Why does reddit is hated so much in here? Let me understand pls Sup Forums

why does reddit is hated so much in here? Let me understand pls Sup Forums

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because retards think it matters where people spend their time on the internet.

Well well well if it isn't reddit.


>being angry because he hates "tourists"

Here's how it is, friendo. You're not going to like it, but all I offer is the truth.

You can not stop the oncoming tide of what you perceive to be "le randum post-millennial newfag summercancer tourists" from coming to this site. Or any site. Or any nation. Ever. Our numbers are too strong.

What you CAN do, however, is this. You can take a giant step back from yourself and ask, "all this crying about the past, all this whining about the present and all this despair for the future - does it make me a genuinely happy person? Does my knowledge of the idiocracy enlighten me? Does it hold me and reassure me on a cold night?"

Chances are, everyone who desperately clings to the "good old days", the answers to these questions probably aren't what you would refer to as "positive". Chances are, you probably fucking HATE yourself. Why don't you do something that distracts you from your smug, arrogant self-righteousness, for a change?

Take up a hobby. Take a walk. Lift. Oh, you'd be surprised how much better you feel, after a few weeks of doing a nice, light weights program to get those joints and muscles moving.

Maybe then there'd be less of you insipid, whining cunts making posts like this.

We are memes. We are fun. We are the NEW Sup Forums.

Its the mindset that comes with liking a website that has the upvote feature

You're just sniveling little faggot basically

It used to be a genuine disdain for the fedora plebs that came here from reddit to shill the latest marvel capeshit, but now redditors took over the entire board and reddit is used ironically by the redditors themselves.

On Sup Forums, Reddit is perceived as a bunch of naive tools who believe that being a nerd is cool. As a result, they're childishly enthusiastic about their hobbies (which they've only barely scratched the surface of), find random humor completely hilarious, and are notoriously pedantic. This is due to the fact that they believe that nerds are some kind of "cultural elite" simply because their interests aren't completely mainstream.

BUT, since they don't see themselves as particularly alienated by society, they haven't developed the pleb/patrician paradigm, unlike Sup Forums. Consequentially, they also have the prudish, politically-correct mentality that goes with the delusion that they can still be normal members of society and accepted by potentially anyone, or that they have moral standards to uphold. This makes them very prone to being shocked or amused by the cheapest transgressions and subversions.

but Sup Forums loves capeshit, game of thrones and mr robot
wtf gives

kill you're self

hahahaha this shit is pasta already

its cancer


wow reddit?
i love *farts* reddit

it's a meme, but some people are stupid enough to believe it and will repeat it seriously

trust me, i can tell when they do that and let me tell you it is quite pathetic

Well well well if it isn't
memes are awesome


because they never found any niche subreddits they enjoyed browsing.


This pasta is too good 2bh

If you can't handle Sup Forums not liking your cancerous shit taste then why don't you take your cunt back to the hugbox of leddit where it belongs?

You have to go back

They ruin memes.

hey do you look like this in real life respond soon haha

They're the same crowd no matter how much they like to deny it. Look how much Sup Forums and reddit both love Stranger Things even though it's a mediocre show.

The #1 reason is that Reddit is a circlejerk for echo chambers, generally liberal in nature. If someone says something you don't like, they get downvoted, hidden, etc. So, what happens is they come here, get offended and invariably post .

Someone says nigger? Must be Sup Forums. Someone said something misogynistic? Must be Sup Forums. Someone maligning Minister of Propaganda Jon Stewart? Sup Forums.

The Sup Forums boogeyman is the Redditor's attempt to downvote on Sup Forums. It's their impotent way of screaming "this discomforts me, I need a safe space!" and outs them as being non-native to Sup Forums.

We see this and we despise them. Because rather than assimilating to board culture and accepting how Sup Forums's culture is, they bring Reddit culture and try to force it here. Hence, the response to any cuck crying about Sup Forums is to direct them to Reddit.

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

Ofcourse, he is not a basement dwelling neckbeard who is definitely not fat like your typical weeb

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.


>try out reddit so I can post my opinions on somewhere else
>get banned after 8 posts

it sucks shit. mods are egotistical faggots more concerned about industry favors and promoting only what they like.


Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.


Go back you fucking cum guzzling faggot

probably more than half the people using Sup Forums now joined after 2010. it's really sad how the sheer mass of newfags flooding here in the last few years has completely eradicated what made Sup Forums fun in the first place


Like how the outcasts hate the cool kids at school.

I've been browsing Sup Forums for almost 10 years now and possess what could be rightfully termed as an irrational disgust and aversion to reddit, and I think Sup Forumstards should stay on Sup Forums.


