ITT: If you get dubs, you must post a pic of your ass and other anons rate

ITT: If you get dubs, you must post a pic of your ass and other anons rate.

Timestamp if possible. Easy mode: just your bare ass. Hard mode: sharpie in pooper.

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Fucking overkill

Nice one my friend

Fcking pents

But what if I don't care how my ass looks

you guys like me?


if thats really you id say 7/10 for me. im into slimer grills

how slim?

See that silver can on the shelf behind you. Lube the fuck up and push that as hard as you can into your cunt.

something lil less like this
(random pic from Sup Forums)

Sorry no my pussy is too tight

wow, no sorry, i can't keep up with that

but you look realy good regardless just not really my type u know
also looking at the pics from the sides maybe 8/10

oh thank you :)
want my mail?

OP do you have more? that ass is amazing

Hell, I'll post my own ass with the time stamp drawn on it.

im not op but
here you go

nah am cool
*throws cape around shoulder*






well shit.

you lack timestamps

mh not really, im often enough on Sup Forums that i know doing timestamps is one of the stupidest thing, if anyone want to get in touch with me .. xhamster, free porn chat site, im verified there.


