The earth is flat

The earth is flat.

convince me otherwise,,
protip; u cant.

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How does gravity work on a flat earth?

Why the hell should I bother trying when you outright said you're not going to be persuaded?

non stop 12 hour flight from sydney to santiago

on a flat earth that flight would take 40-50 hours

gravity doesn't exist, prove him otherwise

protip; u can't

Where's the giant space turtle and elephants?

how can planes fly if there was gravity?

Luna eclipse

You live with your parents
and are attracted to children
you probably aren't employed
and your skin is white

prove me wrong:
protip u can't

And I suppose global warming is man made.


Nope, I accept that you are a dumbass. There is no convincing dumbasses in my playbook.

I'm black actually

Black people don't know how to operate computers and you expect me to take your word for it? lel nigger

thats like admitting to being a faggot and a cripple, dont say that stuff on the internet

if the earth was flat, pancakes would be spherical

explain then mid summer nights and the exact opposite during winter.
What is exactly on the other side of "coin earth"?
And why i can't see high structures when i should see them on flat earth?


Can't be flat because of electricity

australia.. & antartica
focuspoint of the human eyes dont reach that far


because electrons are round

Why can't I see tall structures with a telescope then?

The earth is flat, but that model OP posted is incorrect

The sun and moon travel around earth in the fashion that a line in a bullseye circles the face

What about all the proof of other planets and satellites that are simply impossible in a flat earth existence?

For starters, let Carl show you how even people hundreds of years ago were smarter than you, a person with access to all mankind's discoveries.

Also consider this, there are millions of people that take hobby on looking through telescopes. Ever heard of a telescope? It's like the microscope you use to see your dick and your brain but for big objects far away. Everywhere from hobbyist to professional, somebody would notice if things weren't how they said.


The US government has been to other planets.

Look into Planet Serpo and the Majestic 12 mission.

Also, here's a fun document to chew on:

This is an official declassified document where they had a psychic use a technique called Remote Viewing to see some history of Mars.

Also not to mention the Nazi bases on the dark side of the moon, don't have a link for it but you can google it. China and Russia saw that shit and said fuck ever going back up there.

Of course I can't... Because you're an iditot



Then why does everything I drop falls to earth?

eclipses. Other planets. Why are they all spherical obloids, but we're flat?

That's not flat, it has depth, a flat earth would be 2 dimensional since we have 3 dimensions the earth cannot be flat

seems legit

Explain telescopes

It was a more central hit on the disc, that didn't happen. Also the flat disc has tremendous mass compared to an pin prick asteroid


Every other planet / star we observe is round

> the earth is the only one that's flat

Makes sense if you're retarded



Explain why I can't see Hawaii or the Rockies with a telescope in California if the earth is like you claim. Flat earth is as real as the DA RUSSHUNS hacking the election

Notice that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east in OP's pic. That's just as dumb as the flatness.


>gravity doesn't exist
>wight keeps things on the surface
>weight is the force of gravity acting on an object

You see the hole in your logic, right?

If that were true then how can we bury underground?

The discworld is thorougly described many times. You are missing the four giant elephants that hold up the disc, and the giant turtle that holds them up while flying in space. This is part of Terry Pratchett's brilliant and very funny fiction series.

I want whatever Abraham was smoking when thought of this.

Niggers. Why do they nigger?

You know wifi, but can't see it.
OR show tits

>protip; u cant.

but that's simply because you're scientifically illiterate, and struggle to comprehend the scope of scale of the world, and therefore latch onto absurd notions disconnected to reality.

So no, we cant convince you otherwise. we might as well play chess with pigeons.

Nothing more to see here, you can all go home.


It's round around the edge.
Source: Look at your pic.

>he still thinks dinosaurs are real
>implying it's not just a scam for scientists to make loads of money selling big fake plaster bones

we all know the jews are just warping the image

Do you know why you can't see a person farther than 5 kilometers?

Because they disappear behind the curvature of the earth. If that wasn't in the way you'd be able to spot a person up to 10 kilometers away.

>not turning this into spiderman thread
I'm disappointed in you Sup Forums

because you cannot afford that type of telescope

You don't exist. Prove me otherwise.


i think satellites are the biggest give away.
the difference between two dishes in two cities receiving a signal from the same satellite can be triangulated to calculate how high the satellite is.
Optus C1 satellite feed Foxtel to Perth and Sydney the difference in dish direction (compass) and height (vertical angle) in both cities can be used to triangulate the distance of the satellited from the earth surface which is 35,800 km ... so flat earthers , how does it stay up there

Conservation of energy. It would take force of some kind to hold objects in the air. When an object isn't supported or held there is no energy to keep it in place, and thus it falls to the ground.


There is a reason these retards believe in the Flat-earth, or other stupid shit like that. (I'm looking at you, organized religion)
There is NO convincing these people. they are mule-headed lost causes or just plain trolls.
I refuse to believe anyone with the mental skill to pay internet bills, turn on a computer, navigate to a website, and write legibly would believe in the flat-earth theory.


>realized I typed wight

GTFO, B.O.B. I though Neil explained this shit to you already.

magellan and many others say hi

im a pilot and this shit is just hilarious

>Ever heard of a telescope? It's like the microscope you use to see your dick and your brain


some flat earthers say there is a dome which is 3000 miles at the point above the north pole , so the satellite is far outside the dome , remembering it can also received thousands of kilometres into open ocean , nowhere near a land based antennae

Here is the thing, you act all high and mighty but how many degrees of separation away are you from someone who has verified anything put out by mainstream science in the last several decades? While the *process* of science is sound, the average scientifically minded person is so far away from the actual scientists that any proposing of science is basically faith and/or an appeal to authority.

