Earth is flat

Earth is flat

Your gf is flat

Your mother is a sphere tho

ok user why are all other celestial bodies in the galaxy spheres??? the moon??? it being the easiest, most common & natural form for matter to take shape of??? ie: water droplets, your own eyes, etc

I hear there are flat-earthers in every nation all over the globe...

I wish your birth was a hoax

Careful you don't fall off the edge

Why do you think we haven't found life on other planets. Round planets are in freefall and don't support life.

> implying I have gf


>image of flat table is curved
>what is a fisheye lens?

Not understanding perspective

Then display a scientific model of the flat earth so we can agree

gr8 b9 m0

whether you are trolling or serious just please...

Thank you, I try to add to the atmosphere


I cant tell if people are actually serious about the earth being flat or not. You do know that earth is a planet in space and therefore is is spherical and basically a giant BALL in space, thinking its flat is straight fucking retarded.

if you look on youtube, there is one. it's the most ridiculous thing ever. the sun goes around the flat earth up per day and up and down to represent the season.

i've noticed this ongoing attempt to debase science in general. whether its flat earth, referencing "scientific articles" from journals that are complete shit to back up some absurd claim, etc.

i thought at one time it was just people trolling but now i really think there is a big push by various organizations to discredit science as a whole to promote their own agenda.


I always ask because if you want to disprove the flat earth, you absolutely HAVE to use proofs that anyone can do, if you try to use emprical evidence from a scientist it will be disregarded.

There's a few ways to do it, but it changes depending on which model the flat earther wants to use.

>buy gyroscope
>put gyroscope into car
>turn on gyroscope
>drive quite far
>if the angle at the end is the same as it was in the beginning, earth is flat
>if the angle has changed, earth is round

but if the earth is flat thers a long amount of time where the earth gets no sunlight since the bottom faces the sun (and no if the flat earth turns people fall off into space dumbo)

Nope. But #pizzagate

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


gr8 b8, we got em, thread dismissed


> Implying gyroscopes measure angle and not distance from starting point

yep, with so much ignorance, religion and violence going on, americans are rapidly becoming the new muslims of the world

Doesn't that make a number of suppositions about what gyroscopes are? How do you know that the established "science" of gyroscopes is what they say it is?

This is dead on. It started with the now-defunct gawker and is continuing with Vox, Motherboard, etc.

They want to debase science, but also laugh at the idiots doing so


I thought 'flat earth' was just a meme

gyroscopes dont measure anything.

The point is that if you have e.g. a fast spinning wheel, it is very hard to turn it perpendicular to its rotation axis. Thats why bicycles dont fall to the side when driving.

So if you have a gyroscope, which is nothing else but a fast spinning wheel, and you drive along the curvature of the earth, the wheel will remain in the angle it was in the first place, while you and the car rotate along with the cuvature of the earth.

Of course you could just ignore all this and keep believing your stuff, even though you seemingly got no idea about basic physics. But then keep it to yourself.

>walk 10km
>turn 90 degrees clockwise
>walk 10km
>turn 90 degrees clockwise
>walk 10km
>turn 90 degrees clockwise
>walk 10 km
>if Earth is flat you will end up exactly where you started
>if Earth is round you will be a measurable distance away (few feet apparently)

*SPOILERS* You end up a few feet away. I implore you to try it.


>Round planets are in freefall and don't support life.
That's some pure KEK. Like, at least 75%.

6,618 km
Distance from Canada to Europe
12,351 km
Distance from North Africa to Mexico

If Earth flat, explain

What if the car stops on an incline different from where it started?

Different distances, yo
Try again

Well if you dont trust what you are told in science class about how spinning wheels work, then you might aswell ignore all that and try it for yourself.

You have a bike? Take off one wheel, put a stick or something through the middle, somehow make the wheel rotate and then try to rotate the spinning wheel perpendicular to the stick/rotation axis.

By doing that you will achieve two things:
1. You will see that flipping a spinning wheel is way harder than a wheel that does not rotate
2. You will have performed an experiment after the basic priciples of science, which you didnt believe in at the beginning.

