Star Wars leak

Rey Dark side turn. SJWs are going to be pissd


kill yourself

This is fan art and a waste of your life time.

She has no motivation to turn to the dark side at this point. Something drastic would have to happen in 8 and her turn wouldn't be until 9 regardless.

I don't see it happening ever

Honestly If Rey turned to the dark side and kylo to the light it would be redeeming. The recent movie fucking sucked.

thank you my brother and I walked out thinking why the fuck did they even make an episode VII

Looks like a bunch of fanart.

Rey will struggle with the Dark Side but she won't go full Vader at any point.

You're wrong

She has issues with her family leaving her and its an easy in for the darkside

Also if luke did mind wipe her for whatever reason thats also an easy way to convince her that from a certain point of view the jedi are evil

Rey falling to the dark side is the only way to redeem the shitshow that was her character in episode 7.


A Kylo Ren turned good and Rey turned evil plot would make the story trillions of times more memorable and interesting. Of course, they won't do it out of fear for villainizing a female

Rey as sith would be hot actually

They could have Kylo become a trans-woman.

>Kylo turns good somehow
>Rey turns evil somehow
I would like this just for the amount of sore asses it would create


The only way this can happen is if somewhere deep down Disney's dungeons there is a guy that can convince the overloads that they will make more money that way.

sup weird twitter dude

sup weird Sup Forums dude

She will turn good in the end like dath vader

>Also if luke did mind wipe her for whatever reason thats also an easy way to convince her that from a certain point of view the jedi are evil

>convince her that from a certain point of view the jedi are evil


This is what I actually want to happen. I want it to turn out the resistance killed Rey's parents or something.

boyega inseminates her fertile womb and the hormones turn her to the dark side confirmed

>character has no motivation
That never stopped Jew Jew Abrahams creative plot twists to happen.


Pretty common theory, I remember even hearing people speculate it from when the poster was released for Force Awakens.

It makes sense how for Kylo it's pretty obvious how he's been struggling. Then for Rey you can see the dark side try to effect her in the fight with Kylo, and Snoke wants Kylo to bring her to him.

she is not going to completely turn but if you look through hero myths one of the key themes is the pull of the darkness, the danger of being seduced, so i wouldn't be surprised if there was a scene where it looked like she was about to turn without completely taking the plunge. The appeal of the dark side is actually essential to make a convincing hero story because what makes them heroic is resisting.

If anything, I can see Kylo Ren turning to the light because even though he killed Solo, he is played just bratty enough that the tragedy could be mined empathetically so that by the 3rd movie in the new trilogy he was a part of the good guy's team. Happens often in the sorts of samurai movies the original SW was inspired by.

>Leaks say Rey turns to the dark side
>Other leaks says Rey is actually jedi jesus and that Anakin was mistaken for the choosen one

Which one is it?

fuck the poetry THE POETRY


>Rey is actually jedi jesus
Boy I hope not because we all know there will be a new Star Wars Trilogy at least every decade with Disney in charge.

You can't have a legit Jedi Jesus defeating the Dark Side once and for all just to start it up again later.

What? Obviously there will be a new jedi jesus 10x stronger than the last one every trilogy

Justify to me how Kylo Ren could turn good after killing Han Solo, his own father.

>She has no motivation to turn to the dark side at this point.
>Why did my family leave me?
>With the power of the DAK SAID I can find my family
>My family were actually Sith and I don't want to ruin the family business
Not to mention that shit might happen. Maybe she doesn't like what Luke has to teach her. Maybe she'll turn Sith and then, in the last movie, become some JediSith bullshit where she masters all of the force because muh gurl powah.

rey falling to the dark side would mean that the trilogy would be interesting and different to the original trilogy which isn't going to happen

something bad will happen in 8 but it won't be that. idk, luke will probs die

Kylo Ren is a double agent sent by Luke to infiltrate The First Order and get close to Emperor Snookie to ultimately kill him. Han Solo may or may not have known about the plan which makes it pretty tragic either way. Sure it's an incredibly evil thing to do but it was for the greater good.

