Well, Sup Forums certified 23 year old loser here. finally saying fuck it and joining up. the real question is...

Well, Sup Forums certified 23 year old loser here. finally saying fuck it and joining up. the real question is, which branch is better and why? i want an infantry position. (11b / 11c or something in 0300).

not as tough?
better funded.
has 2 year enlistment option.

has a more hardcore reputation.
seems more "rewarding" in that sense of accomplishment.
get to choose your infantry roll.

I'd say army out of the 2. All my buddies in the marines do is bitch. That being said, I bitch a lot too, and im in the Air Force. But, im a maintainer, so the actual Air Force. On a serious note, look into Air Force Spec Ops. All the pay benifits of being in the Air Force, but you're out in the shit with the Army. TAC-P guys are usually imbedded in Army or Marine units

ill look into it man.

im gunna sound like a shitbag, but im really only doing it because i have nothing better to do, and it seems like it would make for some pretty cool stories if nothing else.

bumping with tits

Go Air Force. Better barracks, better food, fewer shitwork deployments, same pay, same benefits, much easier time. I was Army for 4 years. Don't make my mistake.

Marines are for idiots and people that want to be hardcore. They call them jarheads for a reason. Cause their heads are empty.


i want the hardness of the infantry though. idk what it is. i feel like it just has more of a reward. i don't even plan on staying in long. as short as possible just so i can say i did it.

My experience with Marines is them shouting "HELICOPTER!" every time they see a helicopter. On a base full of them. I don't know if it's next level, organized trolling, or sheer stupidity. But it makes me giggle.

Might want to try another branch than the USMC. Looks like someone found their porn stash.

Now that the Marines lost that nudie database, I'd say Army.

Land or sea, faggot. Choose one.

Only go to the Marines if you're up with their "HOORAH WERE THE BEST CHESTY FUCKIN GPULLER!!!1!" cult mentality. Not all of them are like that, but god damn most of them are; probably worse if you want infantry.

Still wanna kill for Uncle Sam without belonging to a cult, go Army. Promotion potential is better, too.


are pictures like this just shitposting? or is there really a dick measuring contest between the 2?

Marines are really, really invested in the idea of being the best. There are entire Facebook groups dedicated to spreading "Marines better than Army" propaganda.

I blocked a friend who posted that shit every day because joining the Marines was the only worthwhile thing he'd ever done with his life and wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

hmmm, alright. next question.

>which branch is least a person least likely to get killed in when on a combat mission and why?
>inb4 airforce


The Army has all sorts of options for "toughness".

The idea that Marine 03 series is somehow tougher than Army 11 series is ridiculous.

Go to an Airborne or Air Assault unit. Go Ranger. Go 18X if you really want. You have FAR more career options in the Army.

On top of that, if you just want to brag about completing infantry school be it with the Army or Marines; good for you. It's not that hard and anyone can do it.

If you want to brag, actually do something beyond what every other enlistee can do.

then Navy

I base that in the fact that despite rising global tensions, it's highly unlikely we go to war with a major power like China or Russia that would engage us on the seas, and if we did it'd probably be the end of the world anyways with nukes.

Air Force. Most likely you'll stay stateside. And depending on your job, you could be safely stationed in a bunker under a mountain or maybe you're just a supply guy for a non-deploying unit.

Community college then transfer. If you really want to waste your life look up /meg/ on /k/

it's not so much bragging to others, but mostly for myself. i just want the cool stories like some of my mil friends that were in.

>shooting captured guns
>getting the most powerful adrenaline rushes they ever felt

I want to get valuable job and leadership experience without necessarily being exposed to mortal danger

I wanna fuckin die with a gun in my hand killing terrorists on some godforsaken desert across the planet


Join the Air Force, be security forces or something, you still get to use a gun, but you also get to chill out stateside and not fucking die

marines. your more of a badass. not like your going to be doing anything tho.

so appropriate

Not OP but was looking into Coast Guard. What's the consensus?

>in b4 Navy reject

every single one of those fuckers is smarter than you are

>in b4 Navy reject
Sup, puddle navy?

I hope you're at least 6 feet tall. That way, if your ship sinks you can walk back to shore.

>get to choose your infantry roll.

ONly if you're a reservist. specific MOS's are assigned out of the school house based on where you rank in your class and the needs of the Marine Corps

The Army has a much deeper career path available to an infantryman. Airborne, Ranger, SF, tone of other schools, more postings etc.

Standard Marine Line Companies are a world above standard Army Companies.

Basically 70% of the Army is totally fucked up and 30% really knows its business. The Marine Corps is a much better organization as whole, but the ceiling is lower for most guys.

And remember, this paranoid orange will be your boss.

