How is anyone not committing suicide? I just don't see how anyone wants to stay alive. I see no more reason to live...

How is anyone not committing suicide? I just don't see how anyone wants to stay alive. I see no more reason to live. I don't need to be told to kill myself now, I'm going to tonight, but I don't know how anyone could want to remain alive

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But there's so many cookies to try :(

well I guess you're correct since we are all gonna die one day... Why not just get it over and done with?

Yeah, I know. I'm getting ready and I'm just waiting for someone to leave so I can die alone

I've always thought of going on a spree before killing myself so I can fuck my family over and let them deal with the guilt of not "helping". I'm not depressed but I just don't find any good reason of living. Reading it now makes it sound like im evil. kek

If you have nothing to lose, why don't you try everything you want to but had the fear to do? You have the power now that you don't fear even death

Because some people aren't weak willed cowards.

I do fear immortality

How do you do it ?

Kill yourself


I intend to live forever or die trying. If you feel confident enough to challenge me, go ahead and try.


Knowing that there's always a way out is comforting to me.

Says the ones who are scared to die.


Not once they get their hands on you

Word to your cum dumpster mother. I keep a bottle of 15 30mg slow release morphine and 30 1mg Klonopin that I refer to as my escape hatch.

Periscope that shit, send link in chat

where could a Sup Forumsro get his hands on some morphine?

There are entirely too many people on this earth. I commend you on making the responsible choice. Thank you, and godspeed.




I live for trying the metaphorical "cookies", life is for the indulgence, once that's over and I've tried and done everything I want, I'm going to an hero.

Gonna be dead forever afterwards so im simply not in a hurry. Im plenty filled with self hatred and that wonderful dead on the inside feeling, but really why hurry if it willl happen anyway.

Love, for the time being


sweet dreams user

If you're going to kill yourself why not help a brother out. I have a fetish for diplomas and certificates. Could you send me your high school/college diplomas/certificates/etc, since you won't need them when you're dead?

Same you get anything, user. I know a guy.

The problem here is Nihilism.

Yes life has no purpose, but that's where you make something out of it instead of being a faggot.

It's work to improve your life. You are probably considering an hero because you are too lazy to do it, or because you are too scared that you will try and fail.

Are you want to recive a bad ending of your story?

The reason to stay alive is to progress the human species as far as possibly into the universe both physically and to the extent of our knowledge. You can consider Life a game where its end goal is to populate every single possible planet. I see no other reason to life than this and believe that this game is fun.

not wanting to die isn't really a fear thing, just that we have too many things we wanna do that you can't do if you're dead

and what does that purpose matter to someone who's suicidal? dude enough about you comunist "greater good" shit, what matters is the wants of the individual

My life is pretty cool. I don't have any social media accounts so I don't have to constantly get angry every time I see something I don't like. My job is pretty cool, I get so sell insurance and play video games in my down time.

And I get to come home to my girlfriend, so that's pretty cool too.

All-in-all being 21 years old on a planet I didn't get to choose in a country I don't always agree with is fine.

The biggest problem is everyones told to be fake and if your not fake "there's something wrong with you".
Normies are vermin op.

The world has so much to offer. Regardless of how you feel right now you can't deny that there's always new experiences to be had. Every single person who's jumped off the Golden Gate bridge and survived has regretted it.

that's selfish and not constructive, grow up

"grow up" essentially means "do what people expect you to" fuck that. do what you like, thats what i always say. leave being constructive to those who think it's important, just don't expect me to as well

>grow up

Fuck off

Very Libertarian of you, user.

Please accept this gift, in which some rando says he would fuck you for that sentence.

Cause I would fuck you for that sentence.

>Why not kill yourself?
Erotic massages every friday. It keeps me sane.

Not something a grownup would say

I'm not, but don't expect help when you need it, but that doesn't matter because your existence is something that is ephemeral and unimportant since you refuse to contribute to mankind, so your life nor your opinion matters. Even if you kill yourself for attention, that itself will be short-lived and you will be forgotten. If you choose to put some effort into your life and change a few others while your at it, then maybe you can live a little longer in the minds of others. Or maybe you put a decent level of effort in to your life and change a bunch of people and be remembered for even longer. I really couldn't care less if you think it's "what your expected," but I believe that's just an excuse to do nothing because "doing what you're expected" is apparently wrong. It's not doing what you're expected, it's doing what is best. And doing what is best (for humanity) isn't always "what's expected" nor best for you personally, but it does make this life and world a little better, I think.

Season 7-9 of American horror story...

There, I gave you a reason to live

Someone post the one with Sid.

There's this thing called self preservation instinct.

all that shit wouldn't matter to someone who's dead and if they killed themselves for attention then it sucks for them since they won't be there for that short lived attention.

"contribute to mankind" is the most retarded shit you said on this thread. people have different goals, many of which contradict eachother. there is no "helping mankind" there is just helping achieve a goal

I'm 22, male. Single and virgin. I'm becoming increasingly disinterested in life in general. I hate being at work. I hate being at home. I never find any interest in doing anything except listening to music and browsing the internet for something to distract me. I get suicidal thoughts all the time. I have no plans for a career. And I feel so ungrateful. My life is so much better than that of most of the people who ever lived. I know how pathetic it is to feel sorry for myself, but that just increases my feelings of worthlessness. I don't deserve to live.

oh and "doing what's expected of you" isn't wrong, it's just that doing what makes you happy is much more important and that may or may not be what's expected of you

You speak like there is an "objective benefit" for mankind, wow you really are stupid.

a virgin with a job? if you're so disinterested in life fuck a hooker, you don't seem like you'd think much of it since you're so disinterested in life

I'm disappointed that everyone isn't talking about how cool that the eye ball is just just sitting there on the top left of the head... er whats left of the head...

