At the cinema

>at the cinema
>people around you audibly laugh

check out this image on 4plebs

this guy has made over a hundred shitthreads on Sup Forums with this image

>at the cinema
>le epic or kiss scene
>people clap

Is this a shitpost or are you actually autistic?

4pleb file search isnt user specific you absolute idiot. How fucking new are you?

yeah cause someone else is making these threads with the filename IMG_1662.jpg

kill urself

I saw 2001 A Space Odyssey at the theater and people kept talking, coughing, laughing, and chewing throughout. Then a couple in front of me literally fucked during HAL's death. I am never going to the movies again.

dumb frogposter

>at cinema
>people chewing popcorn and you can hear it squeaking in their mouths

>at cinema
>guy behind me is laughing so hard he keeps spitting gunk from his crab legs into my hair

>at cinema
>girl behind me puts her feet at the top of my seat

>At the cinema
>"Ticket for one"
>Cashier gives me a weird look

>watching star wars TFA in theater
>dude, millenium falcon lmao
>han solo
>daniel craig drops his blaster

god that movie was shitty enough without having to deal with the audience

>willingly go to a highly anticipated event movie from a franchise with a famously-rabid fanbase
>complain about the audience cheering


>At cinema
>Trailer for latest Marvel movie comes on
>The quips throw the audience into roaring laughter
>I don't laugh
>Noise detector on my seat goes off
>"Insufficient levels of laughter detected"
>Movie stops and lights turn on
>Alarm on my seat goes off
>Whole audience points and hisses at me
>Get pelted with crab legs
>Cinema falcons break off their perches and claw at my face
>Before I can get out of my seat It dumps into a trap door into the floor
>Fall down a slide into singles cube
>Forced to shovel coal into the cinema furnaces

I should have learned my lesson

>it's a Sup Forums too much of a broke nigger to make a theater in their home


someone has to heat the showers

kek actually this gives me a really good idea for a dystopian sci fi movie with an underground full of mutated rebels or something set at a movie theater. you know Sup Forums just made an album? what if we had a Sup Forums written screenplay, or different anons directed different scenes and we made a whole movie. that would be great.

>you know Sup Forums just made an album?

How new are you?

Sup Forums had made literally DOZENS of albums under the name The Dicklick Brigade.

Even s4s has made albums before.

>move towards your seats
>see this

I know that shitdick, but they just released one today. I'm just saying it'd be nice to get all the good Sup Forums memes in one place, a good thick 80s sci fi schlock script or something, geez sorry for having pride in my board

>movie ends
>the girl who was sitting in front of me catches me sniffing her seat after she looks back to say something to her friend while they walk towards the exit

serves you right faggot


That reminds me.

>Go to see Lights Out
>Group of college kids come in
>As soon as the movie starts one of the guy keeps making fake burping noises
>Other guy keeps going "HE DEAD" every time a tense moment happens
>The girl with them keeps doing this obnoxious fake laugh every time they say something I guess she was banging one of them and didn't want them to feel bad or something
>Guy two rows above them finally tells them to shut the fuck up
>One of the guys turns around quickly and half raises out of his seat
>Stops when he sees the other guy who is fucking huge
>He awkwardly sits back down
>Later on they start getting loud again and the guy says "I thought I told you to shut the fuck up"
>They're quiet for the rest of the movie
>Waiting outside after the movie is over waiting for my friend to come out the bathroom
>College guys are confronting the dude from earlier
>Guy is huge, wouldn't be surprised if he was an ex-marine or some shit
>One of the dudes swings at him
>He lays him the fuck out
>since he swung first the other guy can play the self-defense card

Was more entertaining than the movie honestly. I should see if someone uploaded it to WS. I'm sure someone recorded it on their phone.

fuck it, i don't have anything to do for the rest of my life, i'm going to write a 120 page script about dystopian Sup Forums and it will be good

those crab legs hurt

>People come into the theater with blankets.
Why the fuck does this happen to me all the time?

>Go cinema to check out the newiest Purge
>cinema hired a singles inspector to check people before a movie starts
>hired a hooker to pretend to be my gf
>movie is about to start
>she leaves before the inspector gets here
>says i only paid enough for 10 minutes and time was up
>get caught
>starts hitting me with his MAGlight
>he drags me out as everyone laughs at me
>had to call my mom's bf to pick me up

>action part of the movie is happening
>obviously loud as fuck
>suddenly a baby starts crying as loud as possible


>She's wearing sandals.

>they start clapping after the movie finishes

>Really silent, serious moment happens in the movie.
>Hear a loud bassy BWWUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM from the theater next door.

honestly, I've saved that image as IMG_1662.jpg aswell just because it's a meme now

>she starts dangling them and 1 drops off onto your lap

What theater do you go to? That is a seriously shit theater.

>You sniff it before handing it back

My cinema does this too. Very poor sound isolation. It's been like this for years so I guess not a lot lf people complain

[s4s] albums are pretty much all I listen to

same thing here, and the theater was just built last year

>watching ice age
>i start laughing at random
>eventually people start laughing whenever i laugh to make like they get the joke
>really quiet part of the movie starts
>i burst out laughing as hard as i can
>bunch of other people start laughing too
>eventually the entire theatre is laughing at nothing
then i let rip a really loud fart and left

This user is on to something. Let's fund him

Sometimes, when the smart character cracks a joke I'll laugh regardless if I get the joke or not, so as to appear intellectual towards the rest of the audience

I saw Lights Out tonight. One of the worst movie going experiences of my life. It was packed and people would not shut the fuck up. The little faggot near me would say"oh shit" or "oh fuck" literally every five minutes when something was about to happen. Then the whole audience applauded like four times (one time when the guy used his keys to turn his headlights on). I'll never see a horror movie in theatres during the weekend again. People are fucking annoying.

>Out anywhere in public
>People around you audibly laugh
>They aren't laughing at you
>I've laughed before too, so what
>I could have my own friends for all they know

>walk past a group of girls
>they all start giggling
>immediately assume they're laughing at you
>they probably are

How the fuck do they all have this soulless stare? It's fucking creepy.

Burn the theater down.

Luckily people in my country never do this.

It has got to do with self esteem senpai. They smell that shit.

>go to the theater to see Army Dog
>bring my younger sister along, so she can pretend to be my girlfriend because of the no-singles policy
>I hand the cashier my gift card and she spins the wheel of fortune
>we end up getting wine and grilled vegetables, not bad
>the movie starts
>I like the visuals and the general atmosphere of the film
>but then, the brutal ten minute rape scene comes up, and just when this happens, the Mimichorn goes off
>men are wrestling with their girlfriends and wives, who are pretending to resist while their men tear of their pants
>me and my sister are feeling pretty awkward at this point, and people are starting to notice our violation of the theater etiquette
>"Fight me", I urge my sister, as I hurl her on the floor
>she's screaming and kicking me, giving a very good performance
>however, her feeble body is no match for my physique chiseled by tons and tons of iron at the gym and I easily overpower her
>I rip of her pants and plunge my manhood into her unbesmirched vulva
>I ejaculate like Mount Vesuvius
>finally the Mimichorn goes off again, and the couples return to their seats
>my sister is crying
>when the movie ends, we are rewarded with the trophy for the best act
>the overseer was very pleased, and he personally shakes both our hands when he gives us the trophy on the door
>the movie was 9.5/10, I'd rate it kino

you have seriously never seen anyone watching a tv or computer in your life?

That went to unexpected places