How do I get this helicopter to" Landis
Max "I can't" Landis
Max "Spin around, and Cut them Down" Landis
max "my dad killed people" landis
Max 'pop their top like ol pop' Landis
Max "I suck dick while my dad kills for kicks" Landis
Max "Kids aren't bad helipads" Landis
Max "My dad directed Blues Brothers and loves crying Vietnamese mothers" Landis
Max "how do I" Landis
Max "Twilight Zone is covered with children's bones" Landis
Max "They broke my fall, but it killed them all" Landis
Max "i feel glad when i kill jennifer jason leigh's dad" Landis
Max "kid killing yid" Landis.
Max "Yellow peril" Landis
Max "gleefully spins propeller penis to Landis hate" Landis
Max "Death from above" Landis

>Watch this Sup Forums. You can actually pinpoint the second their heads get chopped off.

>John "how do I" Landis

Fucking kekkles

That pilot didn't fly so good. It didn't Landis very well, either.

What is the Twilight Zone movie even about? Is it worth watching? What exactly was the stunt Landis was trying to do anyhow?

>"How Do I" Landis

>posting a link BTFOing Sup Forums

wtf I think Sup Forums is pathetic now

>John "how do I" Landis
I don't get it

Good thing it wasn't murder then


Pathetic virgin newfag leave for 9gag

>kids aren't bad helipads

It's an anthology of four stories, three of which are remakes from the show. It's mostly pretty okay, but y'know. If you like the show, but wanted to see it with very 80s direction, it might be for you.
IIRC it was supposed to be a sequence where a guy travels back to Vietnam, gets hellfired by a helicopter, etc. Helicopter couldn't find its way through the fire and crashed, kids died.

I have always liked John Landis and would never consider him responsible for what happened. But his son seems only semi-literate and I think the result of this is that the event will now be refereed to as the "Twilight Zone Incident."

Someone should ask this kid during a Q&A why he has never worked with Vic Morrow.

Several short Twilight Zone stories, the one involving the death was about a man who said nigger so was transported through time to various points in history where the evil whitey was oppresing people of color. This particular time jump was during the Vietnam war and it ain't me starts playing.

It's worth a watch and I still don't know how they managed to give it an ending with the leads body missing its head. They must have filmed the ending out of order to the rest.

He used to post on here very frequently, often giving out screenwriting advice in /swg/ and left because edgy kids kept shittalking his dad.

Unless I'm wrong?

I was one of those people but I feel bads now. :(

Why? His scripts are self evidently garbage
Even if it was him people are better off without whatever he has to say

>I still don't know how they managed to give it an ending

I think in the original ending Vic Morrow's character is redeemed, but instead now it ends with him on a train to Auschwitz.

How do I land dis

The only part I really liked were the Dan Akroyd intro and end. The stories aren't memorable .

>lead actor dies in a horrific accident on set
>end the segment by sending his character to be gassed


>often giving out screenwriting advice
was it "have a rich famous child murdering dad who can get your shit sold"

Ah, thanks user

reddit savage af

>Anons on Sup Forums start getting randomly ban for saying that websites name.

>Op creates a post with a link to the site in the Op and nothing happens
?mfw I have no face for this.

>John "How Do I" Landis

>Supposedly when Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes first met John Landis at the Universal Studios commissary while making Mallrats, Mewes pulled out a dollar bill and started pulling/snapping it so it made a "whup whup whup" sound.
>"Guess what this is" Mewes said.
>"I dunno." Landis said.
>"The last sound Vic Morrow ever heard".