Where does Sup Forums meet women?

Where does Sup Forums meet women?

Got dumped by gf a few weeks ago. I've been doing the online thing but that shit is the WORST. Literally maybe 4 women out of twenty will message me back.

Any tips?

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Who is that

Those are good odds, I suggest you stick to online dating.

Phoenix Marie, but why would that picture of her dirty, dry and crusty butthole make you want to find more of her?

same here, OP.

Thing is, even the few girl i've talked to online aren't willing to ging out etc...they go on these site for the fun and if you ask them out, most of the few that answered you will vanish or simply not answer anymore.

Just be single for a bit and relax. Focus on yourself and your own goals. There is always someone who will fall into your life when you're not expecting it. It's up to you to decide where you go from there.

>Go to a bar Friday/Saturday night
>Sit at the bar ALONE (important)
>Start chatting to bar staff, just boring shit 'whats it like to work here' blah blah
>Keep an eye on groups of women coming in
>Smile and glance when they come to the bar 1 by 1
>When you feel brave enough start a SHORT conversation with one, 'having a good night?'
>Let them answer then leave it at that, smile at them, laugh if they tell a joke.
>Ergo you come across as a not threatening person, confident enough to sit alone and start conversations. If it's going to happen they'll come back to you and invite you over, or home with them. Works for me
Also don't be an ugly cunt

Online dating is the worst!
About a few weeks in and you can notice why the girl is single....they are psychotic man-hating fema-nazis and social justice warriors.

But they have cravings for dick...just not as often as we do for pussy!
My advice would be :
>be selfish. Fuck everyone else, do what you've gotta do to be happy
>don't develop feelings, women can tell when you have....then they'll use it to their advantage
>stop thinking the only way for happiness is with a girlfriend
>when I'm single is when I'm most happy. I am in control of my happiness, not worrying if the movie that I rent for example...will the girlfriend like it? Fuck that!!!
>be proud to be a man !
>women need us far more than we need them....never forget it!
>just let things harm naturally, pumping up your lifestyle on the internet only makes you look like a bitch!



Damn ddue

Nice replicating numbers user


Just talk to a lot of women at bars and shit, you'll get rejected and work out what works and what doesn't. The more you talk to the more you fuck. Alternatively get coke and the fiends will be all over you.

These aren't the 5s we deserve. These are the 5s we need. Based user deals in truth

In general, different bars have different age demographics. Don't expect a group of 21-26 yr old girls to walk into a bar that's 80% middle-aged.

>If decent looking, the gay best friend is the best way to get in. Chat up casually and explain that you're just looking for people to hang out with for the night. Introduce yourself to the women and alpha the fuck up.

I dunno, going to a bar alone and talking to random women doesn't seem like a good play

Thanks.....I think lol

Look, I'm 37 and have some experience in this department...AMA

Go out to a bar on a Thursday night....here Thursdays are ladies night...lots of girls hungry for cock

31 respectively. But what you say is the truth. So many people get caught in the "I need a girlfriend and then a wife and then kids" that if they are off that track they think of themselves as broken or behind the curve. Do whatever the fuck makes you happy. I am miserable, however I don't fool myself into thinking that another person who maybe just as messed up as me could fix that.

33 here
>just broke up with my step-sister (parents married 2 years ago)
>never set a full 'relationship status' due to... duh..
>she starts seeing another guy because i didn't commit

>>Also don't be an ugly cunt



See.....my pony exactly

Don't develop feelings

You should've known that that wouldn't last....just enjoy those moments as they are happening.

Church. I guess it's not really an option for you if you're an atheist, but everyone in a church will try to set you up all the time, it's kind of crazy.

I just keep reminding myself that I signed up for it and that it's a small glitch in time.
It's completely normal to become emotionally attached to someone when they invest in your sorry ass too.

lol ye my nan was like that
dam sometimes i wish she was sill here

>my pony exactly

I'm sorry user. I miss mine too.

I met my gf on okcupid and we've dated for 2 years now. Some tips I'd give you are

1. Open with something you read on their profile asking them about it or something relevant. People like to know that you messaged them based on what they wrote.

2. Practice your conversational skills. Most people want to talk a bit before going on dates so being intersting helps a lot.

3. Don't be self-deprecating. It doesn't translate well in text and makes you look like an insecure looser.

4. Take good pictures and try and include friends in them. This shows that you're not a loner without friends and even subconsciously makes you more likeable because if someone can be friends with you, then you must not be that bad.

5. You're not going to have a great success rate, but don't get discouraged after a week. I went on 6 or 7 dates which didn't work out, but eventually you will meet someone that clicks with you.

6. Don't be autistic.

. Don't be autistic.

that bud is the general problem with a lot of people who peruse this place
some of us lack the talky skills of others (or as i call it "the ability to talk the bulshit" that chad talks to get pussy)

Ok so if you're full on autistic there might be no hope for you, but if you're slightly autistic then you can work around that.

Get really good at something. Nothing shows value to people like someone who is good or skilled at something. Music, sports, non-autistic hobbies (NO TRAINS, NO COLLECTING DOLLS, NO WEIRD SHIT)

You should also get fucking ripped because guys who are really fucking muscular can get dates without even saying a word.

>Being alone
>A good play

There's a reason jobs ask for references

lol i'm good at quite a few things just fat as fuck