Lights Out

So she was a ghost, that had to open doors?

And when she is in a darkened room with no place to escape she just teleports out?

But if there's a blacklight on her and you shine a flashlight on her, she gets physically burned?


This movie makes no goddamn sense.

Literally jump scare: the movie


Wasted potential: The Movie*

Brad is the worst character and yet the smartest.

I wanted to be Diana's friend, she wouldn't even have to mind control me

>romantic interest revolves around a man trying to get a female to commit

Most unrealistic part desu senpai

I'm normally pretty forgiving, but this movie was absolute dogshit.

>Flashlights make her disappear

Honestly the only redeemable part of this movie was the boyfriend. I was trying my hardest not to laugh at the end but I heard several people around me losing the struggle.

>i have no critique on the actual filmmaking so i'll just whine about arbitrary plot details

supposedly the original idea was Diana would be a demon that feeds off the mom's depression

would make a lot more of the movie make sense (the writing in the basement, the mom's suicide "killing" diana, not wanting the mom to get help, etc) instead of it just being a ghost of a crazy girl she knew as a kid

he wasn't that bad. like you said, he was the only smart one who used lights effectively

I have an in, guys.

Anyway, it looks like Jump Scare The Film as someone said. I'm gonna see it primarily for the "DON'T BE FUCKING STUPID" factor.

i went with my gf. it wasn't scary and we were both kinda bored so i fingerslammed her

>expecting a ghost movie to make sense

Sounds like White Noise all over again

What are some actually good horror shorts? I tried looking them up and it's always some jumpscare zombie bullshit where the guy literally films his fat wife or some highschool kids making a class project or something. Is there anything that has a decent production standard?

nice brah

First episode of VHS was 10/10. Don't watch the others they a shit.

>Make a movie about some youtube short
>Still make twice your budget
Why do these shitty low budget flicks do so well

So basically they were going for The Babadook but shittier with their original idea? Atleast they tried to be original with this shit and didn't copy horror kino

I don't fucking know dude why the hell do you gotta ask me stupid shit you know I don't know the answer to? Jesus man get a fucking life or something fuck....

it wasn't a terrible movie but there was a ton of studio interference

pretty much, but with depression instead of grief. that's how the director/writer of the short said it, anyway

2003 did the light witch gimmick better.

Isnt this a youtube shit