That meme was never good.

I think it's because if you don't reply to this post, your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>Go on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums neckbeards whining about bullshit
>New forced unfunny maymays
>Childish contrarianism

>Go on /r/movies
>Discussion of film

holy shit


>That inflated sense of self-importance
>That "this is a serious issue" rambling
>Talking about """"culture""""
>That "this is our community!" cringe
>That "neckbeard and proud mentality"
>cuck memes

Why hello there, Sup Forumsbeard. How is mommys basement.

>le patrician civilized discussion for patrician fedora kings such as myself

fuck off mate

Sup Forums is exactly like reddit. It's the safespace for social outcasts.

so, stay there, faggot. or, post your tits...and then gtfo

t, pedophilic Sup Forums tourist who unironically thinks cringe memes are hilarious

yeah sucks for you because no one is here for discusion

Actually, where you spend your time on the internet, soaking up ideas is very fucking important, since humans are essentially copy machines that copy and vomit up any 1/2 decent looking idea for years.

So yeah, it's very fucking important where you spend your time on the internet.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

On reddit the posters see IRL tits. Here virtual titties are the best you aspies can hope for.

Sorta this.

I attribute most of the difference to the structure of the site. Even with pseudonymity there's a sense of defending an identity.

Typical Ribbet patterns are pedantry, religious regard for rationality, etc.

also this

>Want to shit talk the Arrow or talk about something that specific
>Go to Sup Forums
>ghostbusters, trump threads, "Hey did you know the blacks are taking over america?"
>Go to reddit
>actual discussion
>There's literally a sub for any possible topic or fetish

Gee I woder why people go there

Reddit confirmed for Sup Forums.

Underrated post,

Closest I've ever seen someone articulate my disdain for reddit, couldn't have done it better myself. Good job.

the fuck are you trying to say to me kid?

Sup Forums has descended into irrelevancy. Remember when it used to do big shit that made the whole internet shake? Now most people don't even know what it is, it's just a den for social outcasts as pointed out.

Reddit took all of its irrelevancy and the "Sup Forums is our community!" people who take this place seriously are butthurt because of it.

This site will be dead in 10 years and the neckbeards will have to find a new "le secret club"

The lot of them are stereotypical liberal college aged Sander supporters that have it all figured out. They're really big with censorship and protecting the status quo. I saw when that Trump subreddit got big the admins actually changed the algorithims so it won't show up on the main page. I've been banned from at least 10 subreddits and I've never been mean or aggressive to people, I'm a religious conservative and had the wrong opinions. The biggest news subreddits actually have majority Muslim moderators and they regularly delete shit they have no business deleting. There was a big scandal on r/news a few weeks back where there was a big terrorist attack and they were trying to scrub it all mentions of it.

How do you ruin shit? You sprinkle salt on it?

>Remember when it used to do big shit that made the whole internet shake?

What, like raiding habbo hotel? you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Sup Forums has always been chaotic and retarded, that's why every single person in this thread is here.

Nice try Redditor. First, there hasn't been a Sup Forums for ten years. Before there was Sup Forums, it was /news/. And prior to that, every board was essentially Sup Forums. When moot gave Sup Forums Sup Forums the people that went there were the same ones posting on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc.

Sup Forums IS Sup Forums, just as much as Sup Forums is.

>bitching about Sup Forums culture
>"muh sekrit club"
>angry about being called a cuck
See? This is precisely what I'm talking about.

Except no one can downvote or hide your posts from everyone to silence you. You have to stand on the strength of your arguments alone. It's why Sup Forums will forever be superior to your Reddit and why, despite our contempt for you, you come back here time and again. You hate what everyone's saying, but are addicted to the freedom of being allowed to say it.

Holy shit, this guy actually is proud of Sup Forums and takes it seriously.

How old are you kid, and how many inches is the beard on your neck?

>Oh, you'd be surprised how much better you feel, after a few weeks of doing a nice, light weights program to get those joints and muscles moving.
I fucking hate people who say this. It goes hand in hand with "Ho ho ho, after a few weeks of [going to the gym/running/cycling/jogging/powerwalking/exercising] you'll be addicted to it!"

Fuck off. It's hard, sweaty, uncomfortable work and your body is going to ache almost constantly. Eventually you'll be pleased with your results and it will be worth all the effort, but you're not suddenly going to start loving exercise and feeling a million bucks after a just few weeks or even at all unless you're a person who naturally loves exercise.


...it's the perfect bait...

>actual discussion

umm, maybe in the smaller subreddits.

the "conversation" in bigger subreddits is usually not very diverse as a result of the vote system.