How could Darth Vader be redeemed after murdering dozens of Jedi, children and a fucking planet?

le dark seid le sith lords!!!
This is a 18+ site Sup Forumsirgins

>my family were Sith and I don't want to ruin the family business
Casuals go and stay go from Star Wars

>can't recognize something said in jest
Autismos go and stay go

>star wars
>not casual

u mad bro

Revan already mastered both sides of the Force.

He wasn't redeemed

He just did a good thing; didn't take away any of the bad he did

The only picture that looks real is the first one, the last one is obviously a shot from TFA when she is fighting Ren and the others are fan art that I have seen posted before.

I am so hoping they make Rey dark (when was the last time we saw a dark female lead in a million dollar franchise?) but knowing Disney: they are going to pander towards the feminists and make Ren and other males the evil ones while Rey becomes Queen of the galaxies and saves everyone (if you read the actual Episode 8 leak which is believed to be true: then you know this may happen).

Such a shame Disney

no they won't it will lukes fault anyway. dark is more empowering anyone, it doesn't follow some arbitrary rules set by some old men

that was tarkin who killed that planet, vader would have had second thoughts

>Casuals go and stay go from Star Wars

well there goes everyone in the star wars fandom

She finds out that Luke was her father, and he intentionally marooned her on that desert world as a child so that she would grow up hard and capable the way he did.

Having her turn to the dark side during Episode VIII (and thus change her outfit to something black and sinister) means they can sell two action figures of the same character for the same movie.

Star wars having powercreep a la DBZ confirmed.
Hold on to your hats gents, we're in for one hell of a ride.

It's almost as if these, and in fact most, leaks are fake perpetuated by people just to get a rise out of people.'s not possible. Why would anybody lie about something anonymously on the internet?

The only person I see realistically going dark side is the black guy.

It's almost as if Disney is trying to bullshit us and keep the real plot twist a secret.

>more powerful than any other Jedi except maybe Luke without training
>no understanding of light side philosophy
>no family connections
>half the people she got close to during her brief adventure are dead or horribly hurt
>it'll be a 'Empire Strikes Back' second act style Star Wars movie

Yeah she's going dark side. Kylo will slowly start going light side. Poe will bang them both and leave them the next morning

He ended up as a spirit next to Obi-Wan and Yoda. Sith don't get to live on as spirits so Vader was essentially sent to Jedi Heaven.

Jew Jew Abrahams is precisely why it won't happen. He needs to promote his white woman and black man couple, while portraying the young white man as evil.

I don't think her going dark side is terribly likely, just because it wouldn't fall in too much with what the prequels established with how Anakin turned. Fear leads to anger and so on. Rey hasn't really shown much of that, at least not on a primal, chronic level (moments of fear is different from a lasting fear that shapes your personality).

Was there anything in Nu Star Wars as powercreepy as Starkiller pulling a Star Destroyer out of orbit in The Force Unleashed?

He's not directing the next one.

call it bad direction but in episode 1 we had little indication that anakin would turn to the dark side, it really only began in AotC. There's still a chance that episode 8 can begin Rey's downfall, Ren's redemption

How come people still not know obiwan is the father. If you rewatch the movie at the part where she finds the sabers and gets the trippy flashback things you can hear the voice of old ben from the original trilogy shout her name even.

He was redeemed because he was sincerely sorry.

Lucas is a big time Christian and he's all about that stuff. You may have noticed bible themes popping up here or there.

Yeah. Darth Nihilus draining the life of entire planets and raising a fleet of crashed ships from a gravity well. Luke TK-ing a black hole. Sidious creating Force storms capable of ripping through spacetime. Starkiller is roughly Vader level in the EU.

>n episode 1 we had little indication that anakin would turn to the dark side

Yoda and the council explain that there is much fear in Anakin and that they sense great danger in training him.

The fight didn't really show her struggling with the darkside, she has the goodguy music plays jedi 'will of the force' asspull when they're in the saber lock then just beats him down. JJ should have taken advantage of the imagery and had the blue light on her and as Kyle's saber got closer and closer to her the light would shift from blue to purple to red, then when she was about to die she should have got super ticked off and darksided him.