Moon - round
Sun - round
Stars - round
Other planets - round
But Earth is fucking flying frisbee

Yeah user...

why dont you just go to the edge and take some pics? then ill agree with you flat fucks

Exactly, because the spherical nature of the Earth makes the distance towards the equator longer.

If the Earth was flat, it would be a straight line and it would be the same distance.

Stop being a fucking troll.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gf, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your little miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you could have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Cos there is that Insurmountable icewall which we call the south pole. If you try to disprove them with reason and logic, they either stop believing in whatever scientific principle you are telling them or just simply make up some bullshit.


It is a straight line. But one line is longer. Duh.

Trolls and rednecks. Thats why

As a former Astronaut, I can verify that the Earth is in fact round!
Also, there is no hole in the poles that lead to the hollow Earth.

Go back to /x/ with this blatantly ignorant hypothesis OP

Yes, all five countries. (there are only 5 real countries: Nebraska, Mexico, Texas, Arab nation, Canada

A frisbee is round.

But there is a hole in Poland that leads to cheap Vodka.



Why can't i see Japan from here if the earth is flat? Explain pls, i'm having so much confusion now...

>flat earther
>has gf
come on user really


Trolls and niggers, I've never met a hick who believed in a flat earth.


You're doing it wrong. Asteroids are also flat. It changes everything.

People in this thread are joking to make people like you say what you said. There are some people out there that legitimately believe the earth is flat, or we live on the inside of it, and several other really stupid things.

Implying the moon isn't 2D and thus isn't a sphere. Notice how you
Can only see it in 2D form? That's because it's a projection and has no volume

Boom. OP here, I know the Earth is round but I like trolling people. Also it's easy to say some very clever things that are VERY wrong (like for example answers to that portal image) so I like to challenge people on what they know.

>The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.

Flat as your fucking encephalogram


Find me one actual picture of the north pole



N. Tyson said the Earth is NOT a spehere...he claims the Earth is a mishapen pear like shape.

he claims the next day on JRE that the earth IS Round

which is it?


>Anything but the token black scientist guy

now all of the sudden NDT isnt a credible source for scientific shit? he was Obamas advisor and the golden child of science for years

now what happened?

Round doesnt mean its a perfect sphere. it was if it wasnt rotating.

it's gravitational field affects the fucking tides and rotation of the earth. i know it's bait, but can't help pwning some bitches today.

so youre saying Science going from

The Earth is a Sphere to Round and now A Misshapen Pear-like shape is totally fine, but people believing its flat are retards?

i personally dont believe the earth is flat but these flat earthers do have a point

So how do you explain the day/night cycle being opposite on the other end of the planet?

He was never credible, neither was Bill Nye.

NDT wasn't even aware of the fact that there exists sexual reproduction which is painful

well, its like saying ice is perfectly flat just because it is very slippery.

If youd look at earth from space, it would look perfectly round, yet the rotation gives it a slightly oval form. That does in no way mean it is flat or is somehow extremely deformed. Thats what NDT was talking about.

The earf is banana shaped.

The Earth is round, but it's hollow with NWO lizardmen controlling us from within.

wooo! i live in a real country! cuckanada!


To get from Northern Canada to Russia, your trip brings by heading North.

Explain how that works.



U srs

True flatness doesn't exist. They are simply short segments of a curved surface.

Oblate spheroid is fairly hard for most people to grasp.

As long as people understand its "round like a ball" and not round like a circle or cylinder who gives a fuck.

Actually it looks more like a flat comma than a flat period.

We need 10 brave men to go and see what is on the other side.

>implying this neckbeard fedora-wearing 300 pound ham planet flat earth believing cuck could ever have a gf

i jizzed myself from that roast

It's the dark mirror image Earth where Hillary won.

Because he is a physicist and not a biologist.

If the earth was flat, our coordinate system would not work. Bad b8 annon.

>Bad b8

Well, you still bit.