Because over the years a lot of retards have jumped ship over to Sup Forums when their favourite subreddit were banned, such as Coontown and Fatpeoplehate.

Sup Forums was never good.

>Nice try Redditor. First, there hasn't been a Sup Forums for ten years.

I never said there was. I only mentioned I've been here for ten years because to refute your stupid post that 'only redditors could possibly not want Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums.'

>every board was essentially Sup Forums

That's funny because I remember old Sup Forums racism being mostly about fried chicken and watermelon not infographics about IQ and crime

>Except no one can downvote or hide your posts from everyone to silence you. You have to stand on the strength of your arguments alone. It's why Sup Forums will forever be superior to your Reddit and why, despite our contempt for you, you come back here time and again. You hate what everyone's saying, but are addicted to the freedom of being allowed to say it.

>This is what Sup Forums actually believes

You don't downvote because you physically can't. But post anything contrary to Sup Forums's BS and watch all the aspies go full chimpout.

You're not a free marketplace of ideas. You're just a dumping ground for the most childish, delusional, and blatantly false beliefs in the world. You're the table at lunch where the edgy kids in the trenchcoats sat and mumbled about killing all the chads because nobody understands them, but everybody laughed and didn't take it seriously. Because at the end of the day you're a bunch of pussies.

Now go ahead and call me JIDF or cuck, faggot.

so he's right you can't hold your own in a debate, you need the hive to back you, maybe just go back then?

Reddit brought a ton of furfags here

So don't go there you idiot.

I don't go to Sup Forums because I don't care about anime. Don't go to the major subs if you don't care about whats posted.

>2003-2010 (7 Years)
>2010-2016 (6 years)
At this point, many of these "newfags" have probably been on here for just as long as the oldfags were. Change just happens

>durrrr go back to le reddit this is my safespace we are unique because my mommy tells me so

Why can't you reddit cucks stay in your hugboxes and leave us alone?

[hidden] (1 children)

let me tell you guys a secret

pre-2008 newfag Sup Forums was only populated by upper middle class suburban nerds in college dicking about the internet. no one was actually that disgusting or racist we just said shit because it made non-internet non-desensitized people shocked and butthurt. eventually though we got swarmed by actual autists, retards and racists thinking this was the place that will accept their retardation

Got some bad news, son. I don't know if you're going to make it.

What debate? Why does Sup Forums always think everything is a super serious "debate"?

This is why nobody likes you people IRL.

Sup Forums literally and unironically is a hugbox and safe space though

This. Also how """Le Anonymus Army XD""" did. There was a time when they found pedophiles and shit or lured them out to the public so they could be arrested. Nowadays they're a bunch of kids playing le master hacker.
Every time there is a terrorist attack they post a new video declaring war on ISIS and it isn't even laughable anymore just really sad.

is this reddit bantz?

never mind enjoy le thread

Forever a newfag.

I usually don't go into the comment sections of big subreddits for that reason.

That post said reddit, in it's entirety, was good for conversations. I responded with my own opinion. This is usually how a conversation works. :^)

>This is why nobody likes you people IRL.
sweet pls go



Sup Forums is just a place for losers to scapegoat their failures. Just as the fat feminist blames being a repulsive virgin on the patriarchy, Sup Forums does it with the Jews.

>thinks he knows true opinion of anons through the ages
Dat ego.

xD upboated xD xD

Yeah they both have convictions so that means they're the same.

Because redditors ruined half chan.

these are ur memes really? damn i'm glad I don't visit leshithole

Reddit likes to steal OUR memes and SECRET JOKES to look cool, but then they're still too pussy yo leave their hugbox and EMBRACE BOARD CULTURE digusting......

both have retarded convictions and are thus very similar.

and site creator ruined dblchan, not really an argument famalam


Goober pls go

How much of Sup Forums is actually [insert typical insult aimed at men here]? Our are trolls and shills behind much of the negative reputation this site has earned?

moar letard pls moar

Sup Forums is literally (r)eddit. one look at the catalog will confirm this.

What are those convictions that make them similar?

Sup Forums in 2006 times was blatant memeing that would be called reddit today and some occasional pedos and goreposters, racism was there but there was always a joke in it somewhere. In about 2008/9 we got a wave of shitheads who got excited about being part of a secret club and spammed gore and cp to keep newfags out, these 2008 fags saw tyrone memes and assumed it was cool to pretend to be in the KKK, the racism was more real but was still pretty benign, then the 2010 saw the trolling as completely serious and changed their whole way of life to fit a meme.