Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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So a black man is responsible for the white devil? LOL


>Black supremacist ideology
>Black guy in the past invents white people to rule over black people

How does this even make sense from an ideological viewpoint?

that black guy from community

The guy who invented it was white. Fard Muhammad was a white dude who went to african american neighbourhoods, sold them chinese clothing claiming it was from their people then started preaching. After a while he tossed the quaran/bible and just made shit up.

Its just a white guy who fucked people out of money and made a religion out of it.

>How does this even make sense from an ideological viewpoint?

I guess it's about having the self-flattering belief that whites rule over blacks only because some black wanted it that way. but then why would they be so butthurt?

it's having your cake and eating it too. the white devil is responsible for everything bad, but blacks are all-powerful gods who originally GAVE said whites this power. ergo, whites are bad, blacks are perfect and all-powerful.

I mean we're trying to find sense in the guy who came up with the YAKUB theory.


Is Yakub supposed to be a bastardization of Jacob?

Kanye with Kim's ass glued to his head

This guy really created a real fucking mess.

So many rambling morons thanks to his con artist bullshit. Black society is infested with this stupidity.

I wonder how many black people know of Yakub, I think most would just laugh at it. But then you get a handful that go "Of Course!!"

I cant really tell if black people are really this stupid or they are just master trolls




they claim that its the same person

Blacks just cant spell

>the first human
Profoundly stupid right from the start.

>niggers show up on an island
>all the snakes leave


think its more like y=j in old hebrew

So spelling it yakub makes it seem older

>niggers are literally the children of the forest
>they are proud to admit this
What retards

John Travolta.


>But then you get a handful that go "Of Course!!"

Including a lot of well-respected rappers, among whom are considered 'conscious'

There was a black guy in the KotRT. But he was a Moor. The original works were all white. Though out of all of them to black up, Lancelot is the best one to do so. Arthur becomes the Cuck King.

He certainly evokes medieval Europe to me.



Is there anything they cant do?

Pay child support
Not rape
Not have over 50% of the crime rate despite being 13% of the population
Not chimp out when one of them gets shot even though the vato probably deserved it
Not chimpout when popeyes runs out of chicken

Commit a proportional amount of crimes.

Pay child support on time, stay out of prison and legally acquiring bicycles comes to my mind.

swim well




>RELATED: I’m Black—My Dad Taught Me to Swim as an Act of Political Resistance

It's so tragic that it became funny again.

Jesus Christ those names. Black people suck at raising kids

nigga just move your arms and legs
how is this not an obvious concept

Just ask the parents of Trashone.

Not ruin their countries within a decade after being let off the leash.

>Trash one
my sides


You've obviously never met one.

Some of the niggerer one's behave indistinguishably from apes.

>It's a black celebrity talking absolute gibberish with complete confidence on a major news channel episode

Is there any civilizations that weren't originally black?

he looks semitic

>revolutionary fighter gets put in power because he's really good at fighting
>fucks up the whole country because he's only good at fighting
It's a story as old as time

all the ones that didn't get conquered and subdued apparently

>mos def talks politics

how dare you

arabic variant

is this a blacked version of Kevin?

>that time Hitchens eviscerated him on Bill Maher's show
shit was comedy gold, guy was way out his depth. I wish more people would fact check blacks.

>any celebrity gives any opinion about anything
Why do we give a fuck what they think about shit other than the movies they're in and the songs they make?

that's the whole point, because they're pretty good at making music or pretending to be someone else on film they're constantly given a platform to voice their opinions even though they are almost always misguided or uninformed, so they think what they have to say is hot shit. Just take a look at fucking Ben Affleck when he went off about Islamophobia, you tell that guy has never been checked in his life.

just checked it
why did they invite a rapper for a debate about nuclear weapons?

will probably be whitewashed so uhm matt damon?

Yakoob is the Arabic term. Jacob is the basterdized form.
But niggers just need some random term from foreign cultures to make up stuff, or to be made to believe.
Well, same for whities.

>Complaining about white washing when the lead character literally white washed darkies

educate their children

You started this because of my Yakub article link, didn't you?

Either way no one, it's a cult, even niggers realize it.

Aren't a fair amount of black celebs into it?

Well it's been a bit since I've dived into the BoI madness but I think only like 50k members are known in the US.

Malcom X was the most renowned member, then even he realized "What this shit is retarded" and he was murdered for it.

Scientology is more damaging than Nation of Islam currently for black celebs (or anybody).

>She reproduced asexually (birth without a man's sperm, no man need to reproduce)
She really had to drive that home, huh.

She knows her audience is all

>christcucks making fun of niggers.


>Be a worthless race of slackers and criminals
>Don't take the blame instead blame it on the white man with OOGA BOOGA TRICKNOLOGLY.

Seriously everyone needs to read up on this, it's just hilarious

Leslie Jones

>implying blacks raise kids

So the black race was born without a father.

That's something, alright.


really makes you think



Mos Def is considered a "smart" rapper