Hardest branch to actually get into

Depending on where you're stationed, you might spend most of your time dealing with drunk trailer trash tier idiots on the boats they live on. You're basically a boat cop.

If that appeals to you, go for it.


lol, not military but that's fucking funny

>And remember, this paranoid orange will be your boss.
From the "Reasons to NOT join the military" file.

Go Marines as the women love it.

Or Rangers but you'll have to put in the effort. Problem is The Army is overrun with 'Elite' units so Marinesis probably better option.

68W here. How committed are you to it? Is this something you're gonna stick with or something to do while you figure yourself out? If you're really committed to going out to do crazy shit. Go army, army has more to choose from in terms of specialized shit like rangers, green berets etc. With the marines you don't really have direct control of what you're doing, You could be put in cav or artillary but they are the tip of the spear and marine grunts do more "cool guy" shit than army grunts

As a Marine combat vet I will try to answer objectively. It depends what you want to get out of it. If you want pride, Esprit-de-corps, and bragging rights, go Marines. If you want more of relaxed atmosphere, better promotion ability, better duty stations, go Army. TBH though, infantry for either branch will limit your choices of jobs when you get out. If your ASVAB scores are high enough go Air Force. Get an MOS that will give you a good job when you go back to being a civilian....

That's why niggers and spics are more common in the military than the US population overall.

Look up "diversity in the military". Even leftists acknowledge this fact; though they portray it as a positive.

Go Army, OP.
in reality, the army is maybe slightly easier, and by slightly, i mean like getting hit by a mac vs an international truck.

The Army has more room to grow yourself if you choose to stay in. everything is isn't that much different.

As an 0311 Marine

Being a marine grunt really really sucks. If you want a decent life, pick anything else. Marine infantry is terrible.

But god its the best feeling in the world. the tight brotherhood of some of the best killers in history, irreplaceable. You sleep every night feeling like a god and knowing that youre the shit. when people picture grunts, they picture you, you're what kids wannabe when they grow up.

That feeling of pride makes all of the shit that we go through worth it. No other branch can even begin to understand how good that feels. Listen to what they have to say. but know they cant understand just how good it is to be a damn Marine.

My brother is in the army he hates it says there is way to many lazy and irresponsible people.

Have an Iraq war vet. marine buddy he gets like 3500 every month for the rest of his life for the "disabilities" he got from war. He loved it and said it was the best experience of his life.

Also have 21 years Air-force pararescue bud finished all his schooling is getting 200k for 4 years plus all the hazard pay etc. he'll be making a ton more.

>How committed are you to it?
It really depends. at the moment it's just something to do. if the cards play out, i might stay in. who knows. I can't see myself doing any of the SF stuff as cool as it may seem.

I'm looking to go work at DHS after completing my service and I figured since Coast Guard is already attached to them, it will be easier way in.

Or am I way off?

It makes zero difference. What do want to do at DHS?

Hopefully anything pertaining to anti-terrorism or anti-smuggling, plan B is to work with disaster response teams.

I'll probably get shit on for bring up the Navy, but SWCC is pretty cool. Not exactly infantry though

And a huge pain in the dick to get into.

What about Public Health Commissioned Corps? I'm currently in school for a BSN and want to get a MPH afterwards.

youre way off. no one considers the CG to be anything more than lifeguards. Best way into DHS or CIA FBI DEA (3 letter organizations) is through army or marines.

Look for something with a security clearance and/or that shows you have combat skills. MP, grunt, intel, jobs like that.

Without a four year degree or Vet preference the "feeder" agency for most federal law enforcement is Border Patrol and, to a lesser extent, TSA via the Air Marshal Program.

If you want to work in high level anti-terrorism you should do anything in the military, get out, use your GI Bill and get a degree. With a degree and Vet Pref you'll have a fighting chance.

Getting into "real" federal law enforcement is a long and difficult path and usually involves spending years doing things you do want to be doing so you can one day do what you want.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Ok, listen up. You're gonna get brother hood in either. A grunt is gonna tell you he is the best regardless of his MOS. But anyone can do boot camp and anyone (including females now) can do ITB (infantry school) if you wanna be in and out....Army maybe a better option. Because trust me 4 years in the corps is a long time. Deployments don't come every 6 months now like they did. I've always felt "better" about joining the Marines. I've met guys that were on Guadalcanal to khe sanh, to phantom fury to chosin. I personally feel like their will always be more of a connection with other Marines then others. However, I don't know what that is like with other branches. Everyone will always say "that branch is dumb. they are to soft. Not as good as..." It's all the same every branch talks shit on other branches. If you think you won't have skills that others will after any sort of infantry time your then youre mistaken. You'll be in charge of assignments, people, equipment, time management, overseeing planning of operations. The old.saying applies "you get what you put into it" if you skate through you will come out the other side with that much. If you really commit and try to get better, you'll come out with alot more people skills and management skills then before. Do what you feel is best. But if you join the army don't be one of those blow hards that's says "oh yea, I almost joined the Marines but I went with the army instead." Just shut up

i gather this from all my buddys that EAS'd and went to those jobs. Im right.

