Is there a bigger douche bag in music?

is there a bigger douche bag in music?


That guy from Lostprophets that raped the baby

Can him and Mac Demarco just die in a plane crash already?

Ever? Because that's probably Sinatra or Buddy Rich.

>Not getting it
You fucking pleb.

"The irony is that the people who hate me the most are the people who are exactly like me"

What did he mean by this?

I understand his "lol it's all ironic" shtick. if anything that makes it worse.

he means he's a cynical, bitter person just like Sup Forums

he's covering his ass

>"I get it"
>doesn't get it

>"gets it"

pretty obvious. He's a douche, and so are we. Tbh, I have a lot of arrogance and pretentiousness at time. Like him. We even look alike. I get this, but still don't care for his music.

Edgy xD

>claims to read infinite jest
>still uses 'muh irony' excessively despite DFW warning about the dangers of too much irony
Tillman is a poser and hack

Oh look it's another "I read this massively popular book and that makes me smarter than him" scene on Sup Forums.

It's funny because you're not as intelligent as you think you are.

This thread right now is exactly what the entire album is about.

sure thing stan



this would be great, except all the father john misty dickriders would put him in the 27 club by association
Josh Tillman is an experiment in bacteria collection when introduced with multiple layers of indie cred

interesting songs
I Love You, Honeybear 10outta10

dude infinite jest isn't just any book

it's the book that separates the artisan, the creative, the genius from the weak, the feeble and chaff, the inferiors. you need to read it.

yeah that fag from radiohead.

Also the Chatteau Lobby song and Ballad of a Dying Man



