How do we salvage Sup Forums? Please take this request seriously by posting some non-meme answers.

10 minute board wide lock on all new threads by anyone. If that doesn't work bump it up to an hour. People cannot handle freedom so take it away.

two things have to happen:

1. actually engage in thoughtful music discussion
2. Sup Forumstants have to actually start to be funny again and start developing some fun, creative music memes. old Sup Forums memes used to be so fucking dank. there we so many! what memes does the board have going now? i can't even think of a new Sup Forums meme that's worth spamming.

the board's lost its sense of taste and humor, IMO.

stop circlejerking shitty rap and indie pop

Encourage people to post more and about more serious topics. There are probably tons of people who lurk and don't post anything because this board has such noteriety in the online music discussion scene.

Change the sticky picture. Our banner is something to be proud of and we need something like that for the sticky.

Markposting is one of the best Sup Forums memes I've ever seen, but the autist mods delete all the threads for it


Better janitors. Send threads that dont really deserve to be on here to /trash/.

More people that read the sticky rather than spoonfeeding very basic stuff since it helps to keep the catalogue cleaner.

Someone once suggested adding ID's to this board, which I can see. That way mods can ban the people that just spam stuff 24/7, like that one guy that spammed the Flaming Lips album everyday.

Building a better overall community on here would be beneficial. You can still have the pretentiousness and the memes, but you gotta balance that out with actual discussion and quality posts.

Basically all of that is achieved by this

separate board for country, rap, and pop /crap/

Remember music sharing threads? Where we recommended unknown or underrated albums we liked? Gave them a little description and posted the download links? Those were great, discovered a lot of new music that way.
Those threads were even filled with positivity

bring back elitist tripfags

Delete all share threads and all download links

Sup Forums is not your criminal gang. Go panhandle somewhere else.

mass purges

we still have them there's just a guy who posts a seemingly endless amount of post bop jazz in them, a few good shares per thread if you're open minded enough I'd say

stop talking about kanye west and grimes

ok thanks lars

>People cannot handle freedom so take it away.
That's actually true but sadly impossible to implement correctly
>actually engage in thoughtful music discussion
ok but do you get people to not be retards?
>Sup Forumstants have to actually start to be funny again and start developing some fun
"Sup Forumstants" today are facebook normalfags that appear completely ignorant in regards to imageboard culture
not a bad idea
>Send threads that dont really deserve to be on here to /trash/
or delete them
>adding ID's to this board
i'm not sure that's a good idea personally but yeah rapid shitposter and shills should be dealt with harshly
>Building a better overall community on here would be beneficial
That's the essential step we should be taking but i haver no idea how could do it at this point
containing inside a /general/ could also work but why not a bad idea either
No. Sharethreads will always be dickwaving contests and they also attract tripshits from all over the place. You can share music more organically
expain further

How is a 10 minute board wide lock impossible? New threads can only be made for one minute every ten minutes. Then that gives the jani 9 minutes to delete all the garbage. If that doesnt work then bump it up to 20 minutes and only give people 30 seconds to make a new thread.

i'm fearing that modern Sup Forums would overreact like a bunch of faggots but probably you're correct and that's just my paranoia speaking.

Good let them overreact. The more they struggle the more we strangle.

There's nothing wrong with Sup Forums, you're just bored. The solution to all broken boards is always for the person who perceives the "damage" to go elsewhere.

This is our Alamo

>you're just bored
I'm bored because all the fucking threads are either kpop, grimes, shitty generals, meme album posting/circlejerking/shilling, autistic beatles faggotry, tons of hip-hop trash and attention whoring.
If i try to make a quality thread it get archived with 5 replies most if i'm lucky.

>quality thread
For example?

The redditfuges can't have upvotes so the bait for yous. This makes music discussion practically non-existent and waifu posting and *deletes* the most active threads.

The most recent example was trying to talk about pic-related and the thread only got 1 reply despite it not being obscure. It seems like even AIR is either too much for the average mutant or that they only have heard about the meme album and don't care for the others.

Literally why? You just pick some random 15 year old album and insist on a discussion about it? Or just randomly pick some band you like? These are the exact kind of threads we don't need. Totally unproductive masturbation.

>These are the exact kind of threads we don't need. Totally unproductive masturbation
Ok then tell e what kind of threads would be better suited. Everytime i make a thread discussing a different subgenre or requesting posting songs that fit a rather specific mood it get's ignored because posters here are too heavily indulged in talking only about music that they're already familiar with.

