
does he have autism?

No, but he does

he's pointing at me

no he was just a normally weird guy who decided to use that to his advantage, accentuate it and make it part of his band's image

Lou was alpha af and snorted his brain into oblivion


Yes, it amplified with time. Now he's in full autist mode, like you and the other faggots that post here.

what is this board's obsession with asking this question every day

>He (David Byrne)’s a genuine eccentric," says Eno. "He’s always been exactly like that, and I’ve seen him remain like that in quite extreme situations. For instance, we were mugged together once in New York. It was quite frightening; we were mugged by 14 people. My enduring memory is of David being dragged off into the bushes, saying ‘Uh-oh!’ That’s absolutely true; it was like a cartoon scene.

He has self-diagnosed aspergers, so yes. A simple Google search would have been sufficient, you know.

he also claims that he grew out of it. it's bullshit.

It seems plausible.

>My enduring memory is of David being dragged off into the bushes, saying ‘Uh-oh!’
Top fucking kek I need sauce

You can't grow out of Aspergers lmao. That does sound like a very aspie thing to say though

Sup Forums's trying to find someone they're compatible with.

he's very unique, maybe an autist.
it doesn't matter, I wouldn't want him any other way

so he was a normie making fun of us?

Yes, he has aspergers. Actually.

Honestly no he doesn't or he has a very very slight version of it. What genuine aspie could go on stage and play loud music to a crowd? They'd go insane.

He's just weird and is bad at communicating. Real aspies can't even listen to loud noises, can't break from routines even a little, can't wear weird fabrics. He's been on tour like his whole life

come on, had to be

Whether this is true or not it's the funniest thing I've read all damn day