That imagery would have made everything so much clearer. And no, you can't say 'lol its subtle to weed out plebs' because it's a children's movie and children are all plebs. Rey struggles with nothing in the film, a struggle with own bad bitchiness would have been pure poetry. It's too bad based Lucas wasn't involved because I'm sure he'd agree with me.

Forgot to mention that the Star Destroyer wasn't in orbit, it was already falling towards the planet, Starkiller redirected it.

>mfw when someone tries to tell me that SW was about eastern spirituality

The force is a pantheism, but the core message of SW has ALWAYS been overwhelmingly Christian. Temptation is the root of all evil and redemption is always possible. A lot of the imagery is too. The entire scene in episode III where Sheev is tempting Anakin is like the scene in the bible where Satan approaches Christ when he is fasting in the desert atop a mountain. Satan promises him all of the power he could ever want, power to do good for the world, if he would just kneel to him. Christ refuses. Anakin accepts.

>random drawings are evidence
who even gives a shit at this point anyway


As bad as the film was the entire Jedi council said he shouldn't become a Jedi because they could all tell there was something wrong with the kid. It was pretty blatant.

Anyone else here doesn't really give a give a shit what they do with Rey?

She's a horribly boring character.

Whatever happens, you know they'll just Mary Sue her back into a hero again....

It's so predictable it's boring even thinking about it.

I said Nu Star Wars. As in, The Force Awakens? Any bullshit super force users there?

I didn't forget anything. I remember exactly how the level plays out and Starkiller pulled that Star Destroyer all the way down. You can hear alarms going off on it and it's trying to stop you from crashing it.

Im positive the original plan was going to be Rei turning evil & Kylo being redeemed

But Disney isn't gonna risk losing all that money from merchandise

Boys like edgelords = Kylo bad guy
Girls like mary sues who they can look up to = Rey good guy

Frankly, besides Han and Luke, I can't get myself to care at all about rey or finn.

Even the new villian is just so derivative.

When she dueled kylo at the end she fought like a sith, not a jedi, she used anger and stabbing, just like sheev, I'm pretty sure she's sheev's granddaughter

No new character charmed me, and Rey was the worst of them all.

>She's a horribly boring character.
>Whatever happens, you know they'll just Mary Sue her back into a hero again...

Same. The new lead character actors have no.... charisma, like the old cast.

new Star Wars is just blending into every other generic sci fi.

All bullshit aside I really hope this happens, would make both her and Ren much more interesting characters.

Rei literally sells no merchandise at all. Making her some sexy evil bitch is all they can do if they want people to buy her shit.

like anyone is watching this shit

I really hope she doesnt turn to the Dark Side. I dont think my penis could handle the amount of fapping i would fap to an Evil Rey

You're mistaken. Serious Joke Wizards do not care about that.

>anyone else here like to form their contrarian opinions to feel superior to "normies?.... Anyone? I'm not just an edgelord, I swear.

Keep feeling special, snowflake

That would actually make it interesting, so it probably won't happen.

I love it when fags try to say what a proven director SHOULD have done. If every single fan film has taught us anything, it's that fans ALWAYS do a better job. And by better job, I mean they always have shitty symbolism and try hard dialogue.

Only white men can be evil

God, I'm so happy I live in a world where none of you have any creative input on the Star Wars franchise.

It's the only option they have after seeing how insufferable and lackluster and ugly Ridley is

Thanks for your useless input tumblreddit

>she wears black and has like a red light saber and a scar on her face and stuff

These movies will always be fanfiction tier. Stop seeing them

I want this to be real.

Because I want a Jedi who looks like Han Solo+Anakin. Please let this be the case.

>Even the new villian is just so derivative.

he's the best villain Star Wars has had in a long time, faggot.

Hux will go out the same way like that captain from the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie did.

If you watch TFA Rey is only able to access the force when she was angery. And siths draw there power from anger

I wanna suck her little darkside boobies.

Anakin did bring balnce to tho

Theres a reason JJ was given the boot. TFA sucked no matter what libtards scream >INB4 the next director is getting only directing one movie too.
Well if you look rian is been kept on as wrighter where JJ is no where to be seen

Hux will be final boss

Quads of truth


it wouldnt surprise me at all
something needs to happen in this movie to set up the final one so theyll have something for shock