Is Vektroid a trap or just ugly gril?

Is Vektroid a trap or just ugly gril?

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A talentless hack.

Just ugly trap.

A talented gender fluid hack

both 2bh fa m

if that were so, she'd be pointing at us

but what kind of gender is this "hack"?

the dick only makes it better, I'd smash either way

She is, with her penis.

Trap confirmed, 0% doubt
FFS man you can do so much better than this

Nah friend, she's a cutie.

Can I get some efficient fucking evidence that she has a dick?


"her" name is the most obvious fake name

*ugly trap
(sorry Vekkie)

wtf no she's quite cute for a trap, and still decent for a girl

I don't even consider these as 'people'

Ok fag

>suicidally depressed Sup Forums user does not consider others human

Sup Forums in one sentence


...If you say so.

ok there she doesn't look so pretty

>t. hon


hey whatever, I'd still smash

An ugy crossdresser.
Trap implies some ability to pass as the opposite gender.



desu theses rare pictures are horrendous: she seems to have terrible haircut & awful fashion sense. She _might_ be sexier IRL

Ugly trap, but honesty doesn't look that ugly in this picture, just looks like morrissey in drag

She is a cis female. The answer wasn't exactly hard to find

Anyone can create a wiki

>She is a cis female.
Really? for the past two years I thought she was a dude because of Sup Forums and I never cared to look further because she looked like a man. Well, shit.

Brianna Wu is listed as cis though "she" has been exposed as a trap. Doesn't pass at all anyway. Wiki not classifying closet traps as such proves nothing.


this article doesn't say anything about her gender.

youre a sexually frustrated white boy faggot, youd "smash" anything that let you

Stop making shit up


no such thing.

and it's a male

lmfao you trying to tell us you'd never try a cock and pussy 3some? Pull the other one son, it's got bells on! Hohohohoho

yup that's a dude

Making what up?
There is literally no mention of him being a dude, despite it being a 100% confirmed fact.

Better? As in you? How's the boipucci game?