Cash me ousside howbow dah

cash me ousside howbow dah

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Sup Forums is no longer the newfag board go post this on the newfag board

Her story are inspiration

Whats the "newfag board" faggot?

Sup Forums


who is she?

The less tourists here the better

Bingo. For that I'm kind of glad. But I'm still upset they can't keep to their containment board

+0.01 has been deposited to your account for that excellent shitpost. Thanks for correcting the record!

>faggots like OP taking this shit well beyond 15 minutes

fucking cancer go hang yourself

+0.01 has been deposited to your account for that excellent shitpost. Thanks for correcting the record!

Thanks for proving a point

I'd meet the bitch outside and shove my cock in her helpless ass so hard she would start to cry and teach her what it means to be a woman.

> (You)
>+0.01 has been deposited to your account for that excellent shitpost. Thanks for correcting the record!

Thanks for proving our point, newfag.

>cash me ousside howbow dah

Roundhouse punch to her 13 yr old face. Repeat as necessary. Until she loses the Italian street nigger voice affectation, spits the marbles out of her mouth and shows basic respect to her mother who was on the TV show with her. Or just beat her to death and write her off as useless garbage who didn't deserve to live.

>roundhouse punch

Really gets the noggin joggin

The roundhouse punch is a great option when you're facing an opponent who is defending the front of their body well. Because they're focusing on protecting their front, the sides of their body and head are open to a roundhouse from you. Follow these steps to throw a roundhouse punch.

Stand in a relaxed position with your chin tucked in.

Face your target. You must deliver a roundhouse punch at close range, so move in toward your opponent until you are at the appropriate distance.

Punch with your rearward arm. By using the arm that's positioned further back, you'll have a more powerful punch. The arm will travel farther and you can put your hips and shoulder into the punch, too.

Focus on the side of your opponent's temple or the side of their abdomen, near the kidneys, as you punch. Aim with your first two knuckles and concentrate on punching through the target. Use your shoulder and hips to give your additional power as you follow through with the punch.

Curve your punch toward the target--your arm should remain in an arc formation from fist to shoulder. By avoiding a straight on punch, you make it harder for your opponent to block you.

Be prepared for a defensive move from your opponent. Typically, they'll step back while blocking the punch with their arm and pushing your punching arm to the outside. They may continue with a front kick to your midsection or a knee kick to your face.

I can't even pull of a roundhouse punch without injuring my rear bicep.


do you have autism?

She's my cousin. she can be a bitch but most of this is fake.

Im going to catch school to have a succesful future.


Now THAT was a funny one OP

she is retarded, but hot as fuck.

she is hot but retarded as fuck

Imma slam dunk that pussy into outer space

Whigger skank trailer trash ho. She'll be riddled with STDs by 16.

I heard she has some nudes already out there. Any truth to that?

It's called a Hook you massive retard

A basement dweller should not be trying to teach anyone how to fight based on what he sees in anime or mangas.

The power of a punch does not come from "using your shoulder and hips". You are an amateur. Kys

this is depressing but explains a lot

yeah but you dont wanna bang lil PuKPuk with dat degree doe.. u feel me?

Roundhouse punches are a thing, actually

She's really ugly, inside and outside.

Definitely someone who should have been aborted