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First episode was alright.

The christmas special was pretty good too.

I hate how it became self-aware.

Tumblr will always be hell.

The latest one might just have been one of the worst things I've ever seen put on TV. I can't believe just how poorly done it was, despite it having that typical moffat slickness that makes it look like it's good.

>why don't you write about me in your stories, sir?

>The christmas special was pretty good too.

>muh convoluted, incomprehensible plot
>muh meme acting
>muh 'so quirky' moriarty
>muh women's suffrage

I agree that the early episodes were alright. But the Christmas Special was absolute horseshit.

To be honest, it's been a really long time since I've seen that episode, and you're probably right.

I just get a hard-on for period stuff, especially sherlock holmes doing his thing in his element.

Study in Pink was fun though.

Wish they would have stuck to that.

absolutely fucking epic!

>it's been a really long time

Come on man, it was in January! How short-term is your memory?

>used to think Moriarty was cool
>now just want to punch his face

Pretty short m8.

I work 15 hour days and entire months of my life have gone directly into my career.

Cut me slack.

I'm of a similar mind. I think it's because I perhaps expected his character to grow, maybe? But he never did, he acted the same all throughout.

And because he's played by a gay actor it's like they deliberately went out of their way to make him as gay as possible. As an example, I know people didn't like the Guy Richie Sherlock Holmes movies much, but I'd say when it comes to characterization, they're pretty good, or at least better than Sherlock, certainly. One of the really good characterizations played by a good actor was Moriarty, actually. He felt threatening and felt like a legitimate adversary to Holmes. The same, but their key differences are what would turn a bohemian into a murderer.

The SHERLOCK Moriarty, on the other hand, just feels like a literal homosexual, most likely because the actor who portrays him is a homosexual. He's so fucking hammy and obsessed with Holmes that I almost feel like they're taking their bead from the Joker or something, since he's a more popular, contemporary villain (I know he was made in the 40's, but whatever). There's less threat to him and more of a anger that Sherlock won't just let the guy suck his cock or something. If he queered off with him he probably wouldn't even be a villain anymore.

This post is THE final word on this show. There isn't a single argument you can make against it.

How can Sherlockfags even compete?

>booking a room next to it in the same hotel so that there's an obvious trail leading to you and making you a prime suspect
>killing someone in a hotel of all places in the first place

>The SHERLOCK Moriarty, on the other hand, just feels like a literal homosexual, most likely because the actor who portrays him is a homosexual. He's so fucking hammy and obsessed with Holmes
So the same retarded shit as Hannibal the TV show then? Why is tumblr even allowed to get funding for their degeneracy?

>booking a room next to it in the same hotel so that there's an obvious trail leading to you and making you a prime suspect
The movie takes place in a rural town in 1980 and he pays for the room in cash. Vague eyewitness testimony is all anyone has to go on.

>getting a room without showing ID
That shit didn't even work in 1880 dude.

Shit did they finally fire Mary Watson? If they did then this show is back on fucking track. She was the worst character by far and ruined the 3rd season on her own

>it's a Watson's pudgy wife is some kind of unstoppable superspy episode

Hannibal was good whereas Sherlock is not. At all. Ever.


Why do brits call seasons "series"?

Why do Americans call series "seasons"?

48 seconds.
It's Masketta Man.

the horror

sherlock holmes in the 22nd century

sherlock holmes in the 22nd century

sherlock holmes in the 22nd century

sherlock holmes in the 22nd century