Why the FUCK is Thom wearing a U2 shirt?

Why the FUCK is Thom wearing a U2 shirt?

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Because he's secretly a Sup Forumstant

Because U2 are patrician, and Achtung Baby and Zootopia were probably big influences on Kid A


U2 is Sup Forumscore

get over it

U2 is secretly patrician. The ultimate music redpill, if you will.

lol dude who do you think he was trying to sound like from Pablo to OK, Bob Dylan? nah, Bono

Their career arc was the same as U2's up until Hail to the Thief, then they branched off. You had your basic rock (Pablo Honey/Boy), then slightly more nuanced rock (The Bends/October/War), then transitioned to haunting, melodic, ambient rock (OK Computer/Joshua Tree), then more experimental electronic rock (Kid A/Achtung Baby). Hell, they even copied them releasing a quasi-outtakes album from that last period (Amnesiac/Zooropa). That's dedication.

It's literally Radiohead's and other britpop band's biggest influence

Nice try, that's not Thom, that's Limmy.

Both sucks


I bet he's the guy making all the U2 threads lately

maybe there's a possibility that more than 1 people like u2? considering they're one of the most successful bands of all time

>considering they're one of the most shit bands of all time


Because he has good taste

Because bad musicians like other bad musicians.

Jonny Greenwood is the only thing that keeps Radiohead from being garbage.

i bet you can't explain why you think this

I have no problem with U2 but how the fuck does Radiohead sound like anything they ever released?

Wait no I get it

are you joking?
no The Joshua Tree/Achtung Baby = no radiohead

Radiohead has a lot of slow ballads with vibrato in the very vein of U2, specially their 90's stuff

I seriously did nazi see this meme coming from Damn.'s release

what meme?

He's just supporting his favorite post-punk act :)

Probably being ironic

no he's genuine and has publicly stated respect for U2 in interviews.

Well that's just embarassing

most everyone over 30 has heard at least part of the 80's and 90's U2 Discography and a large portion of the over 30 demographic really enjoy said albums.



not posting the whole interview;

Are you a big fan? "Yeah I wish i could be there but this is so more important"

Thom rocking out and mouthing the words to "One"


Don't forget Thom also sang a snippet of U2's Please during I Might Be Wrong in 2003 gigs

Freudian slip right there.

Damn it Thom! *deletes ALL radiohead albums*

So, mu must like Coldplay too, right?

Coldplay aren't in the same league as U2 in their prime.

They're literally the same band to me. Idk is it their lesser known songs that are good? I can't stand With or Without You, I Still Haven't Found..., etc

>They're literally the same band to me
Hardly. Coldplay started off as acoustic rock and piano rock, tried to ape U2's sound for a while and even worked with their longtime producer Brian Eno, and then decided to jump on a ton of popular music bandwagons (ie. straight up Top 40 pop songs, collaborations with Rihanna and the Chainsmokers, etc.)

>Idk is it their lesser known songs that are good? I can't stand With or Without You, I Still Haven't Found..., etc
You might like their earlier post-punk stuff. I personally like those songs and The Joshua Tree album.

no. they are better then muse. but not close to U2/Radiohead


>Street Spirit
>Stop Whispering US version

It's not that hard really.

I can accept then being their influence during Ok Computer not Kid A
