Due to the nature of human culture...

Due to the nature of human culture, many religions have developed in order to help us answer some of life's most fundamental questions. Of course, while science has been able to fulfill some of the major roles that religions used to have, there is no doubt that religion is still highly influential in today's society. In fact, humans lacking a religion only make up about ten to twenty percent of the Earth's population. The most vital religion, however, is Esoteric Kekism.

Kekism was first founded in ancient times as a derivative of various ancient Egyptian religions, Zoroastrianism, and Paganism-based belief systems. It was believed that the foretold social justice warriors and the dirty nignogs would be defeated by Kek in a mortal, yet violent form. This violent form specifically refers to our glorious lord and savior, Donald J. Trump. However, before we get into Donald J. Trump and the rise of modern variations of Kekism, let's talk about Kek's previous incarnations.

Kek first appeared on Earth sometime around the early dynastic period of Egypt. His markings can be seen engraved as a hieroglyph on several artifacts and architectural structures. Clearly, Kek walked among the ancient Egyptians so that he could provide them with the means of conquering the dirty jews and kikes. Unfortunately, this incarnation of Kek was wiped out by the Judeo-Christian god during the ten plagues, which was set forward by the trouble-making jew known as Moses.

The second incarnation of Kek occurred in the late 2000s, when he introduced himself to Internet-faggots as a peaceful and benevolent being. He was referred to as "Pepe", and was often shared for the sake of love and care. This, however, changed when crooked Hillary (the queen of normies and stale memes) sent her flying monkeys to write a bunch of libel claiming that Pepe was a symbol of evil, hatred, and racism. Blue-pilled cucks, blind liberals, and the social justice warriors crucified Pepe >cont?

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Do people actually not know what kek is from? Also my dick.

Isn't it just from WoW?

If you're talking about a specific variation of laughter, than yes. "Kek" as a form of laughter did derive from World of Warcraft, but I was describing the origins of the religion surrounding Kek, the frog god himself.

However, I do suppose that Kek's name also derived from Orcan laughter in World of Warcraft also...











Yes please

Conspiracy theories can be fun, for absurd bullshit.

Yeah, it's kinda funny. Go for it.

I used to think it was fake too until more shit started to line up with it. Afterwards it was just too much for there not to be something to this.


Castro died like a day or two after this get.

Here's a clearer picture

Trump is merely a product of Kek's influence. He will set the stage for a true incarnation to emerge.

2020 my friends. It's going to be one hell of a year.

Too bad can't read the pic. Though note that Castro has been dying for quite some time.


You're welcome

Yeah I heard that too. A couple of anons thought he had already died before on account of news stations reporting him to have kicked the bucket a few years ago.

I hope OP delivers soon

Before I found out about all this occult stuff I was marveling at the massive influence the internet and internet culture had on the election and how it almost didn't seem real that trump had won. Everything was stacked against him and through some miracle he pulls through in a landslide victory and this fucking frog meme that I always considered just a funny little obscure joke contained to Sup Forums suddenly bursts onto the national stage and it's fucking everywhere and the news is talking about it.

An egyptian god named kek who represents chaos that is also a frog or frog headed man? the hieroglyph of what seemingly looks like a man sitting at a computer? A song created by a band named p.e.p.e. with a time code of trips and produced by ass art that is also labeled as magic sound? How can all these things so perfectly fall into place?

I don't know what to believe, the evidence is quite compelling. Is magic real? have I been unaware of unseen forces around me?.

Truly, it is a great time to be alive.


Bumping with some reading material

It really is man. I've always been a believer in the occult myself but never have I seen so much evidence for it you know. Its always been just do A and B and maybe C will come true one day, but this just wow. If your interested check out CERN and its connection to all this. I'm still looking for the picture but its possible thats when Kek might've crossed over to our realm.
Pic unrelated (but in these days of meme magic who knows)

This is a manifestation of memetic coincidence (magic) as provided to us by Kek. It shows that Kek is among us.


Cant seem to find exactly what I'm looking for but if anyone is interested here's another picture. The pic is to big for Sup Forums so I uploaded it to catbox.moe


Thanks for the thread OP I tried my best to keep it alive but I'll be going now. Final Bump!

Praise Kek!