Hey Sup Forums I'm 18 nearly 19 and plan on killing myself tomorrow, AMA

Hey Sup Forums I'm 18 nearly 19 and plan on killing myself tomorrow, AMA
Pic related.

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Do you have all that stuff for it already?

I have everything but the helium tank, but I'm picking that up in the morning.

Being dead is really boring, mate.

Shoot a bunch of people before shooting yourself.

Will you live stream it?

Well why you want to go? I'd say don't do it but I'm sure you will anyways...?

Good luck. Please stop attention whoring and just go do it.

Y u doing it b?

Sure, but what's so great about life anyways?

Post your name and location tomorrow right before doing it so we know it's true

>Not this
If you want to die do it peacefully and only take yourself with you.

before you go, make sure u do a whole bunch of illegal shit, and vandalize shit, u may not feel like doing it, but it'll make u feel better, then, you can leave this shit world

Write a hilarious note and blame some random fucking person in serious detail

" Dearest friends, _____was so awful and horrible to all the children I couldn't stand life any longer. The way he talked about such horrid acts pushed me. Please take solace in the face I no longer have to endure ____. By the way, I really really really like this picture"

I don't plan on ruining a bunch of people's lives along with my own sadly.
I'd consider it if someone set it up for me, but then again i'm not sure if I will have service on my phone when I do it.
The past year has just been a downer and I don't want to go through with the rest of it. Stupid as fuck I know but oh well.
I'm just finding a way to pass the time until tomorrow.
sure thing.
I've been thinking about doing that but at the same time I don't want to get caught then get fucked over.
I'd be down, any suggestions? I can leave it on someone's doorstep.

I was thinking something more directly to someone that I hate. "You and you alone are the reason that I will be killing myself. Hopefully you will dwell on this and come to realize how worthless you really are and will come to have the same fate"
Something along those lines.

rape a girl before u die topkek

dubs of truth

Why not both op?
Also I commend you going out without hurting others.

plz do it

Don't do it

Why do you give a shit about anything when you're gonna be non-existant for the rest of eternity?
Have sone fun before you do it,you fucknut.

You'll probobaly not listen but whatever, when I was suicidal I almost did it about twice and the only thing that stoped me was thinking of the sadness my friends and family would feel from me doing it. I don't write this to make you feel guilty but please don't do it if not for yourself but for the others around you.

You'll have to print a pic of that banana though if you go with the funny note

Life is pain. So is death

my thoughts exactly, rape commit arson, vandalize, fuck, do some drugs even before you go

I went trough that same situation, and he's right, don' do it user, for the sake of the people that cares about you. If you kill yourself they'll start to feel guilty.

There's so much shit you'll never live to do if you kill yourself. The world has a lot to offer you, I urge you to rethink becoming an hero.


what's the reason, friend?

Because I plan on leaving notes to the people that I've cared about in the past and if I did that the hate note would just be counterproductive.
Because believe it or not I'm actually not a bad person despite browsing Sup Forums for 5 years now. I'm definitely going to have fun, I plan on making tomorrow the best day I can and just blow the money that I have saved up.
My family is the main reason that I didn't do it months ago, but as of right now it doesn't bother me so much.
I think this is about the most painless way you can go about it that isn't messy. It was even used by Dignitas before they started doing their pill thing.

Should really try a lot of drugs before doing it tho. Probably the funniest part of life and since you don't plan on staying long enough to see the bad effects then you should go crazy.

Dead at 18? Weak.

Where do you live? A nearby user could come fuck the retardation out of you.

Instead of killing yourself, go out and take all of the risks you've never been willing to take. Go conquer the world or die trying you faggot.

God is dead. Go mad instead.

At the very end of it I could just put "jk lol" then the banana.
I'm not a huge fan of drugs/alcohol. I've tried them and it isn't that great.
well to put it short, I've dealt with depression since the 9th grade and the past year has been full of broken hearts, having the people that I cared about most abandon me, and coming to realize just how fucked the world is and I don't really care to be a part of it.
Yeah pretty much, I'm pussying out at only 18 it's sad but oh well. I live in Utah but I won't be more specific than that because a lot of people I know browse.

actually just pressing down on your carotid arteries is way faster and cleaner. you'll literally die in less than two minutes if the main blood supply to your brain is blocked

I'll do some research on it right now.