Thanks for the info. I plan to go to school part time while I serve, save some time while I'm at it.
Not looking for anything "easy" but do want my service to count towards a career.

Fucking expert over here, his buddies in the CIA told him about it.


do a technical job. Being an infantry cuck is overrated and you're fucked when u leave, employment wise

cuck reporting in.
dont do it

they left the corps and went staright to that. more to DEA than any other. Not like there was fuckin magic involved or somethin.

>you're fucked when u leave, employment wise
What is the GI bill for $200, Alex?

Join the army you can try to be a green barett

Sure, just keep your eye on the ball. The Air Force is a great organization for getting credentialed, they make it a big part of their career paths. Just make sure you're prioritizing school and try to get into the best program you can when you get out. A four year degree will only help you and as long as yo're sworn by the time you're 37 its not too late.

I wanted to join the Marines, but I kept passing the entrance test.

How does one get into the Big Red One?

Why don't you join the french forign legion its all about new beginning


Pick the Marines if you want the prestige of being tough. Pick the army for everything else.

With the army, you're wayy more likely to be airborne, which is pretty awesome. The army also ranks up faster.

Thanks again

The marines are a shock infantry unit you are more likely to die in the marines hence the brainwashing

I think the Rangers is the real shock infantry unit

Everyone wants to be rambo until they get shot at...kids man..

The deal is this, OP. the ONLY thing the Marines have on the Army is the "YEAH MAN! MUHREEN PRIDE!1!!!11!!"

The Army has better everything else. Each recruiter will tell you why the other sucks. just listen to each one, and you decide for yourself. you seem to want the short army time, with marine pride... You can't have both.

Faggot should just go airforce or navy, get an actual trade and stop being fuckin retarded. He is playing the short game but wants to be in a combat role.. So in 4 years he'll either be dead or in the same boat at 27.

neighter,theyre faggot, youre a faggot, and kill yourself.

I second this... If you have no plans for the future, it only makes sense to do something in the military that can translate to another job when you get out. And those jobs would mostly be in either the air force or the navy.

fuck i love being a Marin. Its miserable but god its the greatest feeling in the world.

i mean. each branch has useful applicable jobs and each branch has shitty jobs. kinda a non argument.

Yes, but the navy and the air force have more useful applicable jobs.

Well with that said pick a job first and then pick the branch you, or OP wants to join that based on which branch offers what.

Anybody have marine nudes to dump I couldnt find any

You complete and utter lump of human excrement. Army talks shit about air force because air force have a better job and are more intelligent. Pretty sure women prefer air force guys to low-iq army shit-kickers. The fuck is wrong with you?

>Army talks shit about air force because air force have a better job

it seems they all talk shit about each other.
>thinking im doing this for the women.

If you want to feel like you've achieved something, join the airforce or navy at the highest possible rank and see how far you can climb. That's a respectable achievement. Any negroid retard can finish infantry training in the army.

Marines are a bunch of dumb niggers who think they're the best of the best but they're not. They're the first wave morons who are used as pawns in the armed forces. When's the last time you've seen a national story about a marine being a bad ass? It's always Navy seals. Join the Army. You'll get the most money from them. Ask them to put you in jump school and get it in your contract. You'll get to go skydiving for free. And apply for OCS as soon as possible.

I'm sorry but half the dorks in technical jobs can't complete infantry school, I guarantee you. The technical jobs aren't even that mentally challenging either, a lot of the people are just 18 year olds with no college degree.

If you go in learn a skill that plays in the real world. Their schools are excellent.

Army is the best branch the have everything from armor to SF it's just a better and more versatile branch

Was 0300 USMC back in 09-13
Worked with all branches of the military,even foreign militaries during my tour.
The whole Marines being bigger netter bad asses then everyone else is overblown.

Is a 0300 better then 11b? Idk, maybe. If it is it isnt by much. That's not what makes the Marine Corps a better fighting force. What makes the USMC so great is the you're surrounded by other marines. Logistics, to fire support, and everything in between. It's how battle ready the entirety of the USMC is that makes the USMC great.

The army has had issues with jobs like logistics coming under fire and having a lot of difficulty. When insurgents ambushed our trucks our trucks fought back. The didn't attack ours anymore, they specifically targeted the Army.

USMC does not do 2 year contracts though, or least they didn't when I enlisted.