More generals. More containment threads.

Based on your other examples I would prefer if you just completely stopped making threads. To each their own though. I certainly appreciate the ability to hide them.

When a new album is released, that album gets a general. All other threads about it are deleted and 1 day bans given.

Too many times I come here and some meme rap garbage was released and I have to go through and hide 40 threads.

Do bans really work? It seems like a lot of people can evade them. Hence the board wide lock on new threads idea.

>Based on your other examples I would prefer if you just completely stopped making threads.
Says the faggot that defends this boards current state. Also it's clear you prefer to be a condescending cunt instead of pointing to your way of making threads and not get archived to death.

It's not about stopping them from posting, it's about sending a message not to make 800 threads about the same album and keep it to the general.

Gee I wonder why you're so defensive. And when did I defend the boards current state? I like how you're flailing. No doubt it reflects your thread style as well.

>sending a message
People respond to force.

>Gee I wonder why you're so defensive. And when did I defend the boards current state? I like how you're flailing. No doubt it reflects your thread style as well
Personal attacks and speculating on the threads i make based on your selective imagination reflects the fact that you're an underage moron that prefers sounding smart and right instead of actually being. I can do it too as you see.
And yet you still didn't offer an argument but instead opted on begging information out of me for baiting purposes.

When did I make a personal attack? I personally would prefer if you stopped making threads get over it. And I'm not exactly a fan of your posting style either but whatever. I'm not helping you because there's no need for you to make threads.

>When did I make a personal attack
geez i wonder
I personally would prefer if you stopped making threads get over it. And I'm not exactly a fan of your posting style either but whatever. I'm not helping you because there's no need for you to make threads.
>still doesn't see the irony of his previous statement
nice autism

By making me the man in charge around here everything will change for the better for sure

Vote montie

If you've ever made a thread asking for music to fit a mood then I strongly insist that you should never make another thread again. Deal with it. That's not a personal attack. So far you're the only one who's completely back pedaled and dodged the question asking when I defended this board's current state.

And yes now you genuinely seem like a person I do not like and do not want here but that's still not exactly a personal attack but interpret how you like. You obviously enjoy playing the victim. That's personal.

>facebook normalfags

god i know.
so many of my friends are in like the "patrician chartposting" groups and ">implying music is good" bullshit pages. it's a bastardized version of board culture. one guy asked for music recs that were real dark and i said "swans - cop" and he freaked out and asked if i was one of those annoying "swans spammers" from the patrician chartposting groups

7/8ths of the people in there are plebs and are essentially ruining the autistic pleb/patrician culture that's been created here. like i remember when i was completely entry level in like 2010, i strived to find new music so i'd be able to be called a patrician (obviously an autistic complex, but i've learned a lot over the years)

those dudes just jerk each other off for having the same radiohead/1975/smiths taste and never really bother to improve

completely an autistic sperg rage w/ little self awareness i know my b


>And yes now you genuinely seem like a person I do not like and do not want here
And you still love making it about me all while being an armchair psychologist.
But don't worry Sup Forums is the perfect place for people to vent their personal anger and declare everyone but themselves victims and i don't have to open a book or attempt to psychoanalyse anyone like a retard to realise this simple fact.

Yeah people circlejerk a ton of the same stuff. The discussion is often minimal, band + album + I like.

The r9k bot would probably do us good, but it's a little radical.
I kinda wish r9k wasn't reserved for "robot"-only angstposting

More porn threads

can we spam the grimes threads to the point they no longer post them?
/kpg/ id fine though i never see them post more than 1 thread at a time and never notice them outside their general. grimes is fucking rampant though

Easy - make a /mug/ for general threads.

Grimes, K-Pop, Shugazi, etc. generals are what killed this board. Lock up the tasteless fucks in a containment board.

>Shugazi killed mu
Now I've heard everything

Sound webms for music.

>the generals that discuss music because all the other threads are shitposting? They killed Sup Forums

>i.e. sharethreads
>killed this board
Newfags like this should be banned

>Send threads that dont really deserve to be on here
>dont really deserve

post your manifesto Montie

Alright then, why are 20 DAMN. and *deletes*threads so precious?

This is true for /shugazi/. There's rarely a discussion about music in Kpop and Grimes threads.