Should i bother with s2?

Should i bother with s2?

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you shouldn't have bothered in the first place

i enjoyed it this far
some episodes were really wack tho
im a bit disappointed

I started watching it too. The acting is all over the place. I am also a bit disappointed.

Yeah you should, the Lynch directed episodes are always the best episodes but he only directed a few in Season 2. There's this "gas leak week" where there's a solid 6 episode streak of absolute shit because the writers didn't know what the fuck to do for a while. That shit streak happens after S2 EP9 I think.

I think it's worth to get through the shit just to see the final episode, which contains the best sequence on TV in my opinion.

Was Lynch even trying?

I'm disappointed in all of you

What a fucking qt

Just watch the episodes you fucking auts

Season 2 is pretty daft without Lynch but it's at least more entertaining than the kinds of network shows you'd watch today. Ben Horne as a Confederate general is some god tier stupidity.


How can I get a gf that is on her level?

Become a special agent in the FBI, familia.

Season 2 has the highest highs and the lowest lows. I have come to accept it. From re-watching the show, the first season is almost too well executed. There's something comforting about the unpredictability of the second season.

I'd recommend but just know there are some bad episodes

>tfw no thicc Audrey gf
kill me now

>the first season is almost too well executed
How can someone be this delusional?

my penis

Audrey is best girl.

As for season 2 only plebs can't get into the Wyndham Earl story.


Who directed the ones without the star or the dot?

>the plebs simply don't understand the absolute madman who twirls his mustache, encases people in giant chess pieces and uses the snidely whiplash disguise kit

uno farto

What I mean is. The first season is good and extremely well structured. My caution comes from the idea that the show would have been better off if Lynch weren't forced to reveal the killer. Now, the problem I could imagine myself experiencing if the show followed the first seasons trajectory is that eventually you would become aware of the consistent structure and eventually you would grow tiresome of it. Shows like Northern Exposure come to mind. The killer arc was wrapped up at a good time.

I say this every time it gets posted, episode 8 and 9 of season 2 should be classified as good and episode 21 of season 2 should be classified damn fine. Miss Twin Peaks is Tim Hunter's best episode.

literal whos... disgusting