
Black metal general.

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post unhinged BM


The reason I posted Det Som Engang Var as the main picture is because I would love more medieval sounding black metal with dungeon synth Interludes. Han som Reite is one of my favorite songs of all time.

>Gathering strength to tell my friends to play d&d with me yet worried that they wil flake and call me a faggot

i forgot, black metal for this feel

can we talk about dungeon synth? what are some good releases from this year?


is this black metal lads? if so, black metal aoty

you should probably delete this post and leave the hall

>it has growling so it has to be death metal
listen to the blasts and tremolos. that album is "blackened" at the very least

well memed, my boi

>it has tremolos so it has to be black metal
it's shitty technical deathcore, now leave the hall

listen to krallice then listen to infared horizon. they're basically the same just with different vocals

also, glad to know you're the ultimate authority on metal sub-genres

Favorite Blazebirth Hall album?

krallice is riffless garbage that is inherently not metal, try again nu-male

okay. well you'd better get back to your venom

do you enjoy ripping off dmu this much
krallice and artificial brain do suck though and are not black metal

>krallice and artificial brain do suck though
how could you think this? black metal or not, they're so far ahead of the game. how many times have you listened to years past matter?

i didn't like it for like the first 5 listens but i kept coming back because i couldn't understand it. now it's one of my favorite albums of all time

unorganized, pointless, no good riffs. what's so great about it?

Why listen to Krallice at all when theres Saturnian Poetry?

Furia - Ksieżyc Milczy Luty

but it's extremely organized. it's one of the most meticulously calculated albums i can think of. it's just organized in a really unusual way

everything is pointless

>no good riffs
there's actually a lot of great riffs. it just takes a while to be able to recognize them

super underrated album

Thank you! Nocel was also good, but this one is way more atmospheric.

1st track (Za Ćma w Dym) and 4th (Grzej) are easily the best one on the album.

who is this ugly faggot i see his mug posted here literally every day since february goddamn he makes me so uncomfortable

>but it's extremely organized. it's one of the most meticulously calculated albums i can think of. it's just organized in a really unusual way

in what manner? it's just a random stream of shit with no discernible direction, just like all of colin marston's other awful projects.

>there's actually a lot of great riffs. it just takes a while to be able to recognize them

what does this even mean? i can recognize riffs fine, thanks

>i can recognize riffs fine, thanks
then i guess we just have different ideas of what a riff is. 6:52 here is an example of what i'm talking about youtube.com/watch?v=CVGrJUDNM9s

>it's just a random stream of shit
it's not random though. listen to how tight everybody is. the guitars bass and drums are all locked together so they're obviously playing something that was organized in advance.

Try elffor, Nox Lunaris, and nordwind

>listen to how tight everybody is. the guitars bass and drums are all locked together so they're obviously playing something that was organized in advance.

that's not what i meant. each proceeding piece of the song does nothing to advance it towards a goal, its as if they were chosen at random with no filter of what would contribute to the song.

>Be kind to one another.

In a BM thread? Yeah right. Of course your suggestion didn't work. Too many trve krieg elitists as always.

Can i get recs for riff heavy black metal. Preferably non atmobancamp core


do you already know the entry-level classic stuff?

what does riff heavy mean? does it just mean high density of riffs?

I suppose so. Something with a thrash edge to it.

listen to this right now

Stop posting racist metal bands

Not bad but not exactly what im looking for.

oh stfu. it's music, so it should be on this board.
why do you care if varg is racist? you don't have to listen to him. i think he's a cocksucker, but that doesn't mean other Sup Forumstants can't post about his music or share it. eat shit.

>b8 this weak

Looking for some black and roll. or Motorhead esque black metal.

all I know of so far is midnight and "pure evil and hate" by Behemoth. what else is there?

Satanic Rites by Hellhammer has a motorhead feel to it, i believe they were heavily influenced by motorhead.

>black and roll
Kvelertak perhaps?

kys racist

Are Venom and Bathory a given?

later darkthrone

>Sup Forumstant
o am laffin

meant for


the point is that it's supposed to sound chaotic and unpredictable. i get how that could turn people off though

music can be both chaotic and unpredictable without being a random mess like krallice

Where are my /war/ bros at?

What's your /war/ AOTY so far?

This is - huh- wow

if by "- huh - wow" you mean "essential spooky white stuff on black background with a red logo core" then yes you are right

yeah its spooky for 1985

i don't think it's a random mess. it makes sense to me, but like i said only after lots of repeated listens. anyways, to each his own

This 100%

>tfw Malefic will never make a black metal album

His doomgrass stuff is embarrassing.

reminder that odraza is amazing and proof that polish bm isn't just overrated chant metal and mgla.

The only reason I couldn't get into mgla was because of their shitty bass lines.
The guitars/drums are top tier though.

estranged from orbit is pretty black metal

I don't keep up with modern day dungeon synth. It just doesn't have the same charm that lo-fi bedroom projects did in the 90's. Although I have to give credit Thangorodrim, his music is wonderful.

What's your favorite Dungeon Synth album?

>What's your favorite Dungeon Synth album?
probably this youtube.com/watch?v=CQq21TDJT-E

but if we're talking about modern stuff i've been enjoying these lately

thangorodrim is good too

ooo I love Solanum, incredible taste. It's strange how people obsess over Depressive Silence, yet Solanum is still very obscure.

I never really got into those Chaucer tapes, even though I liked the concept. I'll check out that other link though, thanks!

Branikald - Blikk Av Kald/Rdjandalir
Forest - As A Song.../Like A Blaze Above The Ashes
And if Walknut counts, then Graveforests... have to be mentioned too

Ole/Apollyon from Aura Noir

Aura Noir, Chapel, Gehennah, Bat, Omega.

Just discovered this yesterday, can't believe I missed a new Furia release.
The outro to Grzej is one of the best things I've heard in a while.

any other bands like this? it says the genre is bm but this sounds way diferent from most other shit I've heard

My favourite album of 2016.
This band manages to make Black Metal remain true and remind me that it still breathes, strong as ever, with pure, true evil.
Played in a true traditional style, yet the unique style of melodies to create an extremely Satanic atmosphere of pure raw dark energy. I think something that stands out so much about this band, is how genuine the music feels, there is nothing generic or boring about, it made me genuinely feel the need to listen on to the album and see what comes up next. And once I did, I was hooked, this is no typical mediocre Black Metal band. This is truly elite

The perfect band for those who seek pure Black Metal energy.Except nothing less than pure Black Metal in the cult traditional style

How about that new Nocturnal Depression album? Pretty damn good


Fuckin sick

A classic band. Truly depressing and intense

I play Myfarog and listen to metal with my friends, every fan of Burzum should

By the way, my friend said we should play it when I was talking about gay some SJW article I read about it was.
I don't see why a Black Metal fan would be afraid to ask about that

I was actually surprised he'd want to, but apparently he's been Varg pilled from thuleanperspective


Witness me
