Ask someone who uses a Zune everyday anything

What's it like living with high-functioning autism?

For what purpose?

it's a struggle, but i feel like i still have a chance to succeed

On average about how many times a day do you mention you have a Zune?

i like the tactile controls for use when i'm driving. i can also rate songs without having to look at the screen.

i only discuss it on Sup Forums. i wouldn't dare tell anyone i know in real life. though i do display it in public when at airports.

I want to use a mp3 player but I have so many cds I would have to import. I just use spotify.

have you heard of deezloard. if not, look it up.

Thank you. I will check it out.

I have a Zune as well and I fucking love it. Also, if your not a autism, it works well as a conversation piece.

how do your zune convos usually go?

Are you still living through the trauma of the Zune getting it's ass kicked by the iPod?

Well, i'm an extroverted introvert. Sociable but not clingy

i never owned an ipod, so i wouldn't know. (i don't think ipods are even produced anymore)

If Microsoft could have releaswd the Zune in the 90s when 70s retro chic(because of the design) was going on then they could have killed any chance of Apple every being revitalized or severely crippled it.

mind squirting me some tunes, pal?

Wheres my Zune HD. I lost it in November of last year and I'd like to have it back.

I had a Zune. Got it as soon as it came out, the first gen.
Some nigger stole it out of my backpack when I was in high school.

i have two questions

do you use a zune everyday?

can i ask you anything?

>rating songs

If it's not a 5/5 then why waste space having it on your device?

Microsoft also axed their eReader project in '99 and then Kindles happened

i download songs a hundred songs i've never heard before each week and rate them in my car while driving

gotta find new music!

i used to have an 8gb zune, the thin red one, left it in my car the one night it got broken into, real shame, miss that thing, i finally ditched the zune software 4 years after that happened tho and never looked back

How can you still use that shitty software? That was the one thing that made me stop using my Zune.

it's all drag and drop... not sure what you found difficult about it?

Mostly tag management. It regularly ignores the information on files and just places things under "Unknown artist/album". It'll also mix up album and song artists often. That's not easy to fix within the program. And since I can only use my device with the Zune software, I'm kind of discouraged from using it.

That's a valid point. I think it requires both the "Album Artist" and "Artist" tags to both be present and the same to work well.