A grandfather and his grandchildren, you mad libtards? Turns out he's not Hitler

A grandfather and his grandchildren, you mad libtards? Turns out he's not Hitler.

>he's not Hitler
yes I'm mad

this, we need to rid the country of the jews ffs

well he cant be Hitler cause he has no fag stache

I wonder how much he paid them to take that picture

Just a small allowance of a million dollars.

hmmm i have some boots that look just like those on that kid.

he probably just met those kids moments before that pic was taken

Probably just as much as Obama paid not to have pictures of his daughter taken smoking pot in her natural habitat.

u mad rightwing-braindeadtard?

A little bit. Wish he was mein fuhrer.

Who cares about smoking pot? Is that worse than a president who calls Papa Putin every few hours?

Liberals are brain dead Soro's zombies

>Alt Right logic

Nothing, but when the daughter of a President does it, it looks like bad parenting which is common for niggers. And there's no Russian connection to Trump, try again.

how someone is dumb enough to think he's hitler?
>married a commie
>has great relations with commies
>daughter married a jew

Closest thing we've got.

Replace Jews with Muslims and it all becomes clear.

I think you'd perform all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify your dear leader's sketchy past.

>And there's no Russian connection to Trump, try again.
just because you say it doesnt make it true

"No Russian connection..." because Trump said so. He's a fucking liar.

Everybody who is not Hitler is a good person. You heard it here first boys.
