Diagnosed with stage IV exocrine pancreatic cancer last week

>diagnosed with stage IV exocrine pancreatic cancer last week
>was told I had a 1% chance of living longer than 5 years, but it's likely I'll die way before then
>only 19 years old

I'm scared, Sup Forums

Go on a killing spree and make the news

Make history user. If you don't you'll be forgotten in death

double dubs of truth

My friend, you have to kill Hillary Clinton. Make history.

Op is too much of a pussy

>Get a gun
>wait for 12 am
>walk through a park with your phone one hand
>the gun in the other one, inside your jacket
>when someone threatens you with a knife, shoot that Faggot to dead
>outcome 1: One less scum in the society
>outcome 2: You die
>repeat til outcome two is the result


Stay strong OP. My grandfather had cancer all through his body and despite the odds, he survived with 1/4 of his pancreas and cancer for a couple years. I know this is scary. I know it's going to be hard. But please do yourself a favor and live your life to its fullest. Even if you can't afford to travel, try something new, take up some new hobbies, live your life.

This guy gets it

Two options op, I would pick 55 tho.
Why live in real life when you can live in history?

Do yourself a favor and DON'T GET A JOB. Rely on your parents for money, housing, food etc. Live life to its fullest. Party hard, do drugs if you're into that. Fuck all the hot girls you can. Travel. Do things you've always wanted to do. Then when you get bad news from your doctor, go on a killing spree. Have fun and end your life with a bang. Best of luck.

Very sorry to hear that OP, I don't know how I would take that news. The upside to your life now is that nothing will ever be as scary as what you now know. Walk up to the hottest broads you see on the street/bus at ask them out. Fart in front of people in the grocery store etc. live well

I'm sorry.

Take out a bunch of student loans, then use all the money to go to Tijuana and fuck hookers and do cocaine.

Look at the bright side
You will die at 24 at most
By the time you are 25 your body starts to deteriorate
you have the best years of your life to live what comes after that is all down hill only to end up being a disgusting wrinkly piece of shit trying to live longer throught medicine and stuff

>By the time you are 25 your body starts to deteriorate
totally bullshit. maybe for a woman.
best athletes are 30ish

I support this, we need something like that in the US

Eat raw garlic, it cured my cancer.

What i don't understand is that when people know they are gonna die, they don't do something crazy.
Hey you have a short time left, gonna die in a month. Oh well better cry and drag on till I die...

Just go nuts. Loot places, fuck prostitutes, start shit with a gang. God damn wasted opertunities with dying people and suiciders.

I envy you :(.


If it's any consolation, you dream when you die. It's really no different from just a very restful, deep sleep from which you never wake up. (Or, the process of dying in this lifetime is the act of waking up, if you want get all spiritual about it.)

At the very least, I assure it's not painful. I've brought my body to various extremes, including straight poisoning myself to test the limits. And every time I get to that point where I know I could actually never wake up again, it's the most soothing, relaxing state of being.

No pain, just numbness. It's that coming back alive part that fucking hurts.

If you've ever had a dead arm before, you know I'm right. Nerves going numb? Barely feel a thing. But coming back into contact again? It's the living part that's fucking agony.

trust me, death doesn't hurt.

Start doing H you will die like a tru degenerate

Sorry m8. Wish you the best. Make sure to check with some more doctors. My dad they told was going to die, but the second guy we saw put him in remission for over ten years now (lymphoma).

Sickness and death await us all. Stop pestering us.

no need to be scared user. you have a chance to go crazy in life. just travel without money for the fuck of it. hitchhiking and shit but if you can't because you need to be treated regularly then just go crazy in the neighbourhood by joining in all the shit. asking out out of your league girls ..if you connect with someone then cherish them till you die. or take up some hobby like guitar or video recording etc... user the possibilities are really endless ..so yeah ..all the best and fuck these shooter fags ... go fuck up a church or a mosque with those deluded idiots but not the children man ...


you're a piece of shit

how the fuck did you get to that nigger? i am telling him what helped me when i had stage 1 lung cancer ffs...

Where you scared? Everyone dies, it's only a matter of time, if it's not cancer it's getting hit by a car. Life sucks and the world is going to shit so consider yourself lucky that you get a early way out.

Been playing a lot of Crusader Kings recently?