Can anyone tell me a way that'll look more of an accident or completely not my fault? On a Low budget here

Hey, dude. I won't pretend to know what you're going through, but I can tell you that I've experienced similar urges and been hospitalized twice over it. I'm still recovering from it, and if not for the people around me, I'd probably be on the street, if not dead. I haven't finished high school, I can't walk around for more than an hour at a time, and I regularly space out in the middle of mundane activities. It's not easy to pick yourself back up. I mean, I still go into heavy funks and consider ending it, but when I'm lucid, I find things to live for. Getting a job. Adopting a kid or two. Slamming pussy. Going traveling. They keep me going most of the time, and it's important to have some goal, any, in mind. No matter how silly or irrelevant you think it might be, it's a boon. Talk to someone. Go for a walk, if you can. Draw something, even if you don't have any experience or talent. Hell, I'm here to talk if you think it might help. Just hang in there.

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Okay yeah I remember doing this thing in highschool as a game. The only problem is how are you supposed to keep pressure on them when you pass out? Would you have to nigger-rig something? Then again if you did that wouldn't that almost be the same thing as hanging yourself? That would be too uncomfortable for me.

I was quoting road hog there. Anyways, if there's a hell it'll be a HELL of a lot worse than your shitty life now.

Donate all you have to charities and goodwill before you go, be a trooper forever on op

Can you stream it ?

buy the pill form of rat poison and pour a few of those pills into a bag of candy. Later, try eating it at a public place like a mall or park. If it doesn't kill you, you'll still be able to sue the candy company for "letting rat poison get in your candy"

Best of luck man, I've been thinking about an hero all the time for longer than I care to admit as well. maybe I'll join you pretty soon, godspeed, Op, may you have the strength to make the correct choice.

>a lot of people I know browse.

So what? You're afraid they'll try to stop you? Oh, I guess that means people care about you...

Man, there's so much shit you could do with your life. Throwing it away is an option, but it's just kind of a lame one. Take a road trip or buy a one way ticket or something.

Can you take a picture of yourself + timestamp rn?

Wow ur good u sure u can sue tho? Either way thanks for a real answer sick of this white knight faggotry

not op.
That sounds pretty shitty user, but I'm glad that you're able to find happiness in your situation :) good luck and God's speed.
I don't believe in Heaven or Hell so I'm willing to take the risk. Even if there is one I'd be heading there anyways so I'll see all of you there eventually.
I am a registered organ donor, but that's about all I've got to give, I don't have a ton to give other than that.
I already answered that.
That sounds miserable, and I'm sure it wouldn't work anyways.
Same to you user, Godspeed.
Yes they would stop me, I'm not gonna risk being put in a psych ward for this. Also I'm kind of a lame person.
I wouldn't be able to show my face though.
not op

dont kill self d00d. If you are going to at least kick someone you dont likes head in and donate all yer stuff to charity.

No im not op just looking for inspiration

why would u kill yourself when u can dedicate your efforts to physics and eventually be one of the following great men to explore our solar system and possibly beyond

>That sounds pretty shitty user, but I'm glad that you're able to find happiness in your situation :) good luck and God's speed.

Likewise, man. My best wishes go out to you, and if you really go through with it, may it be quick and painless.

You're 19 and killing yourself? Are you a faggot or something? Perhaps you ought to try living a bit before pulling the plug.

op's plan

>I wouldn't be able to show my face though.

Do eet

Yes you caught me you sly mother fucker. I actually plan on eating a shit ton of food and laxatives, filling up a miniature hot air balloon onto my head with helium and shitting all over the general public. You caught me.
I'll see what I can do.

well if the rat poison doesn't work, you could always die "by accident". Just head down to the basement or wherever your fuse box is located and change a fuse without "properly" shutting off the power supply. If it doesn't kill you, your brains will most likely get fried aka brain dead.

You can't kill yourself tomorrow, moron. It's free pancake day at IHOP on Tuesday, at least get that shit first.

Don't do it bro, life sucks some times, but keep living for a few years more is the only way to kick life balls

the pancakes are free, but the drinks still cost money. That's how they get you

Water is free.

