Do you believe in life after death?

Do you believe in life after death?

Explain your beliefs ITT:

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I don't even believe in life before death.

Yeah, your body is full of nutrients, when you die your body is eaten by micro-organisms, and they turn you into plant food, and the plant grows healthy, and it provides food for other life, so yeah, it's a life cycle.

Underrated opinion.

Did you just finish watching The Lion King?

no, it's not proven.

I think the energy that makes up your self is redispersed to the universe effectively making you a part of the universe as a whole. There is no consciousness of this but a small part of what you once were will be integrated into future things both living and inanimate.

doesn't work. that is defined as new life

Blind people who were born that way experienced NDE (near death experience) were able to see and describe what they saw in the operating room.

No, but I was singing that Circle of Life song while I was explaining


I wear a fedora so I don't believe in life after death.

What utter bollocks.

>telling lies on the internet

Never gets old.

Your question is vague as shit though, so it's still a valid answer. There is life after death, just not your own life.

Real scientific proven documentaries, but they can be lie too, you're right, user.

If the visual cortex in still functioning and they do psychedelics they'll experience visuals

>"real scientific proven documentaries"
>can't name even one

No because there is absolutely nothing to suggest such a thing exist and the absurdity of the universe makes it so that something perfect like a creator or afterlife is virtually impossible(theist fuck off). An afterlife seems inhuman because humans are completely subject and controlled by there environment and it wouldn't seem like life if we were separated from that.

Usually dead people get put in boxes to prevent this natural process from ever happening, so unless you go die in a hole somewhere no one will find you, you'll never get to be worms and bugs and shyt

No because if their is, then most animals and insects would go to heaven because of "muh instinct" and that's just foolish

I think it's most likely that people can be reborn as another entity, maybe born again as another intelligent being elsewhere in the universe. Or maybe as another person very similar to how they used to be in a previous generation.

In any case, the fact that we could be birthed into existence at least once. May suggest the possibility that it could happen again.

pre-life = death

nigga u serious?

Meh, believe what I do or don't it's irrelevant, as I said your conciousness isn't passed so neither you nor I will have any proof either way. And I did mean literal energy as in nerve and synapses.

are you scared to look it up yourself?

Yeah, human's are fucking freaks of nature. We ruin the planet for the rest of the mammals while we shamefully hide our anuses in pants. I'd rather be tree food.

Ah the old "I have no idea what I'm talking about but YOU should" defense. Classic retard.

I go with that
People are just afraid to die so they make up shit like haven

Maybe, but there is literally nothing scientific that can substantiate this argument.

As far as I can tell, when those synapses stop firing, you're existence has ended.
We've tested many ways of finding the soul. There isn't any kind of ki blast from dragon ball z that happens when your brain shuts off.

not even the user you responded to in the first place. i was joking, user ... no need to be angry

That first sentence went full autismo but it's true


[citation needed]

I don't know


explain: i'm not retarded

Lol. You sound 12.

user pls stop you're hurting others feelies

>the fact that we could be birthed into existence at least once. May suggest the possibility that it could happen again.

No it doesn't.

You presented the argument, therefore the burden of proof lies on you.

that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up

Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him

little bitch

I dont believe in life

checkmate athiests

>In any case, the fact that we could be birthed into existence at least once. May suggest the possibility that it could happen again.
Here is my opinion:

You don't exist. You don't have a soul. You're just a product of millions of years of evolution and dna code. You conscience, instincts, personality and concept of reality all stems from your brain, and when your brain dies, so will you.
If you succeeded in life then you might have passed down your genes and continued the endless cycle. We're all just biological mass, there are no spirits or deeper meaning to life.

No, but non-existence is impossible to comprehend, so there is really nothing to explain beyond when you die, your consciousness ceases and your body eventually decomposes.

Sorry. But your contention that birth equals the possibility for rebirth doesn't make logical sense. An event happening once makes no statement an that events chance of happening again.



If any of you fucks can sit through this I'd be surprised. This guy has the fabric of reality down pretty well. Look to Buddhism for true good/evil.

Now that's an legitimate argument. keep it up user. no need to be sorry tho, everyone has his own believes

Nah. This whole world exists in my mind.
When I die, all life ceases to exist.
Therefore, life after death is not possible.

Death will be a dream, in my dream it will be hentai

This guy's a proper wanker but this video is interesting.

What is the DMT world if not an illusion?

Saw the undulating snake on LSD. Very strange.

Humans mimic and adapt to our environment. Our intelligence is incapable of creating a truly original thought, only mixed thoughts based on memory and experience. A computer is a sort of simulation of our own brains. If a computer can be smashed to pieces and then rebuilt to work again, then so can you. Something out there will rebuild you when you die

you and i are one in the same and death is an illusion

Cool idea and fancy words user (no hate)