Science has seen by commoners (yes, us) is effectively a faith. A faith based on the principles of science, but with no real evidence.

And before someone is like "muh peer-reviewed studies" look at reproducibility of those studies and get back to me.

> he thinks basic physics is dumb

That just seems like way too much horse shit to wade through for an explanation tho

Yeah, sure. And when we travel to the edge of the world, we fall into the void. Retard xD


no its pretty simple actually , you just have to actually use your brain , did you do primary school maths?


>OP believes Earth is flat
> posts image to prove
> image shows Earth is flat, but the sun and moon are a sphere

If the Earth was flat and the Sun hovered above it and moved in a great circle around the N pole, you would see a difference from reality in motion most marked at times of rise and set. Place yourself on the equator during the equinox. At rise, the Sun would appear somehow and from north of the equator (left), with slow movement towards you (foreshortened) and southward (right, as it follows its circular path). Its horizontal motion diminshes over the course of the morning as its direction loses an X-component. As it reaches overhead (Noon) it would be moving most quickly and almost straight east-west. After Noon it would appear to slow down and begin its drift right (north), and farther along it loses the vertical movement (yet never set) while gaining the drift to the right and magically disappearing.

That of course, is not what we see at the equator at an equinox. The Sun rises due east, transits straight up, and sets due west all at a constant angular speed all along its path, which is apparently straight up, over, and down, because in this geometry you (not a distant pole) are at the center of a circle it appears to trace.


honestly OP stop trying to convince people the earth is flat, it doesnt work. you cant wake people up to something like this. imagine if you were sleeping and someone comes up to you and starts yelling in your ear to wake up, theyll just get pissed and try going to sleep again. you have to let them open their eyes themselves. some people will never wake up until the media shows them the truth.

I'm sorry but all these pictures are wrong. Everyone know that the world is supported on the backs of four elephants that are riding on top of a giant turtle. Look Here's the picture. Totally legit.


there's nothing wrong with being convinced the earth is flat.
you can spend all your life in some sandnigger country, doing small measures, without noticing.
in fact, this worked pretty well for centuries.
it's just that understanding the earth is a sphere is more accurate


i wonder how many shills are in this thread

it would've been nice if you'd ever learnt some basic physics, yes.

Instead of whatever pidgin cargo cult interpretation of basic physics your insane ideas of "conservation of energy" meaning that objects would "fall to the ground"

If that were the case, why wouldn't it fall sideways? Or fall upwards? In a spiral?
or more accurately, why doesn't it float, because after all, Newton's first law states: an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

So I hold the object stationary, I let go, and it should stay there. stationary.

But it doesn't, does it?
it falls downwards, at 9.8ms/s. Due to an external force: gravitational constant.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves. Gravity's only been recognised as one of the constants by Newtonian Physics for the last 350 years. The flat earthers are unable to agree on far simpler things.

Like the distance to the sun - something which has been known for about 2000 years.
flat earthers cant provide an accurate map of the world, or explain distances in the southern hemisphere.
Flat earthers cant explain why things disappear over the horizon, which has been known for, oh, about 10,000 years.

Flat earthers cant explain basic astronomy or geography, without it being a "conspiracy".
your utter scientific illiteracy when it comes to gravity isn't even one of the major points your ideas are laughable at.

No one can convince a retard.

I agree with you that there might be scientific research that can HARDLY ever be verified by the normal of the world, and I myself have never verified with my own eyes: (Except for a few trans-Pacific and Atlantic flights and working in NA border defenses which would mean the Russians HAVE to be north AND to the east(and west)).
But in this day and age, it's relatively easy to get ANYTHING in orbit or at east into the stratosphere-thermosphere. Why have these flat-earth theorist not collaborated any research or any type of physical evidence? You could get an over global view with ONLY 10-15 weather balloons and cameras,probably even less. Or just TRY to get the edge on camera with ONE. It's not something that is financially unavailable to ANYONE.

Bottom line it would be SO easy to prove, yet no one does it. Why?

Flat-Earth posts could be made by:
1) Joker Sup Forumstards trolling,
2) Someone devoutly reading and taking a literal translation of the Bible,
3) Someone genuinely functionally idiotic and/or delusionally paranoid,
4) Probers testing for responses with calm intelligence, patience, and refutation of the nonsense with irrefutable knowledge and clarity of thought.

outer space doesnt exist. planets dont exist. satellites dont exist.

5) Someone who knows the truth

Stfu your a neckbeard

The farther you go from the equator, the farther the known constellations go towards the horizon, and are replaced by different stars. This would not have happened if the world was flat


Falls into Categories 2 or 3. I suspect you're 1 though, unless you have some sensible argument.

If the earth was flat, you wouldn't have different times of day on earth.

It would either be day for everyone or night for everyone.

And if you're not a pleb and have traveled the world, you would know this is not true.

Alright I'll ask the questions that every flat earther either ignores or can't answer...

How do we have seasons then? Longer days of summer/shorter in winter...does the sun just decide to move all on it's own?

Why? Why would they tell us it's round? There has to be some kind of financial/political/social gain from lying to the public...which there isn't, cause they don't...

How can every man/woman that has been to space lie? (And maintain that lie) with whistleblowers like assange and snowden around somebody would have said something by now..

nah m8 5) if you believe the earth is moving then you dont trust your senses

OP is a faggot

convince me otherwise
protip; u cant

Somebody's been watching It's Always Sunny.

The common consensus is that the earth is a sphere, YOU are claiming otherwise...therefore burden of proof falls on you.

See... you're not actually providing anything to support your position. You're attempt to denigrate simply means you don't have anything that can pass muster. That's troll behavior.