Don't do it tomorrow. See someone and talk it out. If you still want to die, you can always kill yourself later.

lol looks like we got a jew in the room

-> see

you should not do it

I work at an IHOP, I know the tricks.

For faggs wanted time stamp

Make sure whoever reads your suicide note has to inhale helium first so they read it in a squeaky high voice like your last words.

never mind the autismo that is myself and not knowing what month it is.

Can you send me all your money to this paypal address?

Don't do it. I lost my brother at 18... 11 years ago now. It sucks man. Still. Shit changes so much from 18, itll get better. Do you have any brothers?

I have some older brothers and a younger sister.

forgot it
[email protected]

You want me to send my hard earned money to a paypal linked to BEN10.MANU2....... no.

>I'm not gonna risk being put in a psych ward

Being committed against your will isn't this big dramatic thing. All that'll happen is they'll be like "Listen, we need you to go here for a little while and we'll try our best to help you feel better"
And then you just say, ok. And they take you to this comfortable building and nobody is judging you or anything. And you get this nice bed. And you get to talk to the best professional people in the world who are the absolute best at talking to people who feel suicidal.

And then you stay with them and you'll feel better being in a place like that than any other place on earth right now. Then when you feel better they just let you go easy. It's no bother or any big deal at all and doesn't say anything bad about you for going there.

Don't do it. At least wait till you're 30. Shit gets better. I promise.

dubs confirmed me. Now you definitely can't do it. The dubs won't let you.

If you give up now, all those things keeping you down will have won.

If not for a love of life, keep living just to prove you can overcome pain, and become stronger because of it.

hmm, timestamp mistake is questionable, but reverse image search turned up nothing. Let's assume it's real.

So you're not even some fat fuck. Like you could drown your sorrows in pussy if you wanted. wtf man

Double dubs speak the truth!

>being put in a psych ward
So check yourself in. If you are poor, it will be free and you can leave anytime.

i am also really sad


So who's going to find your body? Your mom?

If you're dead sure that this is what you want, you need to take it in the moment. Once you're doing whatever method you're doing, please don't ever turn back. Especially if you get caught, it's just going to be a never ending hell on earth. You cannot get cold feet in the middle of it. I've been hospitalized 3 times because I keep fucking failing and it's just been a never ending nightmare. Nothing has gotten better. It just made everything worse. Months of out patient hospitalization, meds, regular therapy twice a week, and support groups never got through to me. You may be a different story but whatever choice you make, doing it or not, please follow it through. You really can't afford to fuck up by playing with your life, I leaned the hard way.

I am nineteen, going on twenty, I'll take care of you.

Before dying I suggest just drugging up your body and hiring hookers. Might make you not want to kys

You look like a healty faggot, what a waste come on

you were lucky enough to become a conscious organism in the infinite vastness of the universe. dont waste that shit. you have an eternity to be dead.

I agree with that guy

If you're just going to kill yourself you have nothing to lose at this point. That means there's nothing holding you back from doing literally anything you've ever wanted to do. Before you suicide, do something crazy that you've always wanted to do but never had the guts or whatever. Maybe you'll find something that will change your mind.

Life has no meaning. It doesn't matter if you're dead or alive. You're sick right now, and you can't trust the way you perceive the world. You might feel like death is an improvement, but it's not.

Thoughts? youtube.com/watch?v=8_8f7KDVyrc

Complex systems always produce unexpected results. All you have to do in life is THINGS, anything, just things where there are other people around. Some of them will need help, and you can help them. And then more things will happen and so on.

>Hey Sup Forums I'm 18 nearly 19 and plan on killing myself tomorrow, AMA
>Pic related.
Don't do it, I tried to kill myself at 17, 21 now, life is still shit, but worth. Not generic "it gets better" but get a slutty gf and enjoy shit for a while. Probably still gonna kill myself, but get a lot of booze before you do

have you tried weed?

Do a murder-suicide and kill some high profile jews like George Soros and Madeline Albright who've ruined society to the extent to make you suicidal in the first place

Also injecting testosterone enanthate will make you energized and not suicidal so you'll actually be able to follow through. whitegenocideproject.com/what-anti-whites-say/
