/lbg/ - letterboxd general

Fellow Users Edition

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>tfw slowly getting trolled into watching M. Night's films because of /lbg/

reminding that everyone who logs shorts or watches horror films at day time should kill themselves

Could someone look through my profile and say what they think of my thoughts?
I already know I only watch pleb shit so no need to mention.


>529 from the 21st century
>12 from the 70s/60s/30s
>0 from the 50s/40s/20s


what thoughts?

why so sad? m.nights really great


mein gott, look at the time



Probably going to watch Keanu sometime this week. I tried watching Andrei Rublev last weekend but my subtitles weren't working

Memes aside, Is Carol actually worth watching?


I don't know what to watch now

I was meaning more of recent diary logs, I'm not surprised that I haven't seen hardly anything pre-60s. I only ever gave a shit about movies until about a year ago, probably proven by half of everything I've watched in 21st century is dogshit. Still trying to change though.
A rating is a generalization of a thought isn't it? Guess I shouldn't have even bothers asking


The Killing Joke was disappointing


The best/worst part of this film was the audience reaction when Batman fucks Batgirl. Everybody was confused, including myself.

What are the advantages of a 'pro' account?

Y no reviews?

Only reason I got it was to transfer my 500 or so ratings from IMDB to Letterboxd because I couldn't be fucked marking those as watched and rating them again

This isBtw

gives you a nice "year in review" summary page and the opportunity to change your URL

Oh yeah, the 'year in review' page is pretty nice

>Smoothhands only watches 1 minute "films" to pad his total number of films watched
>link_gorro is a raging SJW and discovered Sup Forums through the Breaking Bad subreddit
>Acid is a tranny chaser and obsessed with Healey
>Healey shills Kanye West and Trump and think he's somehow the leader of a contrarian revolution
>m_obvs is an edgy 13 year old that deleted his profile out of shame
>mollykins is the "female" version of m_obvs that should just delete "her" profile
>Jackieray still hasn't grown out of De Palma like a normal person
>nosaj is a fat Irish pig that wishes he was a nigger
>steakbro is genuinely retarded, avatarfags with shitty blurry screencaps of Miami Vice, and gets triggered if you say Fury Road or BvS was bad
>myrmician is a 30 year old neet Paki
>coryburning stalks girls in these threads and probably a rapist
>Miranna left these threads in fright after being stalked by coryburning
>winstonne is from [s4s] and acts like it, also a furry
>aeltbx is a fat paki and throws a fit whenever someone says mean things to him
>bel committed suicide
>dropout_bear avatarfags with ugly poo in loo bitches
>machill54 is calm, cool, and based as fuck even though /lbg/ jealously memes on him constantly
>pupkin is a schmuck
>tsar attempted suicide and failed that too lmao

Followed, really like your killing joke review and your top 25

What went wrong?


its not. its very average

Carol was very spooking

Cate Blanchety felt like succubus leeching life

the reviews I read make me cringe and I don't think I could do it better

I'm aware of this sensation


Examples? SJW type shit? I've gotten irritated over those, but I've yet to cringe at a review.


Get to go to a free screening of the Stalker restoration at my local cinema tonight. excited for that.

I enjoyed the technical aspects more than the story and characters, but A LOT of people love it. I need to give it a second watch.

Like others have said, it's the technical side that makes it interesting. The story itself and the script is rather mediocre.

What should I watch /lbg/?

Leaning towards All Quiet or a western.


Hope you enjoy, I assume you've seen before?

I saw that the mosfilm restoration is showing at Venice labiennale.org/en/cinema/news/22-07.html

wonder how long before it ends up on a home video release (and if the improvement will be substantial enough to warrant a rewatch)

I'll give it a watch, but I won't make it a priority then

I kind of wanted to watch it when it was released but it didn't seem interesting enough to pay to see

reminder that you cant even enable full dynamic range in osx if you plug it through HDMI to a monitor


you in the UK? really interested to see these new resto due to seeing some of the original films in garbage dvd quality (kino lorber)

just go for it and try to change the things you don't like about the reviews you see. there aren't many better way of explaining an opinion/analysis

personally, I'd go with Ikiru, The King of Comedy, or Come and See

>3 stars


Reminder that we may be mere days away from Come and See being finally uploaded online in HD

Worrying no information on the source of the transfer though

Nice, i'll finally give this a watch then.

nice memay

>owning a meme computer

Maclets, when will they learn?

