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who the hell is that in the pic?

>not checking the filename

I have no idea wtf was going on in that scene

it would have made much more sense if he was Mr. Miracle instead


How did that not make sense?

It was pretty straightforward capeshit fans are the dumbest motherfuckers i swear

He's talking about an event in a future movie


It is quite confusing, as only hardcore flash fans would really understand. It was an odd choice to include in a film shown to Normies.

Basically in the comics, The Flash has a special treadmill thing that he uses to go back in time. There's all sorts of parralel universes and shit. Its quite good and it looks like the Justice league movies are going down that route. Well, a hybrid of a few storylines such as 'Injustice: gods among us' and 'Flashpoint'.

>quipsare the key
>We have to be like the MCU

well I knew what was going on that scene. it's just so clumsy and awkward

why does flash look like a fucking hobo. why did they obscure his costume so much. we had no idea who the he is. he wasn't even in that crappy quicktime movie introduction other than grainy blurs.

>Lois is the key!
Except that she literally does absolutely fucking nothing in the entire movie except chuck a spear into the water, then almost drown her dumbass self trying to get it back.

why did batman throw the spear in the garbage when he knew it was an important item?

lol thats why it was too early for el flasho! lois wasn't the key yet and bruce didn't even know who he was! its foreshadowing!! also notice how hes shrouded in clouds and lightening? A STORM IS COMING!!

>Lois is the key

He means the key to turning superman evil. She's going to die somehow and push supes over the edge, causing all the stuff that Bruce was 'dreaming' about.

>I have no idea wtf was going on in that scene
jesus out of all the Batman V Superman threads you still don't understand?

Also, how could you not get it when seeing it in the cinemas? It was so straight forward!

Bruce had a vision of what the future would be like with Superman as a nazi before being sent back to the present while Flash gave him a warning of what is to come (what we just saw with the wasteland desert).

This, Lois is the key to Superman's life. If she dies, Superman loses all hope for humanity and rampages. That is what Flash means.

Maybe you should try the new ghostbusters I hear there is tonnes of exposition in it for retards like you to be able to follow the narrative

maybe the scene should have gone
>Bruce, after the events about to unfold involving doomsday, there will come a time where you will be presented with an opportunity to save the life of Lois Lane. Do so, as failure would result in superman becoming a bad guy evil villain!

Italian Spider-Man.


I know he has a time traveling treadmill, but I'm pretty sure it worked a bit better than making Flash seem like some hallucination for 10 seconds in the time period he runs to.

We don't know what's happening on the other side though? Remember they're at war, it could be damaged or it could be mid battle... Who knows.

So it's basically a ripoff of Injustice? Joker is going to kill Louis because Batman is too "hard" and then Sups puts his hand through Joker in a fit of rage, before deciding to kill all muslims with Wonder Woman and become Dictator of Earth?





I wouldn't say ripoff, but its going to lend heavily from it. I don't think it will be the Joker that kills Lois, but possibly Lex, steppenwolf or Darkseid. Either way I'm pretty hype desu.

Is the event he's trying to warn Bruce about going to be in Justice League or a movie further on?

>before deciding to kill all muslims with Wonder Woman and become Dictator of Earth

wtf i love superman now


I'm not as much of a DC buff as I thought. Who is this?


>Sup Forums is back to shitting on this movie

This board is recovering


Steppenwolf is Darkseids right hand man. You can see Lex speaking to what appears to be a hologram of him in a deleted scene from BvS.

I know nothing about Flash and I was laughing at this scene when I saw it in cinema,

From all this "super serious and dark" scenes to this edgy budget iron man looking fucker screaming infront of a sleepy Bruce Wayne mygod what was Snyder thinking,
You can't just shove a new character like that in a movie, it just doesn't work.

>it's a dream within a dream! oh wait it isn't! oh it actually is!
bravo snyder so subtle and original, not cliche at all

>DCucks will defend this

why does he legit look Negroid in that picture? I watched it and thought he was African Americuck

You must be the only person that didn't think he looked Mexican with that lame mustache

The scene would work better if Bruce didn't have the dream before it.

Yeah man, he's like, "I'm so fucking done with letting humans try sort their shit out" then he flies to the middle east and drags NotAssad to the UN to face trial. Wonder Woman fucking creams herself when she sees this, and vows to help Superman end the tyranny of men all over the world. They kill Ares, force all militaries to disarm, force Aquaman to submit to them and kill anyone in the Justice League who oppose them. Wonder Woman also kills a bunch of muslims for mistreating their women. Darksied sees that Earth has disarmed itself and invades. Superman kills Darksied's son, then personally kills every soldier Darksied sent in a millisecond. This solidifies in Clark's mind that killing is justifiable to uphold his vision of how the world should be. I basically stopped reading there because mods of Sup Forums stopped the Sup Forums poster from leaking the comic at that point.


>CIA is the key!

What did he mean by this?

I thought he looked black in the first appearance and mexican in the second appearance. He looks black at first because the suit gives hima negro head. The second scene makes him look mexican because of the hair.

All the men have suits that are shaped to look like muscles.



Why would Bruce have a dream about someone he hasn't met?

It wasn't a dream

git r dun
ᵍᶦᵗ ʳ ᵈᵘᶰ

needs a green lantern

It was part of that retarded dream sequence, user

>Ben Al-Fleqqi head down, crying in shame at the ridiculousness of that scene.

>ᵍᶦᵗ ʳ ᵈᵘᶰ

How. What magic is this?

>knock knock knock

No it wasn't, hence when he 'wakes up' there are still papers flying everywhere in the background.

Trying watching the film next time duke!!