You realize your on Sup Forums, no on actually cares about your opinion either, you're talking like your opinion has actual merit above someone who would commit suicide.

Not my type of gore pic, I prefer more "clean" stuff, like a head that's had a clean cut off the body.

so why did you respond?

that's what you said, not me. And there is: longevity, which is pretty much the purpose of life

I'm just saying the world would be a little better if everyone shared an overall goal

yeah that's fine, you gotta be happy otherwise life's pretty dull

You sound like someone who believes that there is objective right and wrong in the universe.

Same reason you responded

Because I'm on Sup Forums and have nothing better to do, just like you.


it's pretty late on the east coast, it's good to wind down though

you don't know why I responded

we're all gonna die any way user, why rush?

but you shouldn't expect those who don't care about that "overall goal" to give their effort for something that means nothing to them

Why did you respond?

oh god no I don't expect them to, you can't force anyone to perform for something they don't believe. it would be nice if they did though, but that's idealistic

because I like talking to you guys, you all question the meaning and value of everything to see the holes and viewpoints of it, and I love it. I think the majority of people on hear have something meaningful to say about the topics (besides the trap and nigger cuck shit) posted on here, it's awesome. communities like Reddit and Tumblr don't even come close to the conversation you can have here because here it's raw, unfiltered interaction and that's how communication should be

deepweb alphabay etc

then why call someone who wants to kill themselves a coward? that's the same as ridiculing someone for doing something you don't agree with, which is the same as expecting someone to go with something that means nothing to them

>kill self there is a after life
>kill self no after life

if there's an afterlife how is it a win, wouldn't that have made killing yourself a waste of time?

no then you probably can do cool shit maybe?
if not then you just progressed faster and can deal with that shit

No, it would speed up time


Anybody into this stuff?

my mistake i meant effort

why is he wearing a condom? you can't get pregnant from anal

I never called anyone a coward, just that they should expect quid pro quo, if they give nothing they should expect nothing. That's pretty communistic and cold when you think about it but that's my opinion, not saying someone who's dying and in the gutter who is jobless and homeless should die. well actually yeah that's what I'm saying, fuck lazy people. But suicidal people aren't cowards, but I just think it's stupid to get so caught up in shit Creek that you feel the need to kill yourself. My life's been pretty good and I've had a positive outlook on things for a long time so I can't say that I feel empathetic toward people who feel useless and hopeless, but it'd be interesting to be in those shoes to see how someone gets there and why they can't get out

anyone who is alive is a pussy for having not killed themselves yet.

"give nothing axpect nothing" i agree with you there, but you speak as though the suicidal guy is expecting something. if he expects nothing what then?

again with ridiculing something you don't agree with, this time calling it "stupid". define stupid for me, please. while you work on that here's how i define a stupid action, doing something that you know goes against what you're trying to do. now tell me why you think it's stupid. they wanna quit, they see a way out, they take it. i don't see a single misstep there


and what does that make you?

hiv protection


but like, how are they gonna get it if they don't have vaginas?

If they expect nothing then that's great that's fine, as for ridiculing that's my opinion that it's stupid I get it that some people see it as a brave thing as a way out, I think it's stupid because I don't know what it's like to be suicidal as I said before if I did know what it's like to be suicidal maybe I wouldn't think it's stupid, but I don't think I'll ever get there so all I can have is an outside look of it

i'm not suicidal either, but i'm never quick to call something stupid because i understand that people want what they want and will do whatever it is they have to do to get what they want. if i don't know what it is they want then how can i say that they're stupid?


good point, I'll think about that

damn user thats inspirational

my dude im in the same boat, i dont know what to do with my life, life is about each moment that passes because the only that matters is this moment and then the next because thats all that exists. life is a pleasure and finding the pleasure of life is hard but it will come to you i promise

if you haven't killed yourself is because you don't want to. wanna fight me in smash bros?

id love to my main is marth ill kick your ass in a friednly fight! the thing is i both want to kill myself and i also have a deep apreciation of life idk

Nothings quite tipped me over the edge yet
Probably will someday, but life is alright for the time being
Got out of college and have a job, so I have money which is nice

We have prospects. You don't. Drink bleach faggot.

if youd like to know, one of the reasons im staying alive is because human beings are so beautiful with love and making art and all that we do

It's a day-to-day struggle for sure. I remember Robin Williams speaking about depression/suicidal thoughts on Marc Maron's podcast. He basically talked about the feeling coming on in waves. Ideally, when a suicidal wave comes in, suicide will be impractical. But if not, well you end up like Robin Williams.

my wario fucks bitches! hmm, if there are still things you wanna do then i say you should hold off on killing yourself until after they're done.

wii u or 3ds

If everyone dedicated themselves to art and love we'd go extinct. There's a reason hippies don't have influence on anything, much as theyd like to think they do
Not that I don't enjoy art and love. Someones gotta make art I suppose, just like someone has to rule the country. I just want to smoke weed and play video games and eat delicious food