Why are***. ducking auto-cucumber

Fuck that's brutal man. Sorry about that. Do it up big before you go

Kill yourself faggot

This, but after banging some whores find a nice girl to spend time with that you really like so that she never forgets you and it fucks up her whole life

hey op if its helps anything just know that will be plenty of fresh katie and sloane threads you can follow and meet some new friends

What fer?


travel and do drugs be4 your parents force you to take chimio for nothing in your case, good luck and if you do kill spree do it in the name of our father Allah

Oh alrighty then. Hey champ, everything okay at home?

shh its ok, no need to lash out anymore.

OP, even though you only have so long to live that doesn't mean you shouldn't make the most of it.

Are you in another thread posting Simpsons pics? If so I'm stalking you

I really want to reach that state using meditation alone, any tips?


Post the chubby!

Research the cure to cancer.

Kill yourself you pathetic retard. God gave you cancer because he forgot to give you a brain.

There was a Russian man named Porfiry Ivanov who was diagnosed with untreatable cancer and in order to speed up the process of dying, he began to submerge himself in ice water. The cancer was cured by this method, so maybe you should try that out.

Whoa so edgy!

You can freeze cancer to death it's a methood of dealing with it. Fun fact, you can also freeze yourself to death.

good luck user

Yup def bullshit. Even women hit their prime at 30. kek.

Shoot up next womans march

Buy a ton of bitter apricot seeds and go ham on them

With medication, it's very hard. The most effective drug I've found is Diphenhydramine. You get 'em in little 25mg pink pills, marketed as Benedryl. Your mileage will vary, but about 24 of those little guys, 600mg will put you in a delirious state that is the most similar to being dead.

Diphenhydramine is a weird drug, that just deadens all nerves. Unlike most narcotics, which target this type of neurotransmitter, or that one, Diphenhydramine just blocks all of them. All. So it gives a very particular trip.

I think it's easier without medication. Which you you can experience temporary oxygen deprivation to your brain, which triggers near death experiences. You will certainly lose oxygen to your brain if you die for whatever reason, so simulating oxygen deprivation is a good way to taste the "other side" as it were.

You're kind of on your own, in terms of finding someone who can choke you out this way. But basically, it involves bending over and hyperventilating for about 30~60 seconds, and then as you come upright, having them press on your two carotid arteries, on either side of your jugular vein.

I should also warn you that most people absolutely freak out when they DPH trip. Because you will be unable to differentiate reality from your own imagination. The first time, I talked to a vacuum cleaner for about 30 minutes. But I'm not sure if I even spoke actual words. It felt more like I was just imitating what I thought human speech sounded like.

Other times, I try to browse Sup Forums while zonked out on about 800mg of DPH. But I realize that I've actually just been staring at a blank screen for 30 minutes, and never actually turned my computer on.

It is exactly like living in a waking dream. What you think in your imagination, and what you perceive become indistinguishable. And obviously, you'll be about as useful as a corpse for the next 24 hours, so I hope you don't have plans that day.

When my dad was 22, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. It quickly spread into his pelvis, which became a superhighway and rapidly spread to his kidneys, lungs, colon. He had less than a 1% chance of surviving past 5 years.
He went to City of Hope research center in California.
Went into remission a couple of years later.
Lived to be 64. He eventually died of colon cancer, but at a pretty ripe age after a full and happy life, a loving wife, becoming a successful attorney, adopting 2 children.

Nothing is absolute, OP.

This. She won't be expecting it now.

Thanks for sharing your experiences user, I really meant meditation when I wrote it though. Like those Tibetan monks who spend literal years in that state of being barely alive

This be a legend user.

Do all of the drugs. Literally all of them. Every. Single. One.

Then you will have lived a better life than 99% of us and you'll die retarded.

You're lucky. You don't have to worry about college, career, family, real estate, etc. You can have a good time for a few years and exit quietly.

This. That's exactly what I did when I was diagnosed with kidney cell carcinoma.
But then I had my kidney removed and went into remission.
But, had some fucking amazing experiences I'd have never had the guts to have before cancer.

Depends on the sport man. For raw testosterone sports like sprints you peak at around 18. Longer marathon events and things that require alot of knowledge typically skew older.

But yeah go on a killing spree, fuck every whore you can find no condom, bust in them, leave a legacy man