Why does no one talk about this film? I thought it was great

Why does no one talk about this film? I thought it was great.

It's a great documentary on the effects of the BLM movement

Perhaps because around the time of its release, any discussion of it here just devolved into Sup Forums "apes = black people" memes.

It's a good movie, but it suffers from shallow/uninteresting human characters (and pretty much all the ape characters besides Caesar and Koba too), and a universe that's entirely confined to the San Francisco area just like its predecessor, so it doesn't feel very fleshed out.

Best scene right here

The Planet of the Apes prequel series is arguably the best blockbuster franchise right now

Great characters, great effects, great action, great story, meaningful narrative, they're everything you could want in a blockbuster

I don't know why people don't talk about them more. I think because they aren't superhero movies.

Wouldn't the bridge collapse immediately if it was broken like that?

Yes, probably. Poster depicts something that doesn't actually happen in the movie. Caesar never wields a gun on horseback, either.

I agree, pretty much the only big budget spectacle type movies this decade worth a shit. One could argue for Mission Impossible as well. I guess Edge of Tomorrow was really good actually. I admire the Cruiser a lot, he is one of the only people working today who gives a fuck about what he makes, even if half of his modern films aren't that good.

Anyway, PotA prequels are really damn good and hopefully will continue to be. I have high hopes for the new Kong movie, but I was very disappointed by Godzilla 2014 so we'll see. Maybe this is the dawn of Apekino. I also hate capeshit but something about the Wonder Woman trailer seems better than most of it. Who knows. Most movies suck, most movies have always sucked.

Does he even ride a horse at all?

yes, multiple times

I am a bit worried about James Cameron taking 2 of the 3 writers for his Avatar sequels. Now only 1 guy is doing the next installment. At least Matt Reeves returns for another outing.

> One could argue for Mission Impossible as well

Yeah and that would be a strong argument. I think what makes Mission Impossible so good is that their primary focus is the action, tension, and stuntwork. The characterization and writing is still good and all, but the filmmakers make sure what really matters is better than any other franchise running.

Tim Burton's was superior because practical makeup effects.

I thought Planet of the Apes was a good Warcraft movie.

They're not prequels they're remakes.

The first one was a remake of the 4th in the original series and this is a remake of the 5th.

And yes, they're pretty great.

They are not remakes, the filmmakers have said so themselves. They're pseudo prequel reboot thingies.

yeah they're pretty hard to categorize desu

Oh well, best to just appreciate them as they are.

Aren't they just liberal propaganda pieces about how humans should be one with nature or the big bad apes will get us?

The 1st one was against animal testing, but had moments of family.

The 2nd one focused mainly on family, the ape society, and Koba's betrayal. The humans living on the edge was mostly for antagonism and failed co-existance.

Not really.

It's more of the X-Men idea of circumstances forcing two races against each other.

The first had a semi-naturalist message with the Apes leaving to the forest, but it was mostly just to be left alone.

I might watch them then thanks.

2nd one could be interpreted as having an anti-gun message, which might trigger/agitate you.

This, there's a weird current trend of fans obsessing over what's "canon" and what isn't that I don't like. Who gives a fuck how Max has his V8 again in Fury Road or why certain things change in the new Star Trek timeline, just enjoy the damn movie.

I agree with you but I hate Fury Road and have never watched any Star Trek. That said, definitely agree with the sentiment.