Anons help, please

anons help, please.
>be me
>a 5'10" asian looking wetback
>in senior year of highschool
>been putting the moves on this girl i liked since middle school
>small and resembles rei from eva
>she doesn't really talk much
>i got her number eventually, somehow
>we text about random stuff all the time and discuss things in common
>music, movies, gossip, and cringy emo phase stories
>this goes on for a while until i not so subtly spill my feeling
>she replies with something like
"thank you so much for telling me all those sweet things user! but i dont really want to date right now, highschool is stressful and i dont want a relationship to weigh me down
>she apologizes for putting me down when i had the courage to confess
>says that im a really nice guy
>she says that maybe in the future ill find someone i like who cares about me
>she end it with
" P.S.this is the nicest way someone has asked me out, user you're a really nice guy. you're like those type of guys who text "wanna go out?' and break up days later. Whenever you have a crush on someone else, ask her like this. it's very sweet!"
>moment of silence for our fallen bro
>text back something like a thanks
>she says im better than fuckboys

what do i do guys
i really dont want to give up since she's like the girl of my dreams.
i need some direction from fellow Sup Forums lowlifes

Give. Up.

Seriously, broseph. She's said she doesn't wanna date. Move on. There are other fish in the sea.

When Sup Forums is telling you "man the fuck up and move on", it's time to move on.

Ever watched the Office? You know how Jim waited three seasons for Pam to realize how he was the one for her? Yeah, be like Dwight and rape her instead.


I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that but thanks anyways.

Obey trips


We need a picture. Can't give you good tips if you look like utter ass.

if you've "been putting the moves" on a girl "since middle school" you havn't been doing anything.

You've been casually flirting at most. That's not "the moves". That's putting yourself in the friend zone.

If you want to put the moves on a girl you have to be somewhere with her, a party, be alone with her, then start touching and flirting with her, then start making out. That's what "the moves" is.

Or you ask her out and go somewhere and makeout with her then. Don't kid yourself, it doesn't take years to win a girl over. If there's chemistry you make things happen quickly, or you move on. What you're doing is sad and pathetic. Sure it's fine because you're in highschool and most of us were pathetic back then. BUt cut that shit out now and get ready to actually get some action in college.

Casual flirting with a classmate shouldn't happen for more than a month or two MAX before you make a move. After that it's vaporware.



Whenever a girl says she
>isn't ready to date
>doesn't date
>can't date
It means she just doesn't want to date YOU
Accept it and find someone willing to hang out for a while.


You'll find better shit OP, I'm sorry to tell you this but move on is the only way. I have been there before and also thought she was the one. She wasn't after all

Clearly you're not gonna obey my trips OP, so everyone telling you to move on is correct. I still say obey trips though boi

i ran out of duct tape like last week so that's a no :^(((((

OP, I feel for you, I really do. I wish there were any other advice I could give, because I too have crushed on close friends and have even succeeded in dating some of them.

But when you make a move and she turns you down like this, indicating that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you and you did nothing wrong, it is like 99.5% likely that there is nothing more you can do.

When I crush on a friend and want to date them, I test the water endlessly, I make subtle moves and gauge their responses, I play the whole game of cat and mouse. And it's worked for me-- sometimes. But sometimes it doesn't, and when it doesn't you just grin and hang onto your dignity, and try again with someone else.

Sometimes you just can't have them.

>i really dont want to give up since she's like the girl of my dreams.

1) She isn't the girl of your dreams
2) There are a 100 like her, the world is big
3) She's not interested

move the fuck

Let it go. If she's fun to be around and talk to, do that, but don't expect it to go anywhere. If you don't want to be around her just because she won't fuck you, then you don't want to be with her anyways. I'm now with my best friend of 20 years and it's awesome. She totally shot me down back in the day, but she was cool, so we hung out as friends. She dated assholes, I dated bitches. I didn't hang around acting like some pathetic live sick fool, I got the fuck on with my life. 18 years later we both are single at the same time, so I decide WTF and ask why we never hooked up. We hooked up. Been awesome sex and awesome times since then.

Get the fuck over it. You're a kid. I guarantee you don't love her and you will find another hole.

Lonely Virgin who never been kissed before detected...

Anyway i really appreciate all of your replies, i just needed a quick reality check. thanks brodies
- Love OP

>she says I'm a really nice guy

Listen to this man.

You want to know the only way you're going to capture this girl's attention? Get another girl, and have a happy relationship with the new girl. You don't get bonus points for being nice, nobody is going to give you a fucking consolation prize because you're super cool about it.

If you're actually a cool guy, the next time you meet a girl you think is rad, spend maybe an hour getting to know her, tops. Ask her out before hour three. Be casual about it, and if she turns you down, then she made a mistake but whatever. If she accepts, take her out and have a fun time. The key is, don't get emotionally invested in your relationships with women you want to date for the first three to six months. They. Will. Not. Reciprocate. It's only once they've invested enough into you that it's prohibitive to dump you, that you have literally any leverage to keep them around.

Stop giving so much of a shit and you'll be way better off, buddy.

Back off and don't speak to her, either she A) Comes running to you and suddenly wants to date you because she was actually testing you with the friendzone bullshit to see if you have a spine. Or B) She'll never speak to you again which proves she never gave a fuck about you anyway and you can move on.

If she attempts to get you back but only as a friend then just get outta there because she don't respect you and you don't need that shit hanging around you because she will destroy any attempt you make at another girl to keep you in her trap.

lmao this guy is unsaveable

sorry to hear that bro,stay strong

>then start touching and flirting with her

Jesus Christ, how many restraining orders do you have?

See. You got too close to her without being sugestive, she doesn't think of you as anything but a friend. For her you didn't even had a penis before the "spilling of your feelings". Keep her as a friend, try and date other girls, talk with her about said girls. She might take interest in you eventually. Anywaay just enjoy your friendship with her or gtfo if it makes you feel bad.