>japanese subs

I have yeah but not for a while. I'm not actually sure who restored the one I'm watching tonight, but it's through the BFI so I presume they or Park Circus or someone like that has something to do with it.

yeah UK at the moment. I heard that there was a big Tarkovsky restoration/retrospective being pushed by the AFI? Where you from?

I don't care. It works and for the technologically illiterate (me) connecting shit throughout the house is easy as fuck.

>it works

It does. It does what it intends to do.

>900mb rips.
are we living mid 00s again

America, I hope some of it comes around soon. I'd think Janus or Kino or something here would pick them up rather than the AFI, so I guess we'll see

>It does what it intends to do.
I know it does, it intends to trick morons into buying their overpriced garbage.

It will be the artificial eye one

English subs will be added almost immediately of course

>tfw getting comfy watching old German films while my country is burning

What do I absolutely need to watch before I inevitably get beheaded by a sandnigger this year?

Of course it's overpriced. It's reliable though. If you've picked up one Apple product it's easy to understand the others.

>SD content.
>using VLC.

Normal PC's are also reliable. And way cheaper. There is literally no valid reason to buy a Apple product.

>watching movies popular enough to have HD releases

I use VLC for screenshots because MPC sometimes fucks it up for some reason.

To the user from last thread, i've only seen the firt two, but a chinese ghost story I & II are worth it if you like fun chinese films with shitty special effects. Do not expect lot of kung fu tho. If you like tsui hark, i guess it's closer to zu thant the more mainstream ones ( once upon a time in china,... )

The point was VLC upscaling is a fucking joke when compared to mpv or mpc-hc. And you are stupid uneducated nigger for using VLC for SD content because of this.

They aren't as reliable. Apple products have always been designed as end-to-end products and it shows. I have nothing wrong with PCs, but the ability to use multiple devices, that are designed for each other, is something I like. PCs may have more alternatives and customisation, but that was never really Apple's goal. Apple has always been about the end-to-end process, hell, even back to the Apple II.

I like it, shoot me.

And I said I use VLC for screenshots (only), I watch films on MPC

>I like being cuckolded by marketing.

this website has gone to shit. Can't believe I'm going back to imdb


There it is. You have no point so you resort to insults. Great job man. I'm perfectly happy with my computer.


are you implying usb t-c is viable already
are you implying television monitors (not pc gaymen shit) use display ports?

I want to start using MPC-HC to watch films, but the other night when I .m2ts file with embedded PGS subtitles, they didn't play. Ever experienced this and if so were you able to solve it?

Maybe something wrong with your release. I have never had that problem with .m2ts+embedded pgs subs.

I would expect an attitude any less cucky from you fabs

Version 1.7.10

I'm not waiting for your png screenshot to load, you know. Learn to save in jpg or GTFO.

Not much to do yet, but the fire rises.

based retardbro when I said release I referred to your rip of the film

if the .m2ts file ain't big, upload it to mega, link here for testing purposes.

You know, there a lot of petty complaints but this is possibly the pettiest.

Where are you living that a png takes a long time to load?

Just some cucky phoneposter with bandwith cap.

It can't be the file because it plays on vlc without problems. It's not a rip, it's an untouched disc and the .m2ts file with the film is 21.1 GiB.

I'm sitting at home on brand new i7 with 32 GB RAM and 100 MB/s optic internet plugged right into my PC without any WiFi. And it still takes fucking 3 sec to load your png screenshots.

>32GB ram.

>ge fell for the meme

If 3 seconds is too long you may as well just stop using the internet.

I have fallen for very many memes and each time I enjoyed falling for them.

See, this one loads in 0.00000001 sec.

Well here is the real phone user. You see I got used to things loading fast. I download 40 GB Blu-Ray films in 5 minutes.

Evil Dead 2 later today


>He didn't even marathon TED-EDII-AOD
fucking retard

Because I didn't want to

Fabs, you sound as though you've been replaced by a robot that regurgitates vaguely fabsian lines
It does not make sense within the flow of human conversation
What has been done to you



are you implying that you originally said television monitor and not monitor


Who are you?

it's me, redditor54!

>tfw the leftists importing votes are ruining the west

Some good old-fashioned ethnic cleansing is in order


Is it wrong to watch mindless blockbusters like Hunger Games?